I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 209 206. Tom's Diary

Xiaobu has been transformed into a human form. After she followed Lynn out, she automatically regarded Lynn as a "mountain" and turned into a hamster lying on his shoulders and followed him around Diagon Alley.

After Lynn and Hermione bought the parchment and ink they needed, they saw Harry and Ron teasing a book Percy was reading in a thrift shop opposite, causing Percy to snort and stare at them. at a glance.

On the streets of Diagon Alley, they meet again.

"Percy has always had great ambitions." Ron tipped them off secretly. "He wants to be Minister of Magic in the future."

Meanwhile they are in a magic joke shop and run into the Weasley twins and their friend Lee Jordan, who are shopping for some prank fireworks in bulk.

After wandering around Diagon Alley for an hour, they set off towards the Lisbon Bookstore, ready to meet Mrs. Weasley and the others.

There were many people outside the Lihen Bookstore. They were about to line up to enter. There was a big banner outside that read:

Gilderoy Lockhart's autobiography "I Can Magic" is for sale today, 12:30-4:30 pm.

Hermione grabbed Lynn's arm a little excitedly: "I can see him for the first time! Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts book list is full of his books, we can ask him in person later, Is he going to be a professor at Hogwarts this term?"

"It's not a good thing to be a professor, especially a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Lynn muttered softly, and then they went to the back of the line together. The Weasleys and Grangers were also here. .

Most of the crowd seemed to be witches of Mrs. Weasley's age. They held up various autobiographies written by Lockhart in their hands and kept looking at the bookstore. There was also a bookstore clerk outside with a tired face. maintain order in the crowd.

Mrs. Weasley looked nervous, and everyone could see that she was breathing rapidly.

"We'll see him soon."

Harry and Ron curled their lips, not paying attention to Mrs. Weasley's excitement. Hermione was chatting with Mrs. Weasley about the contents of Lockhart's autobiography. Mr. Weasley seemed to be in a bar just now. The Grangers didn't have a good chat, and they kept asking them about the difference between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine.

While Lynn didn't pay attention to the bookstore, he stood at the end of the line and looked around the streets of Diagon Alley, and soon he found the target he was looking for.

It was Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco Malfoy.

They had just walked into a cauldron shop not far from the Lichen Bookstore, as if they were about to buy a new cauldron for little Malfoy.

Apparently their next stop is the Lichen Bookstore, and they must come here to buy Hogwarts textbooks this year.

A faint smile appeared on Lynn's face.

The long queue always ends one day, and there are fewer and fewer people in front of Lynn and the others, and they can finally see Lockhart from a distance.

Surrounded by his posters, every Lockhart winks and smiles at the crowd, while Lockhart himself is sitting at a table heading to book autographs for his fans.

It's just that if someone who is familiar with Lockhart observes carefully, they can find that there is something wrong with Lockhart today.

His smile was far less greasy than the one on the poster. Instead, it seemed a little wretched. Although he was still very young, his back was never straight, always slightly curved.

However, Lockhart rarely has too much contact with people. Most people know him from his books. There are so many fanatical fans here, but none of them can see that there is something wrong with Lockhart.

"It's amazing."

A reporter who was taking pictures of Lockhart stepped on Ron's foot, causing him to complain.

Lockhart, who was in front, heard the movement here, and he looked up.

Ignoring the others, he first glanced at Lynn vaguely, then turned his eyes to Harry Potter, and immediately jumped out of the chair in surprise.

"Isn't this Harry Potter?"

Lockhart pulled Harry to his side and asked a reporter from the Daily Prophet to take a group photo of them. It was obvious that Harry looked very uncomfortable under the attention of so many people.

Just when Lockhart took Harry's shoulders and announced that he would be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts this year, Hermione looked at Lockhart suspiciously, then turned to look at Lynn. .

Lynn blinked at her: "what's the matter?"

"Have you met Lockhart before?"

"Of course not." Lynn denied it very naturally. "If I knew him, how could I not tell you?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes."

Seeing that Hermione seemed to have no doubts, Lynn breathed a sigh of relief.

This little girl is really too alert, no wonder she can take over the mess of the British Ministry of Magic in the future, just because of this carefulness, ordinary people can't compare.

Of course, I also blame this "Lockhart" for not paying attention. What is he doing when he has nothing to do?

Lockhart and Harry over there had finished taking the last set of pictures and gave him a set of their own books before letting Harry go.

The flash had just caught Harry's eyes, making him dizzy. Back at the Weasleys, he poured all the books Lockhart had given him into Ginny's new cauldron.

"These are for you, I'll buy them myself," he said vaguely.

"You must like it, Potter."

At this time, the Malfoys also entered the bookstore, Draco began to quarrel with Harry, and Lucius began to mock Arthur.



Soon their conflict escalated, and Arthur and Lucius fought directly in the bookstore!

George and Fried cheered on their father by the side, while Lynn looked at them speechlessly.

"Hey hey hey, why don't you guys help your dad rush up and beat him at this time? Will Mr. Weasley blow Malfoy's head off with a punch?"

At this time, the twins came to their senses and rushed in to join the battle.

Ron and Harry tried to follow, but Lynn stopped them.

"Look at Draco, you can't participate in this kind of adult fight."

Compared with the Malfoys, the Weasleys have no money and no power. The biggest advantage is that they have more people, and now is the time to make the most of this advantage.

After George and Freed joined the fray, the situation became completely one-sided.

The Weasley twins grabbed Lucius's arms by themselves, and Arthur grabbed his hair with one hand and punched him hard in the face.

Then, before Arthur made the second wave, a pair of big hands hugged his waist and separated him from Lucius.

"This is a public place, pay attention to the influence gentlemen." Hagrid said after separating the two of them.

Arthur didn't suffer much, he just got punched to the lips by Lucius before George and Fried came to help, and the skin was broken there.

And Lucius looked very embarrassed. Arthur's punch was not light, and half of his face was swollen. In his hand, he still took the book from Ginny to humiliate Arthur. His old textbook, with a vicious glint in his eyes, shoved it back into Ginny's arms.

"Little girl, take your book, it's the best thing your dad can give you!" He waved to Draco, and the two rushed out of the store.

There was still some confusion in the bookstore.

Lockhart is trying his best to show his nature, jumping up and down to let the reporter of the Daily Prophet take a photo of himself and Arthur who just fought. Hagrid is helping Arthur tidy his robe and persuade him to ignore this kind of person. , while Mrs Weasley was pulling the twins by the ears and teaching them not to get involved.

At this moment, Lynn let out a long sigh of relief, then walked over to Ginny with a relaxed smile on his face, and took out the "Beginner's Beginner" that he had prepared long before he came. Deformation Guide.

"Can I make an exchange with my book? I don't know if Fried and the others have told you about it. My grades at Hogwarts were not bad, and there are many useful things in this book. notes."

Ginny, who was about to comfort her father and brother, had some strange behaviors of Lynn, but she did not refuse Lynn's request, just exchanged textbooks. She not only heard about her twin brothers at home, but even Harry In the usual chat, I said that Lynn is a veritable academic god in school.

Ginny gave Lynn the Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration that Lucius had just taken in her hand. After taking it, Lynn flipped through the contents and put it in her pocket as if nothing had happened. .

After experiencing this, of course, everyone was not in the mood to continue shopping. The Weasleys took Harry away through Floo fans, and the Grangers, who were so frightened by the scene just now, also took Lynn and Hermione left Diagon Alley from the Leaky Cauldron and returned to her car.

"It's really bad!" Mrs. Granger's angry voice trembled. "I didn't expect that there are such bad people in the magic world."

Lynn achieved his goal today, and he was in a very good mood. He comforted: "Don't worry about Madam, there will be scum no matter where you are, especially in a closed-minded place like the magic world."

Hermione saw Lynn and Ginny's exchange of books under her eyes. She always felt that it was a strange day, as if everything was arranged.

"Why did you exchange textbooks with Ginny when you were in the bookstore?"

Hermione asked when she had something to say, not hiding anything.

Obviously, it was impossible for Lynn to be honest with her.

"It's nothing, I just want to help the Weasleys. Anyway, I don't need that textbook anymore, so I'll make an exchange with her."

"Then why don't you give it to her directly but change it?"

"That gives a feeling of charity, and sometimes even if you want to do it for the good of others, you have to be considerate of other people's feelings."

Mrs. Granger interrupted their conversation and praised: "Lynn is right and thoughtful, Hermione, you have to learn from him."

"I know~" She dragged a long ending, because she always felt that there was something wrong with Lynn today.

Mr. Granger parked his car in front of Lynn's house and helped to move all of Lynn's things into his house before leaving.

As soon as Lynn entered the house, he saw a hunchbacked, thin old man with a wretched smile sitting on his sofa drinking tea.

As soon as Leon saw Lynn, he immediately stood up: "You're back."

"Your performance today was not bad. You made a special trip to run here." Lynn did not become arrogant because of the respectful attitude of the saints to him.

In front of Lynn, Leon didn't have the usual inconsistency in front of Simon and Smith. It's not just because Lynn is a descendant of Grindelwald. After the Abros unblocking incident, he seemed to see it in Lynn. In the shadow of Grindelwald, he couldn't help but use the respect he treated the Dark Lord to Lynn.

"There's nothing hard or hard. This is the reason why I made this situation, so I should come here."

Leon had been by Grindelwald's side for a long time before and knew exactly what to ask and what not to ask.

Regarding the fact that Lynn asked him to pretend to be Lockhart for the signing party, Leon consciously didn't ask the reason.

As soon as Xiaobu got home, he jumped on the sofa and shouted tired. Lynn took her back collar and moved it to the side to make a space for herself to sit down.

"You got off the ground once a day today, why are you tired of shouting here?"

As Lynn spoke, he sorted out the things he sold in Diagon Alley.

"You're walking around, and I'm trying to hold onto your clothes so I don't let myself fall off. It's tiring, okay?" Xiaobu explained to himself.

"If you feel tired, go upstairs and read the encyclopedia that your sister Hermione gave you. If your mind is tired, your body will not feel tired."

When Xiaobu heard this, he immediately sat up straight.

"Then I'm not tired now."

Lynn didn't continue to play tricks with her here, but packed up his things and prepared to go back to his room. Before leaving, he warned Xiaobu.

"You can't watch TV too late today. If I find you watching TV secretly in the middle of the night, I'll punish you for copying the encyclopedia, and you can watch TV when you're done copying it."

Hearing this, Xiaobu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he waved his hand to assure.

"No, no, I promise not to peek at TV!"

"That's what you said, I'm listening."

Lynn went back to his bedroom, put away the textbooks and stationery he bought, then sat in front of his desk and took out the "Transformation Guide for Beginners" exchanged from Ginny from his pocket.

The book cover is still the book cover of the textbook, but if you open it and look at the content inside, you will find that it is blank with no words.

Although there is no text, Lynn is very sure that this is one of the Horcruxes made by Voldemort, Tom's diary.

I have a headache today. If I insist, I can write another chapter, but there is no way to guarantee the quality. I will do this today, and I will have two more chapters tomorrow.

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