When Lynn checked the bookshelf before, he clearly remembered that there were a total of twelve magic books in this row.

Three of them are about the structure of wizarding bodies and Muggle identities, and the others are about the various evils of black magic.

And now there are thirteen books on the bookshelf, one more than what he checked before!

Lynn took out the extra book, which looked very simple, with no writing on the cover, except for the school badge of Hogwarts.

The cover he opened, the title page was originally blank, but after Lynn opened it, a line of words appeared on the slightly yellowed page.

[I would like to dedicate this book, this thing, to the successor]

Such a sight made Lynn ring Tom's diary. He looked suspiciously at the book in his hand and asked tentatively.

"You have your own consciousness?"

However, the book did not respond, and the line that appeared on the title page was like a program that had been set before, and if the right person opened it, it would appear.

It's better not to get a response. If this book is really useful to his own consciousness, Lynn should be vigilant.

But the current situation is also very wrong. He has not forgotten what he came here to look for, but the entrance to the cellar was not found, and he found the book according to the instructions.

The premonition that Lynn had been experiencing before.

What he was looking for was nothing like what Mrs. Grey and the Sorting Hat were talking about.

Looking at the magic book in his hand, Lynn couldn't help but have a headache. After spending so much effort, he couldn't find what he was looking for, which made him feel that his efforts were in vain.

But in the end, he found what he found. No matter what, he had to figure out what he was trying to find.

The magic book is very thick, but there are only three spells recorded in it. One is an advanced version similar to "Remove Your Weapon". After the spell hits, it can directly blow up the opponent's wand, which is very simple and rude.

There is also a very interesting little magic called "connection magic", which can create a magic node by the caster, and then allow other wizards to use related magic to connect this magic node to achieve long-distance communication , which is somewhat different from Penguin and WeChat, which are commonly used in modern times. The form of connection and communication is more similar to forums and post bars.

Finally, there is a "food magic spell", just like the name of the magic spell, no matter how the food tastes, as long as this magic spell is used on any kind of food, it will become the user's favorite smell. The effect varies from person to person. If different people eat the same portion of food that has been used this spell, they will taste different things, but they will all find it very delicious.

Looking at the effects of these three spells, plus the ones that Lynn went through to get this thing, there is no doubt that even if it is not Gryffindor, the spells created by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff themselves are also similar to those created by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. They have nothing to do with it.

Except for the first three spells, the remaining half of the book is actually a whole, acting as a box.

And in the box is inlaid a black metal rod.

Lynn easily snapped the metal rod out of the box, and with the light of the Illumination Spell, he could clearly observe all the details of the metal rod.

The specific material of the metal rod is unknown, but it feels cold to the touch and has a unique texture of metal. About eight inches (20 cm), the surface is very smooth, there are no characters or patterns inscribed, and there is nothing special about it.

He held this metal rod in his hand and studied it for a long time, but he didn't see anything special about this thing, and the magic book except for the three spells recorded in the book plus such a strange thing There is nothing else.

Lynn could only put the metal rod back into the book, then put the book in his pocket and left the library as it should. Originally, the book was not on the shelf in the library. He summoned it himself, so this This act is not theft.

Of course he wouldn't give up if he didn't find what he was looking for, and the source of his futile efforts was Ms. Gray.

In the evening of the next day, Lynn replaced Hermione again and came to the door of Ravenclaw's lounge. This time, he didn't ask him to trouble others to call out Ms. Gray. When he came, the ghost was casting Shi Ran prepared to float back to the lounge from the outside.

Lynn blocked her, and Ms. Gray also saw Lynn. She raised her head and said condescendingly before Lynn could speak.

"You didn't find that thing? Of course, I don't mean to belittle you, although you seem strong and wise enough, if that thing can be obtained so easily, it will not be hidden for a thousand years."

"I found it."

"I know, there's nothing you can do if you don't find me, and you can't find me either." Ms. Gray realized what Lynn had just said before she realized what Lynn had just said. She stared down at Lynn with wide eyes, the scar on the loose neckline. It's bottomless, but it's a pity that it's a bit transparent, and the ghost's physique can't show the original texture of the headlights.

"What did you say? You found it!"

Her voice seemed a little lost because of the shock, which attracted the attention of many young wizards in and out of the lounge. Lynn had to change positions and walked towards a remote corridor. Ms. Gray consciously followed behind him, not at all. With the arrogance of the past, he stammered.

"No, it's impossible. It's been thousands of years, and it's not that no one has tried it, but no one has ever gotten that thing. How can you be recognized by three founders in a row?"

Lynn didn't say anything to her, but just took out the magic book with the Hogwarts school emblem on the cover from his pocket.

Ms. Gray was stunned by the fact.

Her eyes widened, her mouth open enough to shove a ball, and she looked at what Lynn was holding in disbelief.

It took three minutes for her to come back to her senses. She stretched out her transparent hand tremblingly, trying to touch the book in Lynn's hand, but when she reached over, she immediately went from there. Through the magic book, I can't touch anything.

"Can you open it when you have it? Let me see the scepter inside." Her voice was almost begging.

Lynn had nothing to be stingy with, knowing that what she wanted to see was the metal rod tucked into the back of the book, he opened the book and showed it to Lady Grey.

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