I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 429: 426. Hermione's Dream (Part 2)

"Pretty. Auntie?" Hermione looked at Xiao Bu.

Xiao Bu said furtively.

"If I tell you everything, Mom, can you give me the biggest piece of cake at night?"

Hermione's expression changed a little.

She remembered what Parvati had said in the office today, and what Seamus had told her before leaving get off work.

"You can give me all the cake, tell me, do you know that beautiful aunt?"

Xiaobu looked excited, and didn't realize that every word he said now was affecting the emotional crisis of his parents.

"I don't know her. It's the first time I've seen her, but Dad seems to be very familiar with her. The aunt is still holding his arm."

Hermione's face darkened a little.

She believed that her daughter would not lie to her, especially in front of such a big temptation as a whole piece of cake.

In other words, Lin En really had some unclear relationship with a wild woman, and even brought her home!

"Where are they now?" Hermione's voice became visibly colder.

But Xiao Bu didn't seem to notice it at all.

"As soon as they got home, they went to the bedroom on the second floor, and they haven't come out until now."

Hermione's face became even darker, she clenched her fist subconsciously, did not continue to stay in the kitchen, turned around and walked up the stairs lightly.

She was actually very nervous, and her hands were sweating all the time.

Even with the reminders from her colleagues and her daughter, she still didn't really believe that Lynn would do such things as betrayal of marriage and family.

She was thinking about it even as she stepped up the last flight of stairs on the second floor.

Maybe that woman is just Lynn's long-lost sister, who suddenly reunited in Diagon Alley this time, and that's why they took her home so intimately to introduce her to her.

But why spend an afternoon in the bedroom with my long-lost sister?

With anxiety in her heart, Hermione walked up to the second floor. Before she could get close to the door of the bedroom, she heard an unfamiliar female voice faintly coming from inside.

"Your wife won't come back suddenly, will she?"

What answered her was the familiar male voice that could no longer be familiar.

"Don't worry, she will work overtime in the department until seven or eight o'clock every day, and rarely returns home on time."

"But isn't it a little bad for us to do this? What if we scare her?"

"It's okay, she has a big heart and will accept this."

Hermione didn't want to listen anymore.

Her back was pressed tightly against the cold wall, and she stared blankly at the empty wall opposite, tears streaming down her eyes uncontrollably.

This conversation has shattered all her fantasies. She has always been proud that her husband, Lynn Bellock, whom she can depend on for life and death, has cheated!

At this moment, many images flashed through Hermione's mind.

When she and Lynn were young, they fed wild cats together in the alley, when she encountered a troll in the first year of Hogwarts school, Lynn came to protect her, and Lynn said with a hippie smile that she was suitable for twintails, There was also the Malfoy who insulted her when he frightened and cried for her when she was a teenager.

These scenes are vivid in my mind, as if it just happened yesterday.

On the contrary, after they graduated from Hogwarts, the picture of getting married and having children was very vague.

But Hermione was not in the mood to think about why this happened now, she squatted on the ground and sobbed silently.

She absolutely cannot accept sharing her husband with other women!

What Lynn said in the bedroom just now could never happen.

No matter how much she loves Lin En and likes him, she will never accept that he has two different women in his heart at the same time!

Hermione wiped the tears from her face, and she stood up resolutely.

She's going to rush into the house and expose this couple of dogs!

By the way, who is this wild woman who seduced her man?

Was it the legendary Slytherin senior who expressed interest in Lynn when she was in school? Or those ravenclaws next door who are always flirting with him?

After she finds out who that mistress is, she's going to get a divorce!

The children must be with her, otherwise the vicious stepmother doesn't know how to bully them. She absolutely can't stand a wild woman outside living in her room, sleeping with her husband, and beating her baby!

"Alahoo hole is open!"

A quick and neat unlocking spell directly opened the locked door of the bedroom.

Hermione's face was as cold as ice and she kicked them away, and then she saw the pair of dogs and men behind the door who looked at her dumbfounded.

It wasn't as obscene as she had imagined.

Both Lynn and the witch with beautiful big wavy hair were neatly dressed.

One of them was holding a balloon, the other was holding a ribbon, and they all looked at her in shock.

"Why did you come back so early? I want to surprise you."

Lin En said a little embarrassedly while holding the balloon in his hand.

Hermione was not deceived by such illusions, she knew that Lynn had great powers, and it was not impossible for him to get dressed from under the quilt in an instant, and to put himself in the current pose.

"Stop pretending, tell me, who is this woman?" She asked coldly.

Lynn looked at her puzzled.

"This is Aunt Yelena, I remember I told you when I was in school. She is my mother's god-sister, and she has been serving as the Minister of Magic in Languo before. She just came to the UK when she had time. Visit me. No, today is our tenth wedding anniversary, so I just want to give you a surprise, decorate the place, and she will come to help. "

After listening to Lynn's explanation, Hermione suddenly remembered.

When I was a child, I seemed to have heard Lynn mention the name Yelena when I was still in the second grade.

Looking at the layout and decoration in the bedroom, it is obvious that it has been carefully prepared, and it will not be possible to figure it out in a while.

And today is indeed their tenth wedding anniversary, and she ordered a big cake in advance yesterday to celebrate.

So it was really her fault?

At the same time, Hermione's gaze met that Aunt Yelena, and the beautiful witch extended her hand towards her with a smile.

"You are Lynn's wife, right? It's the first time we've met after so long. Hello."

Hermione stretched out her hand and shook Yelena's hand in a daze.

Afterwards, they chatted about homework and returned to the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous dinner together in a friendly manner.

After a full meal, Yelena said goodbye and left. Hermione and Lynn put the three children to sleep and lay down on the bed together.

"Is that Yelena really your aunt?"

Hermione asked in a low voice, lying in Lynn's arms, holding his arm.

"Auntie or something? Didn't I tell you about her when I was a child? Don't you think I have something to do with her?"

Lynn looked at her suspiciously.

Hermione's face flushed, and she said guiltily.

"Why would I want to go there! What did you think of me?"

"You are an old vinegar jar, and you will overturn it as soon as you hit it."

"Nonsense!" Hermione turned over and rode on Lynn's body, and she had already thrown away the unwillingness, heartache, and torture of discovering her husband's cheating before.

She leaned down gently, and whispered in Lynn's ear.

"I still want to have another child."

Lin En was lying on the bed in a big shape, as if everyone was an old couple and wanted nothing.

"There are three of them, how troublesome it would be to get another one."

"I don't mind the trouble!"

Hermione aimed at Lynn's mouth forcefully and kissed it.

But what responded to her was not warm lips, but extraordinarily cold rain.

She opened her eyes in a little confusion, and there were no warm quilts, firm and reliable chests, and a charming atmosphere around her.

Just gray skies, cold rain that kept falling and a huge Quidditch pitch.


it was just a dream


It turned out to be just a dream! ! !

This is the first time I write dog food, I am not very skilled, everyone will make do with it.

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