I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 4230 Meeting ceremony in prison

As a place where prisoners are imprisoned, the environment must be very harsh, thus achieving the effect of double physical and mental punishment.

This planet is like this. It is a desert outside and there are a lot of monsters living there.

The only safe zone is where the prison is.

Criminals are put here and have to live a repressed life every day until they are released from prison.

In fact, this group prison is not a real place for punishing evil. Many of the prisoners were imprisoned unjustly.

They didn't do anything wrong, they just failed to complete the task or violated some taboo rules.

Of course, there are many guys who are real villains, and they deserve to be imprisoned and punished.

Kate got off the spacecraft, went through the formalities, and was sent directly to the prison on the ground.

The prison is unmanaged, with intelligent robots everywhere, and the empty grounds are filled with prisoners.

Seeing the alloy door open, the prisoners' eyes flashed with joy, and their favorite welcome program was finally here again.

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing app as soon as possible.】

To humiliate the new prisoners and make them realize that their identities have changed, it is best to meet their former enemies so that they can take the opportunity to take revenge.

The greetings in prison are definitely unforgettable, especially the greetings from enemies.

The competition within the group is actually quite fierce, and there are constant secret fights between different departments and races.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to perform tasks to kill competitors, there are endless things like this.

In this prison, almost all criminals have similar charges and crimes.

Many prisoners were convicted of crimes that could have led to their execution, but the group did not do so.

Perhaps they feel that death is not a sufficient punishment and these criminals are required to endure the pain alive.

Another possibility is to give the prisoner a chance to change his mind and one day be able to serve the group again.

Those who can be imprisoned in this prison are definitely not ordinary criminals. In other words, being imprisoned here requires screening.

If an ordinary group employee commits a serious crime, he will definitely not be sent to this place.

After the door opened, Kate slowly walked out.

On his neck, there is an alloy smart shackle, which is directly connected to the brain and spine.

In addition to facilitating supervision, it can also limit his abilities.

As a senior executive of the company, Kate has mastery of the use of dark energy and is quite powerful in combat.

This special method of cultivation is inherently opposed to the practitioner, and it must be obtained by converting spiritual energy through sealed particles.

The relationship between the two parties is really about you and not me.

This kind of dark energy cannot be absorbed by practice and must be released through equipment, which is located inside the user's body.

Senior members of the group like Kate have all undergone physical transformation. If they want to use dark energy to fight, they must use the energy balls allocated by the group.

Energy balls are like batteries and are high-end materials of the group.

The group uses this method to control managers and ensure that they always obey orders.

Now that he is sent to prison, the energy ball is naturally taken away to prevent the prisoners from tearing down the prison.

"Look who it is, it's dear Kate!"

There was a voice in the distance, with excitement and a hint of cruelty in his tone.

Kate could clearly feel that a series of malicious eyes were constantly looking at her.

Like hungry wolves, they showed their fangs without any concealment and tried to tear him into pieces.

Kate didn't seem to see it and just walked forward silently.

He had just taken a few steps when a figure stopped him.

It looked like a thick wall, extremely ugly, and covered with black hair.

The other person looked at Kate and pointed at his crotch.

"New guy, get under my crotch, or give me your legs."

When everyone around them saw this, they immediately showed expectant smiles, and the show they loved to see was finally staged.

You can do anything in the prison, but it is within the scope of the rules. Not only do the managers not restrict it, but they often encourage prisoners to fight among themselves.

For example, if you drop the food and let the prisoners fight for it, they will starve if you don't fight hard.

Death is certainly inevitable, but if it does not last more than a day, the prison has the ability to revive him.

The painful process of death is also one of the punishments in prison, and healing services are available only once a year.

Although the attacker will be punished, it will only be starved for a few days, which is not much of a deterrent at all.

Seeing Kate's expressionless face, the onlookers were a little impatient and shouted angrily.

"Idiot, hurry up and get through, otherwise your Pi Yanzi will suffer!"

"Big stupid bear, remember to play a little longer and don't tear people into pieces like last time."

"Leave his liver to me and I'm willing to pay a thousand group coins!"

There were bursts of laughter and curses, but the content was chilling.

If there is an acquaintance here, they may be able to intercede and avoid this painful meeting ceremony.

Kate has only enemies and no friends in this prison.

Looking at the strong man three times her height blocking her path, Kate's expression remained indifferent.

"If I were you, I would get out of the way immediately."

Hearing Kate's warning, the strong man showed a ferocious expression.

"Idiot, you are not me, and you don't know that I will smash your head to pieces and then lick your brains dry!"

The strong man named Big Stupid Bear roared and slapped down his huge palm.

The eyes of the onlookers became more and more excited. This slap of the big stupid bear had slapped the heads of many unlucky guys into the chest cavity.

Of course, they did not die, but were rescued by the group's equipment. Not only did they suffer pain during the period, they also owed a high medical fee.

As the attacker, Big Stupid Bear was punished by not being able to eat for a period of time, but he never went hungry.

The torn off limbs and internal organs were his best food.

Whenever someone new arrives, he can't wait to take action just to enjoy a delicious meal.

Just as his slap fell, Kate suddenly moved and kicked forward fiercely.

Two crisp sounds were heard, the big stupid bear screamed, and one of his legs was directly kicked to pieces.

Then a figure rose directly into the sky and punched the big stupid bear on the head.

There was another crisp sound, and the big stupid bear's head was like a smashed watermelon, and a ball of broken meat and teeth flew out.

In the process of falling, Kate's palm was like a sharp blade, cutting directly into the big stupid bear's chest.

The thick flesh was cut open, as was the sternum, revealing a beating heart.

Kate's palm reached into it, and with a fierce tug, the huge heart was pulled out.

The big stupid bear let out a wail and fell to the sky, his heavy body falling to the ground.

"Whoever wants to eat the heart and liver, come and get it yourself."

Kate said coldly, looking at those enemies, her cold eyes were like sharp blades, making them feel frightened.

I was originally thinking about revenge, but now I am avoiding it. Judging from Kate's performance just now, it is obvious that her fighting ability is off the charts.

If you seek revenge from him, you may be beaten unilaterally.

When the big bear was killed, the ring on its neck began to glow, and then a robot flew over.

The corpse is collected directly and sent to the medical warehouse. It only takes a day for the resurrected Big Bear to reappear.

This time Kate moved forward, and no one was trying to stop her. No one was willing to bear the punishment of death if it was not necessary.

Kate, who was walking through the crowd, suddenly stopped and looked at a figure next to her.

When he found Kate staring at him, he was startled for a moment, and then his expression turned gloomy.

"What, you have a grudge against me?"

Several figures came closer, obviously belonging to a group of people, and surrounded Kate.

"Dr. Aiqi, the elite of the scientific research department of the group, is said to be responsible for some secret projects."

The other party nodded upon hearing this, indicating that it was him.

"I don't know why you were imprisoned in this prison, but now I can give you a chance to leave this stinky prison."

Dr. Edge showed a hint of shock when he heard this, and then gave a disdainful sneer.

"I understand, it turns out that your brain is broken, that's why you were imprisoned."

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