I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 78 1 on 5, don't panic

The sudden darkness gave Leon precious escape time.

However, this is also in his plan.

However, something went wrong...

Because, according to the original plan, the simple EMP device placed in the control room of the main engine should explode after taking the elevator in Lyon and reaching the ground.

In that case, he can take advantage of the time when the underground research facility is in darkness, escape from the enemy's range, and escape the danger.

But now, the consequence of the premature explosion is that Leon is trapped in a motionless elevator.

"It's unfortunate..."

It is not that Leon did not think about such a situation.

A perfect plan, in addition to the original plan, always needs a plan B!

Taking into account unexpected situations that are not planned, he is an excellent agent and must have professional qualities.

In the darkness, he first raised his head, opened the escape channel on the ceiling of the elevator with both hands, and threw the container with black metal on it.

Then, he kicked his legs, stretched out his hands to grab the edge of the escape passage, and climbed to the top of the elevator.

In the dark elevator shaft, the sound of air flowing is more obvious, and there is a feeling of infiltration.

Leon looked up and saw that at a height of about ten meters, there was a shimmer of light shining through the crack of the elevator door.

That should be the exit from the ground...

How to get there?

When he touched the elevator cable beside him, a bold but feasible solution suddenly appeared in his mind.

That is: climb up!

Anyway, his skin can protect him from bullets, and naturally it can also protect his hands from getting hurt when he grips the elevator cables tightly.

Time is pressing, even if EMP blocks the enemy's continued pursuit, it cannot ensure that the opponent has no other way to contact the guards on the ground.

Now that you think of a feasible way, try it!

Without dawdling, Leon took off his white coat, rolled it into a long strap, and tied the black container around his waist.

When he was ready, he took a deep breath, clasped the elevator cable made of steel bars tightly with both hands, concentrated all his strength on his arms, and began to climb up!

Rope climbing, a must for special forces training, is nothing to Lyon.

With his legs crossed and wrapped around the cable, he pulled hard with both hands, and his whole body rose half a meter.

Without having to worry about being injured, in just ten seconds, he arrived in front of the elevator hall door more than ten meters high.

Looking down, at a height of more than ten meters, Leon was also a little frightened.

However, coming here means that he is only separated from the elevator hall door in front of him from escaping the underground research facility and returning to the ground!

I saw Leon's legs entangled in the cable, trying hard not to let himself fall, and then let go of his hands, clasped the middle gap of the elevator hall door, and pulled it to both sides with all his strength!

"Ah ah ah... open it for me!"

With a harsh sound like a fingernail on the glass, the elevator hall door, which was originally closed, was forcibly opened by Leon with his bare hands!

After pulling the hole enough to pass, Leon grabbed the cable with both hands and jumped!

I saw him pass through the elevator door and landed safely on the solid ground.

Finally... finally escaped!

Just as Leon took a step forward and left the factory, he was located in an underground research facility more than ten meters underground...

With a gloomy face, Dr. Liszt stood in front of the door of the storage area by the light of the flashlight, looking at the broken combination lock.

Then he turned around and asked the guard, "Is the backup power still on?"

"Doctor, our servers are broken,

It will take a while to restore the power..." a guard replied.

"Tell me, what have we lost?"

"In addition to the hard drive that stores all research data, the black Edman alloy stored in the storage area has also disappeared..."


When Liszt heard the bad news, his face darkened, and he slapped the wall with his palm: "That bastard Andre! It's a shame I still trust him so much..."

Until now, he simply thought that the person who caused all this was the Spaniard named "Andre Els"...

This is also the reason why Leon has not removed his disguise and destroyed the server.

Because he knew that once his appearance was exposed, Hydra would definitely discover his true identity.

In this case, it will be a huge blow for him to hide in the dark and continue to monitor the Hydra.

Therefore, even if it was a little troublesome, he did not take off the wig and beard that he had worn for a month...

Backup power, which is quickly turned on.

The entire underground research facility was restored to light again.

At this time, a Hydra researcher who came with Liszt asked aloud, "Doctor, what should I do now?"

Liszt pondered for a moment, and then said to the captain of the guard beside him, "Notify your superiors and ask them to send all the experimental objects!"

As he spoke, Liszt's already sinister face gradually became fierce.

I saw him gritted his teeth and spat out a series of words from his mouth: "Find him, bring back all the research data and Edman alloys to me!"


The guards who heard the order hurriedly called and notified the person in charge of the "XR75" program, one of Roxson's top executives, Cole Clayson.

And receiving such bad news, Cole Clayson almost dropped the phone on the floor.

Still, he held back.

When something goes wrong, anger is not the solution.

He quickly notified his subordinates, and according to Dr. Liszt's suggestion, he dispatched five cyborg soldiers who survived the "XR75" plan.

These experimental objects, whose body parts are made of carbenna alloy, were originally elite soldiers who retired due to disability. After obtaining the high-tech mechanical limbs, the physical quality and combat ability of these cyborgs are several times stronger than before!

Especially the hard carbena alloy mechanical limbs, which allow them to smash anything that gets in their way.

It seems that these "killing weapons" are used to hunt down the thieves who steal the data...

On the other hand, after Leon escaped from the industrial area, he ran to the crowded street, trying to hide his whereabouts.

Just when he thought he had gotten rid of the enemy's pursuit, he was still in Bucharest's largest city square, Union Square, and was blocked by five pursuers sent by Roxen.

Looking at the five enemies who were in a semi-circle and vaguely surrounded him, Leon pulled the belt around his waist and snorted coldly, showing a sneering expression:

"Everything! One dozen five, I'm not panic at all!"

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