I Have a Martial Arts World

Vol 2 Chapter 153: Moon Shadow Sword

"Junior Brother~ Congratulations on your promotion to the Marrow Cleansing Realm! I'll give you a toast!"

After Liao Ya finished speaking, she picked up the sea bowl and drank it, her face blushing visibly.

Liao Qi also said: "Lu Yao, you are too powerful, you are promoted to the Marrow Realm so quickly! It's not far from the blood exchange!"

"Thanks to the two of you for your help, it's impossible for me alone." Lu Yao also drank the wine in the bowl, his heart was full.

As soon as he entered the marrow-washing realm, the inner breath initially purified the marrow, and the whole body seemed to be overcharged. The purified bone marrow makes Qi and blood more powerful, so that the internal organs are better nourished, and thus more internal breath is generated.

The perfect virtuous cycle makes the body stronger, if you feel like you are getting stronger with every breath.

Liao Ya pointed out: "Junior brother, the three marrows that need to be cleaned are the 'bone marrow, spinal cord, and brain marrow'. You are cleaning the marrow, and this step is not difficult... But the latter two are water-grinding skills, which will take decades. It's like a day of hard work!"

She paused for a while and said with emotion: "The manpower is sometimes poor, and it takes too much internal energy to wash the marrow... I can only make progress by relying on your "Dragon Subduing Technique", I'm really ashamed."

Lu Yao smiled and said, "It's okay, senior sister, maybe I'll be able to help you with the 'elixir' in two days."

Liao Ya wondered: "What elixir?"

Liao Qi interjected: "Lu Yao also told me that he found someone to refine the elixir."

Lu Yao said mysteriously: "You just wait patiently. Come~ drink~"


The three of them drank a lot during a celebration feast, and went to bed early in the evening.

After Liao Qi laid a thick mattress, she was about to try the power of the Marrow Washing Realm.

When the two tried to join hands, she never imagined that she was not an opponent at all!

Squeeze, press, lock... No matter what moves you use, you can't restore the decline, and you will be defeated in a few moments!

After another three powerful blows, Liao Qi froze for a moment, then quickly slumped, and at the same time gave her sweetheart a lot of internal breath.

Lu Yao leaned into the girl's ear and said, "I've already washed my marrow, and you can't say enough about giving me another breath."

Liao Qi's face was red, and there were still a few drops of sweat on the tip of her nose. She closed her eyes and said in a daze, "You need to change blood quickly..."

"Silly girl, you gave me all your internal information. What about your own cultivation?"

Lu Yao drummed up a more surging inner breath, and the inner breath that wrapped the girl was easily pushed back.

A large amount of internal breath poured into the body, Liao Qi suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed Lu Yao's arm tightly, was so hot that he couldn't even utter a twitch, and then fell asleep comfortably.

Lu Yao touched the girl's tender and delicate face, but her expression was a little melancholy.

After washing the marrow, the inner breath is more vigorous, and it penetrates deep into the marrow and reaches all over the body, and the body no longer has secrets.

This also made Lu Yao perceive one thing for the first time - his terminal illness was not cured, but was temporarily suppressed.

The body is like a jug that is constantly being filled with water, and at the same time it is leaking.

Fortunately, his martial arts progressed very quickly, his physical fitness increased sharply one after another, and his terminal illness was temporarily suppressed.

But once the speed of irrigation can not keep up with the speed of leakage, the body will soon collapse.

"I can't slack off, I want to live a long life with two beautiful senior sisters."


practice ground

After washing the marrow, the warrior's body undergoes great changes. As a senior sister, Liao Ya has to teach her junior and senior teachers well.

"After washing the marrow, the internal breath has tripled, and after the internal breath is more, there are more ways to use it, such as 'Destruction of the Heart'; the eaves dragon pile can also become like a real gecko, the whole person is attached to the wall superior."

Lu Yao's limbs were full of breath, and he easily climbed up the roof along the wall. It used to be possible to do this, but it had to be done by digging through the walls with fingers, which was far less convenient than it is now.

Liao Ya looked at him with a smile from below and waved hello.

Lu Yao jumped off the roof, and Liao Ya threw the 500-pound stone mill over again.

He immediately caught it and danced, dazzling by tossing it up and down, this thing in his hand was not much heavier than a washbasin.

Then put down the stone mill and walked to the Mercedes-Benz, and lifted it up with one hand.

"My strength is over 2 tons! If Lianzhao is a human-shaped tiger, now it is a human-shaped elephant!"

Proteins are amazing things, and their composition, the structure in which the polypeptides are arranged, can vary in strength.

Liao Ya came over and said: "After washing the marrow, the muscles and bones are stronger, and the body can withstand the bombardment of the pistol. Of course, the long gun is still not enough."

After speaking, she took out a Glock pistol that Lu Yao brought, rolled up her sleeves to reveal her white lotus-like arm, and fired a shot at it.

In the roar, the bullet whistled out of the chamber, but it only broke the skin and got stuck in the flesh.

Lu Yao hurried forward and held the girl's snow-white slender arm, and said distressedly: "Senior sister, just say it, no need to do a real demonstration."

Liao Ya blushed slightly and said softly, "I have to let you know the changes in your body clearly. It's okay, this kind of minor injury will heal itself in a few hours, look."

After pinching out the bullet, there was only a small wound oozing blood, and it took a few words to stop the bleeding and scab.

The Marrow Washing Realm also has a strong recovery ability!

Lu Yao suddenly knew something. The body of Xisuijing is equivalent to bringing his own police body armor, which can block the close-range shooting of pistols.

However, the weaker parts of the body, such as the throat and eyes, cannot be blocked.

At this time, there was also the sound of rifles firing from another part of the training ground. Liao Qi was shooting an AK into the sky, training the three falcons to adapt to firearms.

After a few shuttles, the three falcons were obviously no longer afraid, and had become accustomed to the loud noise of firearms firing.

Lu Yao and Liao Ya also came over, smiling as they watched the falcons receive training.

At this moment, the three of them looked towards the north together, where a "momentum" suddenly rose up!

This kind of feeling is very strange, obviously can't see, can't touch, and can't hear, but it just feels like a blade is close in front of you, and the hair of a person who is extremely sharp and grateful is standing on end.

Liao Ya was the first to react and said in surprise: "The 'sword potential' of the innate master! It's the moon shadow sword master Yu!"


"Potential" is a means only available in the innate realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When people greet someone with such an obvious "sword potential", it also shows their origin.

Li Pei had said several days ago that his master was coming, and Liao Ya had been looking forward to it for a long time, and hurried to the gate to greet him.

Excited and excited like a fan meeting an idol.

Liao Qi whispered to Lu Yao: "Yueyingjian came from a poor family, and relied on a steel sword to advance from training to innate. My sister admired her since she was a child."

After the two of them said a few words, a familiar woman came slowly and leisurely.

She was slender, with slender legs, 1.75 meters tall; her white hair was **** at will, and a sheathless steel sword was slung around her waist.

I have seen this "Moon Shadow Sword" ambush vampires through a drone before, and this is the first time I have seen a real person. .

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