I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 80 Black Booted Tortoise

Everyone's eyes are a little weird!

You said just now that it was received from fellow villagers, and you will turn your face and deny the account again!

Fang Ye spread his hands: "As far as I know, tortoises cannot be farmed in China. Do you have a certificate for breeding?"

There are also WC and CB in foreign countries, that is, wild-captured bodies and artificial breeding bodies, but whether domestic tortoises can be cultivated has always been a mystery. There is no clear statement. It can be cultivated for a while and cannot be cultivated. All domestic tortoises are protected animals regardless of whether they are farmed or not.

Anyway, the default can not be raised on the right!

The dark-skinned store manager was so choked that he could not speak!

The 3,000 yuan spent on the acquisition, plus the 10,000 yuan to be sold, is 13,000 yuan and 100 million yuan when rounded up. If what this young man said is true, he didn't want to hand it over to the police uncle for nothing, it's really a bit reluctant!

So I subconsciously stood up and rebutted, but once I stood up, I regretted it a little, and my face changed constantly!

"Whoever illegally hunts or kills precious or endangered wild animals under special state protection, or illegally acquires, transports or sells precious or endangered wild animals under special state protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years, and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, in addition to a fine or confiscation of property." Fang Ye smiled and added another knife.

When I consulted Lao Wang last time, I was briefly informed about the legal provisions in this area. He memorized the full text in his heart and recited it. It will not be used today.

The black-booted tortoise turned from a baby into a bomb, and the bracelet man swallowed his saliva in fear, and hurriedly waved to the dark shopkeeper: "Boss, I don't want this turtle anymore."

The dark shop owner's chest heaved and he gnashed his teeth and looked at Fang Ye, so angry! If there was no such thing as Fang Ye, he would have sold it. At that time, he could say that he did not know it and sold it as an ordinary turtle. Now it is impossible to say that he does not know!

The people who eat melons are amazed. Today, this melon is interesting, and they persuade them: "Boss, the young man is right. It's not worth going to jail for these thousands of dollars. It's better to call the police and hand this turtle to the police."

"I've learned a lot today. I always thought turtles were in the water, but I didn't expect to see such wonderful things as tortoises."

Someone asked curiously, "What is this guy doing? He's so eloquent, it's a bit powerful."

Fang Ye's mouth crooked, and he waved his hand: "It's nothing, just a zoo director who came out to buy vegetables and passed by."

The melon eaters were stunned: "It turned out to be the director of the zoo! No wonder he is so professional."

"Just the nearby Linhai Zoo! I saw it in the circle of friends a few days ago!"

At this time, the aquatic product store suddenly darkened, and a huge figure appeared at the door, blocking the light.

Someone looked back and blurted out: "Damn it, a wild black bear spirit has appeared!"

Meng Shi was used to it and scratched his head: "Chief, you asked me to come here, what happened?"

Fang Ye took his hand happily: "Reason, you came at the right time!"

He didn't come up to stop it, but WeChat sent Meng Shi a message and waited for him to come.

Otherwise, what if he encounters an unreasonable boss and beats him.

Meng Shi wanted to say "I'm not Li Zhi", but then reacted, the corners of his mouth twitched and he was speechless, while Fang Ye winked at him proudly.

Sure enough, the dark shop owner saw Meng Shi slumped, and said weakly: "Today, I consider myself unlucky! Call the police and call the police, what should I do?"

Fang Ye patted the shop owner's shoulder and comforted: "It's okay, the police are here, let me explain to you, and I'll make up for the money for the purchase of this black-booted tortoise. You are also contributing to the protection of wild animals."

The dark shop owner's mood gradually calmed down, and he earned it if he didn't lose! OK to accept.

After calling the police and before the police came over, Fang Ye gave some popular science to the people around him: "Don't think that wild animals are nourishing, in fact, wild animals will have many parasites in their bodies, such as roundworms, nematodes, etc. You eat Maybe after a few days, you will feel a headache and stomachache, go to the hospital to take a film, my dear, there are worms in your heart, liver, spleen, stomach, eyeball, brain, round, thin, white and red, sneaking out and out of your body The farmed ones are both cheap and quarantined, so why not eat farmed ones.”

The onlookers imagined the scene, and their goosebumps could not help but get up!

"Damn it, it's disgusting!"

"Headmaster, you are holding back! I feel like vomiting for breakfast!"

"Fortunately, I haven't eaten game!"

After a while, the police came. They were two acquaintances. The guy in white and the girl in red who followed Pharaoh to the zoo last time.

They have already asked their superiors, this black-booted tortoise can let Fang Ye pull directly back to Linhai Zoo! Then report it to the relevant departments of the Forestry Bureau.

In fact, when the police encounter smuggled or injured wild animals, they are originally handed over to the local zoo or animal rescue station. It's just that Linhai Zoo was too bad before, and its own animals were not well taken care of, so the protected animals rescued by LH City were handed over to relevant institutions in nearby cities.

Before the van came, there were two people from Meng Shifangye. When they returned, they had a black-booted tortoise, five pounds of crayfish, two pounds of pork ribs, and two pig trotters.

Meng Shi hugged the tortoise on his lap, touched the shell curiously, and asked Fang Ye for advice: "Chief, you said this is a black-booted tortoise, can you explain it to me?"

Fang Ye drove the car slowly and replied: "There are eight tortoises in the world, the largest is the Galapagos tortoise. The adult tortoise is 1.5m long and weighs up to 400kg! The black-booted tortoise ranks fifth. It is the largest tortoise in Asia! The adult size exceeds 50cm, and the heaviest weight can be 45 kg. It is also the largest tortoise in continental tortoises, second only to Sulcata in size.

In our country, there is a legend of the mythical beast Xuanwu. The image is a combination of a turtle and a snake, while the black-booted tortoise has a black tortoise body and snake-like scales on its limbs. Is it very similar to Xuanwu? They are sometimes called hexapod tortoises because of the large, tumor-like scales on their thighs.

Black booted tortoises live in the tropics! It likes a warm and humid environment, so it generally inhabits near streams or water sources, avoiding the high temperature during the day, and foraging for food in the early morning and evening. Food is also mixed, from grass to insect carcasses.

It is mainly distributed in countries in southern Asia, such as Myanmar, Thailand, and Malaysia, and only a small amount in the provinces bordering Myanmar. This only appeared in our Linhai. It is estimated that someone released it to the mountains and was lucky to survive. "

Fang Ye said that it is a little strange here. Linhai has a subtropical and tropical climate. Although the temperature in winter is not low, there is still a gap compared to the real tropics. It should be a little cold for the suitable environment for black boot tortoises.

Meng Shi didn't think about it that much, and joked, "Now that we have the White Tiger and the Xuanwu in the zoo, when will we get a Qinglong and a Vermilion Bird to make up the four great mythical beasts?"

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