Chapter fifty-six, the plan

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Cheng took Xiangxiang and left from the old man Bai's house.

Then Zhang Cheng thought of something very important.

Although the submitted script had a notice clause that it was sold to them first. But they haven't bought the filming rights for this script.

Mention this to Xiangxiang.

Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment.

She didn't think of that either.

Zhang Cheng patted his forehead, but he didn't flicker.

Hope there won't be any setbacks.

But immediately, Zhang Cheng put the matter behind him and ignored it.

After all, it is a little thing like sesame and mung bean. Even if the other party doesn't sell the script, it is nothing more than re-purchasing another script.

Originally, I decided to shoot a TV series or something to play with it because I was bored, because a momentary negligence affected my mood or something. Zhang Cheng hasn't thought about it yet.

But Xiangxiang can't do it anymore, she's worried for a while, and she's obviously upset.

After returning home, Zhang Cheng happily lined up with Xiangxiang twice, letting her fall asleep.

Zhang Cheng himself put on a dress and came to the living room, and turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast.

Zhang Cheng's physical fitness was further strengthened after eating the second root of Lingcao-grade ginseng. Although the effect this time was far less obvious than when he ate the first root, Zhang Cheng could also feel his state, and he was moving towards Stronger degree evolution.

This is not about the power of intuition. Of course, Zhang Cheng's power is not small now.

But more, it is all-round enhancement.

Just like Zhang Cheng was punched by Zhao Shengnan's silly woman before, even if he took some strength, normally, Zhang Cheng would have to be seriously injured.

But in the end, Zhang Cheng only felt pain for a while, and then he was fine.

Not only was there no injury, but even the pain didn't last long.

It was after realizing this kind of problem that Zhang Cheng was very cautious about the sale of Lingcao-grade ginseng.

Because this is no longer a magical effect that can be disguised with the well-known tonic such as ginseng.

Once it is known to outsiders, it will definitely attract a considerable degree of attention, and even covet.

And that kind of situation, for Zhang Cheng, is a trouble.

And by only selling 1-day ginseng and 10-day ginseng, he has already obtained enough money for consumption. Zhang Cheng naturally has no intention of causing trouble for himself.

While swiping on the live broadcast platform, Zhang Cheng was thinking wildly.

Then I saw Mengmeng, who was followed by him before.

This anchor with a pair of coveted headlights should be regarded as the kind of thief. I deliberately chose an astringent perspective to highlight my headlights, attracting a large number of LSP audiences.

But there are people who really want to take advantage of them, but they will talk about him, and they will not talk to him at all.

However, Zhang Cheng did not give up. After entering the live broadcast room, he swiped a 99 hot pot, and then Xiaoxin sent a message to Mengmeng to invite a meal again.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. What if Mengmeng agreed that day.

As for Mengmeng's thanks and so on, Zhang Cheng didn't listen at all and left the live broadcast room directly.

And if you spend 100,000, 200,000, or even 500,000 directly, you might be able to get Mengmeng out. At least Zhang Cheng has no plans to do so.

After all, there is only one woman left and right. Although it makes people envious, and Zhang Cheng doesn't take money seriously, he still thinks it's not worth it.

Not to mention, Zhang Cheng really wants to find a good friend with a pair of big headlights, just contact Qiqi, then not only will he have big headlights, but he can also enjoy three more rows.

Didn't care if Mengmeng didn't reply to the message, Zhang Cheng continued to play the live broadcast for a while, then washed and went to bed.

The next day.

Zhang Cheng brought Xiangxiang to S Film and Television. By the way, he joined an assistant named Zhou Yue sent by the old man Bai Bai.

The assistant is in his thirties, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and looks rather shrewd and capable.

Professor Wang Li was speechless when he heard that Zhang Cheng didn't buy the right to shoot.

After all, is this okay?

But seeing Zhou Yue following behind her, she felt that even if there was a problem, it should be resolved.

After all, he had dealt with this guy more than once.

The other party is shrewd and capable, and is a rare all-rounder in filming TV series and movies.

And the fact that Mr. Bai was able to send this man also made Professor Wang re-examine the relationship between Zhang Cheng and Mr. Bai.

This one should be quite close to the old man Bai, right?

After all, even such an elite was sent to help.

In an empty classroom.

Zhang Cheng met the student who wrote the script.

The other party looked twenty-one or twenty-two years old, wearing glasses, looking thin and elegant.

Hearing that Zhang Cheng was going to buy his own script to shoot, his eyes flashed with surprise.

As a student majoring in screenwriting for S film and television, he usually writes a lot of scripts, but unfortunately, no one likes it.

At present, Zhang Cheng is here, and this is the first time he has been selected.

"I have two plans here, one is to directly give you 50,000 yuan to buy the right to shoot this 'rebirth' TV series, of course, it is limited to this one time shooting, and then you sell it to others or something, and will not be affected.”

"The second is that I will give you 10,000 yuan, and then you will participate in the filming of the TV series and be responsible for the processing of the plot. After the filming of the TV series is completed, the income from selling it to TV stations, video websites, etc., can be given to you. 3 points of gain."

Zhang Cheng prepared this script with a fund of 3 million yuan, so if you calculate it this way, if the filming is completed in the future and the sale is successful, the profit of 3 points will be 90,000 yuan.

It seems to be better than the first solution.

But as the old saying goes, it's safe to drop your bags.

So Zhang Cheng felt that the other party would be more inclined to choose the first option.

"I choose the second one." The student named Tan Ming who wrote the script decisively made a choice that exceeded Zhang Cheng's expectations.

Zhang Cheng was slightly surprised, then shook hands with Tan Ming.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Naturally, there is no need to go into details about the signing of the contract.

Leaving S Films, regarding the director's choice, Professor Wang Li and Wang still need to take another look. We will have an answer tomorrow.

Zhou Yue turned to look at Zhang Cheng.

Thinking about it.

"Sister Zhou, let's have a meal together at noon, how about letting me and Xiangxiang thank you for coming to help?" Zhang Cheng invited.

Zhou Yue smiled lightly: "Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang is very kind."

After lunch, Zhang Cheng didn't leave Zhou Yue. After all, there was nothing to do in the afternoon.

Wait until tomorrow to find the director, and then interview a series of actors. At that time, Zhang Cheng can let go and let Xiangxiang and these students of S Film and Television play.

After all, although Zhang Cheng has the will to participate in the filming process, he also knows that as a layman, rashly pointing fingers will only bring about some negative problems.

So Zhang Cheng decided that he should be less of a conductor.

What's more, filming a TV series must be a very busy and mind-consuming thing. Zhang Cheng just wants to enjoy life, but he is not willing to participate in chores that will make him so busy that he can't sleep.

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