"Although we haven't completely figured out where their planet is, we can also know that it is definitely not that easy to reach. Take a spaceship to learn about these.... What? Time to find out."

Tony Stark said helplessly.

"No one said that you must go to their planet to learn about it!"

"What's the meaning"

"The universe seems to be very large, but it is not particularly large. If it is really possible, you can still get some news very easily, as long as you have money!"

"Buy News"

"Smart, there are people in the universe who are like the people on earth, they are intelligence dealers who sell news, they can definitely help you find what you want to find!"



Tony Stark wanted to say something, but before he could finish, Lu Chen interrupted him.

"Okay, I have already given you the method, whether you use it or not is yours, and how to use it is also your own problem!"

Lu Chen said.

Steve and Tony Stark also have nothing to do.

The two also wanted Lu Chen to provide one, to avoid some troublesome things from happening, and to better get some news from these people.

It's just that Lu Chen really doesn't mean to help! "I have a small problem!"

Steve said suddenly.

"what little problem"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Aren't you doing something in the universe? Logically speaking, you should also know something, so do you know what they are like?"

"Still not giving up!"

"It's not that I don't give up, but I just want to know!"

"Actually, I really don't know, who has time to care about these guys!"

Steve and Tony Stark thought about Lu Chen's strength and nodded relievedly, Lu Chen really didn't need to care about them.

Just as he was about to say something more, Lu Chen had already changed the subject again, and he obviously did not intend to get involved in this matter.

Steve and Tony Stark also have nothing to do.

In the end, I could only stop talking, chat with Lu Chen about other things, and pay attention to other things.

By the way, just... see Lu Chen disappearing in front of them again, as always.

Only then can Steve and Tony Stark be concerned about those aliens again.

"Just follow what Lu Chen said."

Tony Stark asked Steve.

"Otherwise, is it really just like what you said, no matter what, just rush up and kill them all?"

Steve said angrily.

Before Lu Chen came, the two were also discussing the current matter.

It's just that Tony Stark's murderous aura is really a bit big, and he simply said to kill them directly to save trouble.

Although this is more of an angry remark, it can also be seen that Tony Stark has some thoughts.

Well, you can also see some of Steve's thoughts.

Steve is in denial! "So who to let go"

Steve said.

"Who goes here is really a problem, the two of us are definitely not going to go directly, and some other superheroes are very busy, and they can't drive spaceships, so it's really a question of who to go. question!"

Tony Stark was also a little hesitant.

"Otherwise, find some professional people!"




.... those people, they are more good at these...., they are the best at finding news about some people, and they are also full of talents, they must understand On a spaceship!"

"Also, let's call and ask first!"

Steve and Tony Stark quickly reached a consensus and decided to find S.H.I.E.L.D. first.


.... people understand.

Then, a call was made to Hill! She was the titular Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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