“Trash, congratulations on ending your pirate career, and the sea is less of a group of scourges.”

At the naval headquarters, the Warring States of Buddha coldly swept over the supernovas escorted in, and their tone was only disgust.

As prisoners, supernovae can only use silence to maintain what little dignity they have.

Other supernovae, Warring States are not interested in knowing more, but Xia Yu…

“Pirate Xia Yu, we finally met.” Sengoku’s teeth clattered.

During this time, he didn’t know how many Xia Yu photos he tore up.

“Marshal of the Warring States, sorry for the first meeting, it seems that I can’t shake hands with you.” Xia Yu shrugged and lifted his roasted hands.

“The old man won’t shake hands with dirty pirates.” Warring States looked at Xia Yu, his eyes burning.

Thinking of this time, I was actually threatened by a new person one after another, and I had to compromise.

This is something that must not be tolerated.

Looking at Xia Yu, who now fell into his hands, the Warring States felt indescribably refreshed in his heart.

“To be honest, I really thank you, although you garbage is not worth mentioning now, but the future must be a factor of instability, originally the navy could not send troops at this critical juncture, thank you for forcing the navy to send troops,”

The Warring States are not prepared to let Xia Yu go so simply.

Kidd stared at Xia Yu even more angrily, all because of him.

“Regret? Dare to refuse the deal, now regret it? Endless remorse in hell. ”

“I don’t regret it.” Xia Yu would never regret killing Draco.

Sengoku sneered, pretending to be calm?

“By the way, it seems that you once arrogantly said that tomorrow’s war will still help our navy?” Sengoku looked at Xia Yu mockingly.

“Oh? Need my help? ”

“Hahaha.” Sengoku smiled: “You are a prisoner under the ranks, and you are a garbage that does not even have freedom, and you are also worthy of cooperation with the navy?” Your strength, what qualifications do you have? What does it do. ”

“Then no need.” Xia Yu shrugged his shoulders and said easily: “Don’t talk nonsense, fall into the hands of the navy, kill if you want.” ”

“How? Want to die, want to die a hundred? “How could the Warring States let him get his wish.

How could he die so easily.

Continue to sarcastically: “Can’t accept such a shame? Only blame yourself for being arrogant and ignorant. ”

Xia Yu looked at the chattering Warring States speechlessly, and it seemed that he was angry and angry at me in his heart.

“Don’t worry, it’s impossible if you want to die.”

Sengoku finally vented his long-accumulated anger and resentment.

“Bring him in for me.”

The Warring States pointed at Xia Yu and walked into the closed interrogation room, and the navy forcefully escorted Xia Yu into it.

“I am still arrogant and ignorant here, and I was interrogated alone, and the end must be very miserable, I deserve it.” Kidd taunted.

Closed interrogation room.

“You should understand the current situation, if you want to die, relax, tell me all the news about the ancient weapon Hades you know.” Warring States said in a deep voice, if it weren’t for this purpose, with the anger in his heart, it would instantly tear Xia Yu apart.

“I don’t know.”

Xia Yu denied.

He knew that for the sake of ancient weapons, he could not be executed in an instant, which was also one of the confidence that he dared to take the initiative to fall into the hands of the navy.

“Don’t want to say?” Sengoku sneered.

He also expects it to be so easy to get.

Glancing at Xia Yu, he has been searched, there is no information about Hades, even the “suicide” of Xia Yu in the Chambordy Islands has also been searched by the navy, only some freshwater food.

Ancient weapon Hades design drawing.

Xia Yu had been destroyed a long time ago, and it was now in his mind.

Ulquiorra has a unique ability to “Common Vision!” ”

You can crush the eyeball, then image the stored image in the eye, and then restore the eyeball in an instant by relying on its own super-speed regeneration.

And all the data and drawings recorded on the ancient weapon Hades, all of them are engraved in the eyeballs, if you want to see, you only need to crush the eyeballs to see at any time, there is no safer way than this.

“If you don’t want to say it, you can.”

Sengoku is not willing to give up so simply.

Got up and looked at Xia Yu, and said coldly: “Now I don’t have time to pay attention to you who are prisoner, after tomorrow, there will be time for you to say, as for now… First, go and experience the hellish feeling of advancing into the city, and maybe you will soon cry and want to speak. ”

Now for the Warring States, the most important thing is the execution of Ace tomorrow.

He can still tell the importance of the matter.

Anyway, Xia Yu is already in his hands, and there is time later.

“By the way, the horror of advancing into the city, do you need me to tell you about it?” Warring States looked at Xia Yu playfully, the legend of Advance City is hell for pirates, and many pirates who are not afraid of death are afraid to enter Advance City.

“No, I just want to experience the feeling of the legend advancing into the city for myself.”

Xia Yu smiled in his heart, everything was as he expected, the ancient weapon Hades is his biggest talisman, but the war between the navy and Whitebeard is imminent, and the Warring States will definitely not waste important time on themselves, so they can only be temporarily imprisoned.

Holding the headquarters of the Navy? Xia Yu believes that with the vigilant character of the Warring States, he will definitely not do this, after all, there will be a big war tomorrow, what the situation will be, no one can predict, it is not safe to be locked up in the temporary cell of the naval headquarters.

The natural copper-walled Advance City became the only and best option.

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