I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 568 Chapter 567

[Chapter Serialization: Chopper and the Quack Doctor 16 "You will die at four o'clock in the afternoon three days later"

[Chopper invited Hiruluk to eat together in Kureha’s tree house. Everyone laughed very happily. The quack doctor spat a mouthful of blood on the ground with a smile... Terminal illness is terminal illness after all, no amount of fantasies can prevent death approaching, Kureha wiped his glasses, and told the last remaining time of the quack doctor...]——

Therefore, in order to officially obtain the title of Shichibukai under the king, and to inquire about the location of Don Quixote Doflamingo with the navy, Lynch and Robin immediately set off for the naval headquarters of Marlin Vanduo.

But before that, Lynch and Robin plan to drop by the Whitebeard Pirates.

Robin has also heard about the Don Quixote family, an evil force in the North Sea, in newspapers.

What's more, that Don Quixote Doflamingo was able to make Lynch willing to go all the way there, and his strength was obviously recognized by Lynch.

To be on the safe side, Robin certainly doesn't mind going to the Moby Dick again to recharge the power of his free-spirited white beard.

Speaking of this, Robin was able to use his white-bearded self-contained avatar this time to deal with Baron Eggs and Killer Bobby of the Big Mom Pirates. In fact, there is a special situation-in the past, Robin used the other flowers copied from Huahua Fruit Free clones, each object can basically only last for one month, and after a month, it is almost impossible to successfully summon the corresponding other flower free clones. For example, about a month after leaving Hydra Island, Robin tried to summon Hancock's flower clone, but failed.

For a long time, Robin has done tests with passers-by, and they all basically conform to this rule.

The passerby flower avatar he made by Huazizao, a few days more or less in a month, if he doesn't touch that person again with the power of Huahua fruit to "renew" his power, he can't be successfully summoned again.

Robin can easily figure out the reason for this - as a Huahuaguo capable person, she can create her own Huahua clone anytime and anywhere because of the power of Huahuaguo, which is "renewing" her power all the time.

But Hua Zizai’s avatar is used to reflect other people, and the other party is not a person with Huahua fruit ability. So much so that it is impossible to realize the matter of "the perception of the flower clone is fed back to the main body, and the power of the flower clone is copied to the main body", so he cannot successfully summon the flower clone.

"Although Whitebeard has regained his health, he is still in his sixties after all, unlike Hancock and me, whose bodies are improving and changing all the time." Lynch thought for a while, "So the body of Whitebeard , the time point when there is a non-negligible deviation from the state of the flower avatar is also later, and the summonable time of his flower free avatar is also longer..."

However, if you want to come, it won't be long.

Although Whitebeard will no longer become stronger, but as he continues to age day by day, he is getting weaker. It's just that the degree of weakening is not as obvious as the young people who are getting stronger day by day.

Robin tried it, and tried to summon the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates who were collected together on the Moby Dick that day, but all of them failed.

"I'll test how long the 'Flower Beard' can last when I have time," Lynch said, "Now let's update it first..."

Robin nodded with a smile.


On the sea of ​​the New World, the boats of the JOJO Pirates ride the wind and waves.

In the spacious and comfortable living room in the phone bug castle, there is a piece of paper on the coffee table, which is the life paper of Whitebeard that Robin took from Marco when he left the Moby Dick.

The paper of life will always slowly move towards the position of the person it represents, guiding the direction of that person...and when that person is injured and his life is threatened, the paper of life will spontaneously ignite without fire, and the more it burns, It means that the person's life is more threatened. If it is completely burned to ashes, it means that the other person is completely dead. However, if he is not completely dead and is rescued again, the remaining life paper will miraculously grow back and return to its original state.

Whitebeard's paper of life moved gently in one direction on the coffee table.

"B.I.B" is still replaying the memory of the main body going out this time, especially the battle between Katakuri and Aokiji.

The special nature of Aokiji's frozen fruit, as well as the never-before-seen nature-type awakening ability, all surprised "B.I.B"—exactly the same as Lynch's surprise at the time.

If the molten fruit of Akainu belongs to the type of absolute lethality; then with the help of the concealment of the true element body of the frozen fruit and the use of the cold environment to capture the opponent's body temperature, physical strength and even life little by little, Aokiji, then It belongs to the type of killing people with blunt knives and continuously grinding blood... Even if your strength is not afraid of being frozen by the opponent, there is nothing you can do about it. There is a high probability that you can only watch yourself being consumed in the opponent's frozen field.

However, Aokiji will lose to Akainu in the duel for the position of marshal, which is easier to understand.

Akainu, who is capable of lava fruit, obviously doesn't care about Aokiji's style of "killing people slowly with cold blood grinding"... He is a red dog of scorching magma, how could he lose his energy due to the low temperature?

The mutual restraint of fruits does exist.

It's like the restraint of the strange monk Ulgi to Charlotte Snug. Snug's torment fruit is to make people who touch his skin suffer torture like being in a pan of hell, but the strange monk Urgi's ability is that every time he suffers pain and attacks, he can heal the pain Transforming into a larger size and strength is a special ability called "karma" - Lynch has several doubts about what Urgi's devil fruit is in the devil fruit illustration, but he doesn't know what it is. Not quite sure. However, the tormented fruit of this ability, Tian Kesnag, is completely certain. This is probably why the strange monk Urgi was able to defeat Snag, one of the four dessert generals...

And when it comes to desserts...

Of course, "B.I.B" didn't miss several attempts in the main body memory to Charlotte Katakuri's knowledgeable and domineering enough to foresee the future.

"How is it?" Lynch asked with a smile while drinking fresh flower milk tea, "You should guess the same as me about his vision of the future, right?"

"Of course..." The long and narrow eyes of the stand-in battle armor were watching, replaying the scenes in the comics where Kaeru appeared several times in the chapter of Big Mom, showing the knowledgeableness of foreseeing the future.

After Lynch came back, he had already reviewed these cartoon clips and made some confirmations.

"Katakuri's so-called 'foreseeing the future' is not an ability in terms of time." Lynch said with certainty, "Arrogance is just arrogance in the final analysis, and knowledge is also knowledge in the final analysis, even if there is some kind of evolution after training. , it will only extend the original ability, and it is impossible to steal the power of time suddenly... This is not a fantasy world, can you suddenly understand the law of time? Nonsense!"

"And the evidence is—" Lynch said, "The 'future' he foresees doesn't always come true! I purposely tested it with the King's Fist, and it happened to confirm this point."

"B.I.B" said slowly: "You didn't really want to use the King's Fist to attack Mundol and the others at that time... It's just that your King's Fist, which accumulates power very slowly, made it in Kataku Li's knowledge of "foreseeing the future" has become a huge threat enough to "constitute the future"...or, judging from the rising danger of your fist, the kind of future where you punch and kill Mundol and the others The probability of that happening is extremely high. 』

The future that Katakuri foresees is not the real future.

In the tea party in the manga aunt chapter, Katakuri foresaw someone among the guests who would express revenge through his knowledge, and then he shot that guy with jelly beans in advance... That is to say, in fact, the other party is actually Never said the words that Katakuri foresaw!

Although it is only a very subtle detail, it is enough for Lynch to speculate the truth of Katakuri's knowledge of the future.

And the truth is often simple, and even makes people feel disappointed with "that's it?"...

"Informative and domineering, you can 'foresee the future'." Lynch finished drinking a cup of flower milk tea and said with a smile, "Otherwise, how can we predict the opponent's upcoming attack?"

In the comics, whether it is Sky Island's heart network or Luffy's fight with Sang Da and Mary on Nine Snake Island, how he will punch and kick from which direction will be determined by Enilo, Sed, Mary's knowledge and domineering predictions are deadly.

Isn't this "foreseeing the future"? Just a tiny bit of the future.

And it is impossible for ordinary knowledgeable people to be able to see the "future picture" that is clear in a few seconds like Katakuri. What is even more weird is that they can see in advance what other people will say in a few seconds...

"B.I.B" folded his arms, "We should be thinking of the same noun..."

"Of course." Lynch sighed, "Thanks to the science popularization of those online novels..."

After a pause, he and the stand-in said a noun at the same time: Laplace's demon.


"Laplace demon?"

When Robin came back from making a pot of coffee, he just heard Lynch muttering the word, and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

The long and narrow eyes of "B.I.B" were shimmering, and quickly called out the definition of an encyclopedia entry, and read: "Suppose there is an omnipresent and omniscient goblin, which can know the forces of all natural movements and all natural forces at a certain moment. The location of the objects that constitute it, and the ability to analyze these data, then for this goblin, nothing will be ambiguous, and the future will only appear in front of it like the past...』

Robin is digesting this hypothetical concept, that is to say, the hypothetical "Laplace's Demon" understands all past "causes" and thus can predict future "effects"?

Lynch then told her about Charlotte Katakuri and his knowledgeable domineering ability to foresee the future.

"You mean——" Robin's quick thinking caught Lynch's train of thought immediately, and he said in surprise, "Katakuri collected the breath of everything around him by using his knowledge and knowledge, so he managed to 'foresee the future'?"

Lynch said with a smile: "Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. It sounds good, doesn't it? When knowledge and knowledge are cultivated to observe everything around in detail, and accumulate countless 'very tiny futures' of countless tiny things, Consciously or unconsciously summarized in the subconscious, and then 'bang' - a wonderful thing happened! The future picture is 'played in advance' through knowledge and domineering..."

However, if this is the case, perhaps the knowledgeable color that Kaji cultivated that can foresee the short future should be called Katakuri demon?


After the boat sailed on the sea for a while, a black ghost flew out holding a green phone bug, knocked the latter on the boat, and the whole boat disappeared without a trace.

"B.I.B" held Xiaolu and flew over the sea of ​​the new world.

In Little Green's right eye, Lynch was sitting on the edge of the castle gate with Robin in his arms, admiring the unpredictable weather and wonders on the sea of ​​the New World.

In Robin's hand is Whitebeard's life paper, which reminds the "B.I.B" outside of the correct direction from time to time.

After all, they are also the people who will become the king of Qiwuhai, and the outside world seems to think that there is an unresolvable enmity between the JOJO Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates... It is really inconvenient to say it openly at this time He drove the boat directly to Whitebeard's boat.


A certain sea area, the Moby Dick.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was counting the harvest on the deck, and Marco was treating the wounded brothers when suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Yo, who beat you up, is this?"

Marco's face darkened, and when he turned around, he saw Giorno and Xu Lun who suddenly appeared on the deck out of thin air. Xu Lun was still so quiet, as if he was observing his surroundings all the time, and Giorno was still so... making one want to punch him.

I don't feel good today, let's make a transition for now. Although there are only two chapters, they add up to 7,200 words... It's different from the previous 4,000-word check-in!

At the end of the month, there seems to be a double monthly pass. If you recharge your batteries today, you will be ready for it when the time comes! I'm already researching how to ask for a monthly pass of 3,000 when the time comes (Wang Tian)

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