I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 580 Personality Exchange Surgery

The changes that took place in just an instant caught people by surprise.

At least Virgo was quite caught off guard.

Himself... chopped into dozens of pieces of "minced meat"?

Dozens of Virgo's body parts were scattered in the snow like a fruit plate that had been overturned, including those parts of the brain that were extremely suspicious at the moment.

But I didn't feel the slightest pain!

And... there is no feeling of injury!

Is it some kind of ability of Giorno? !

"This is the ability of the fruit of surgery!?"

Rossindi's eyes widened. Just now, he clearly saw that Giorno just waved his fingers at the fleeing Virgo, and chopped him into dozens of pieces!

"Huh?" Robin suddenly noticed that something had fallen out beside the scattered Virgo piles.

"But, Virgo... it seems that he didn't die because of it..."

Kongtiao Xu Lun went to the pile of Virgo to pick up things, Rosinindi could see clearly, among those fragments, Virgo's severed arm even tried to attack Kong Tiao Xu Lun - was knocked down by Kongtiao Xu Lun with a wave of his hand. After all, it was just a separate arm.

"..." Luo opened his mouth. He was deeply shocked by what happened in front of him, especially the ability of the fruit of the operation displayed by Giorno. He murmured: "Doctor, it won't hurt The patient on the operating table's..."

"That's right. Young man, you are very savvy." Lynch nodded, and looked down at Xiao Luo with white spots all over his face. "Just now—where did we go?"

Rossindi and Luo were bewildered, with a question mark appearing above their heads.

After picking up things from the pile of Virgo, Robin came back and reminded: "'Not only the exchange of space, but also the soul level'..."


Suddenly, Lynch snapped his fingers, and made a "eight" between his thumb and index finger, aiming at the bewildered Rossindi and Ronaldinho.


Lynch flipped the "eight" character with two fingers and switched positions.

Luo Xindi and Luo, who were in confusion, suddenly felt a "sense of weightlessness" that penetrated deep into the soul - at the same time, a phantom in the shape of a red heart flew out very visually from the position of their hearts , as Lynch's two fingers exchanged positions, two red hearts popped out of their chests, and then "swished" into each other's chests.

Luo only felt himself in a trance for a moment, and then returned to normal.

He looked at Lynch and Robin, confused: "What happened... Hey, how did you get shorter? Eh?! My voice..."

Luo was shocked, touched his body, and soon felt pain all over his body!


There was the pain from being beaten by Virgo before, and there was also the pain from the wounds all over the body when he was shot when he snatched the fruit of the operation...

Luo stared blankly at his palms that had become much thicker, as well as his blood-stained shirt and black feather cloak...


He spit out the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, turned his head in disbelief and said, "Mr. Corazon, how did I become you—"

Luo's pupils shrank!

He saw "myself" kneeling on the snow, hugging her body and shrinking!

"..." Robin looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise, "Could it be...?!"

Lynch smiled and said, "Yeah, how about calling it the soul level?"

He turned to look at Robin, and made gestures between each other, "Would you like to try?"

Robin raised his hand and pushed his head back.

"Monsieur Corazon!"

Luo suddenly yelled, he is a smart and precocious boy, how can he not understand what happened at this moment? But before he could continue to be shocked, he saw "myself"—no, it was Mr. Corazon who suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and splashed it on the snow.


Luo (Rosinindi) shrank and half knelt, and even whimpered a few times.

"Mr. Corazon?" Rosindy (Luo) squatted down, trying to stretch out his hand and retract it.


Luo (Rosinindi) stretched out her immature hand, grabbed the blood that was slowly seeping in the snow, looked up with tears in her eyes, and said sadly, "So...you have been enduring this kind of pain all the time? ?”


Rossindi (Luo)'s eyes turned red all of a sudden, and snot and tears came out. Covering the bullet holes and blood stains all over his body, he smiled and whimpered, "Your body hurts too...Mr. Corazon ..."


Looking at the two who were crying and laughing while hugging their heads, Robin was also deeply touched, and wiped the corners of his eyes with a smile.

Lynch next to him strode forward, with his arms covered with the "B.I.B" double arm armor, and while walking, he took out the fruit of the operation in his body, and said: "What touching story, you go out and talk slowly Bar."

As he said that, with his right hand, which was covered with red flame-patterned arm armor, he stuffed the triangular chip covered with scalpel swirl patterns into Luo's chest.


Luo (Rosindi) looks down dully as Giorno sinks his arm into his chest.

He could already guess that this is how Giorno captured and endowed him with the ability of the devil fruit—but why did he give me the fruit of the operation! ?

"Giorno! Didn't I say it? The fruit of the operation—is it going to... eh?!"

Luo (Rosinindi) stood up and yelled at Lynch.

But when he raised his head until the back of his head was almost parallel to the ground to see Giorno's face, he gradually realized that something was wrong... Yes, I am Luo now!

"Do you have any questions?" Lynch lowered his head and asked, "Kid?"

Luo (Rosinindi) really wanted to jump up and punch this guy, shouting: "It's a big problem! I—I don't know any medical skills at all! Even if I have the fruit of the operation, I can't cure this body. Platinum-lead disease - and! Why am I still lo?!"

He scratched his head again and again, and said depressedly, "It doesn't make any sense at all, does it?"

"You're right..." Lynch said, pausing for a while, and in the anticipation of Luo (Rosindi) and Rosindi (Luo) beside him, he calmly said, "But, I refuse!"


Robin silently held his forehead beside him.


It's a long story, but from when Lynch met Rossindi, Virgo, Luo, and the others, to some conflicts and manipulations, it only took about ten minutes in total.

Lynch ignored the resentful eyes of Luo Xindi (Luo) and Luo (Luo Xindi), waved his hands and said: "Okay, the fruit of the operation is on you, why are you complaining? It's better to get out of this birdcage. It doesn't matter if the soul is exchanged, as long as you work hard, there is still hope for it. Come on!"

As he spoke, he laughed twice, turned and left with Robin.

Luo and Luo Xindi, who seem to be dependent on each other and sympathetic to each other, are left behind... They are dumbfounded. As soon as you get the fruit of the operation, you can use it casually. "As long as you work hard, there is still hope!" ?

Speak clearly!

If we don't get back in the end...

Mister Corazon using my body/Ro's body - it's dangerous! ! The two thought unwillingly in their hearts at the same time.

Qiao Luno and Xu Lun left without looking back...

Especially that guy Giorno, he doesn't seem like someone who can change his mind at all... In other words, they can only rely on themselves...

"At least, he demonstrated for us how to use the fruit of the operation."

Luo (Rosinindi) sorted out his mood, sighed, coughed twice, covered his chest and turned around, stretched out his fist and knocked on the leg of "myself" next to him, "Let's go, Luo. I won't let you just To die here..."

"Yeah!" Luo Xindi (Luo) nodded with a smile, then raised his leg and took a step, and "I" slapped the ground and yelled, "Pay attention to your steps, you idiot!!"

"Oh, sorry, I, no, sorry, Mr. Corazon!"


Lynch and Robin left side by side, and within a short distance, a voice came from Virgoli who was scattered on the ground behind: "You two... can't compete with Dover..."

Robin stopped, and Lynch looked back.

"You don't understand at all..." Among the fragments, Virgo's voice came from one of the fragments, "Dover's past..."

Lynch came over, squinted his eyes and aimed at it, and kicked the talking part away with a "bang".

call out--------

Part of Virgo flew towards the far edge of the cage.

Lynch kicked several times in a row, swishing and swishing, kicking Virgo's pieces flying all over the sky.

Robin looked at the small half of the fragments left on the ground, and said calmly: "With his current size, he will fly out of the gap in the birdcage, right?"

"Ah? That's right." Lynch put down the leg that was about to kick again, "Forget it then."

Robin stretched out his hand, and petals surged from the snow to form a thick arm, grabbed the remaining half of Virgo's body fragments, and threw it towards the sky outside the birdcage with a "boom", and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The petals' arms were scattered, and Robin let out a breath slowly, shook his head, turned around and continued to leave.

As for the fragment of the right foot left on the ground, she didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Lynch didn't care at all, he followed Robin with his trouser pockets in his hands, and asked, "What's the matter? It's rare to see you so angry."

In the back, the pitch-black battle armor picked up the remaining right foot in the snow, weighed it, made a baseball pitcher's posture, and threw it to the distance outside the birdcage.


On the Beluga in the New World, Whitebeard raised his head in wonder at the scorching sun, and then looked down at his right hand. Why did he feel like he was in a world of ice and snow just now?

And it seems to grab something and throw it away?


On the North Sea side, Lynch and Robin continued to go deep into the ruined town surrounded by bird cages, and along the way saw the corpses of some pirates who were controlled by parasitic lines to kill each other.

"It's because of this..."

Robin took out the small scroll that rolled out of the pile of Virgo just now, she opened it and handed it to Lynch, it was an intelligence document full of words.

Lynch saw that it was all words, so he didn't really want to read it, but after all, he saw the words "Dressrosa", and he immediately understood that this was what Rosinian Dubai Toro handed over to the Navy. Information on the plans of the Don Quixote family to seize the throne of Dressrosa.

Didn't Virgo tore it up angrily after he got it?

Lynch shrugged, maybe this is the rumored butterfly effect!

Robin said to himself: "The Don Quixote family actually planned to do such a cruel thing to Dressrosa..."

She has a good impression of the little people, arena heroes, kings, and princesses on that island, especially Manxueli, the princess of the little people, and Rebecca, the granddaughter of King Dressrosa. They all have a good impression.

I, Nicole Robin, was labeled as a so-called pirate by others. When we were fighting...

Eh, wait...

Robin shook his head with a grin, why did he learn Lynch's meme too?


I very much agree with the second half of the sentence - even I, who is called the "son of the devil", can tell what is disgusting and evil!

Don Quixote. Doflamingo...

Robin thought in his heart, raised his head, and stopped slowly like Lynch next to him.

In front of them, in the middle of the snowy road in the suburbs, stood a man with a blue hedgehog head, goggles, a white mask, a black leather windbreaker, and pockets... On his left and right sides stood a man wearing a hat with rabbit ears, A muscular old man in a fitness bodysuit and a tall woman with fancy bright hair, cartoon glasses and a fur sweater...

Wow, wow, wow... A sound like swimming came from behind them.

Lynch looked back and saw a tough guy in a suit and sunglasses who used the snow as a swimming pool, swam behind them and jumped out, took a puff of smoke, and said calmly, "Where are you going?"

3500 words, I don't know if there will be a third update, try my best!

In short, ask for a monthly ticket~

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