I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 615 It's My Turn (6,000-word chapter)

[Chapter Header Series·Red Heart Pirates 23·『You are almost done! 』]

[The female nurse wondered why something was missing, a light bulb appeared on the head of baby5 behind her, this is the time when she needs to use herself! She almost couldn't bear it and ran to help send the stolen goods back, but was quickly grabbed by a hand stretched out from behind. When she turned around, she saw Corazon's (Ro?) fierce eyes, and of course she was so frightened that she burst into tears... Luo Xidi was speechless, opened his hand to exchange places in a room, and moved the three of them to a ward at the end of the corridor...]——

Lin Qi pressed the huge black dragon's head with his palm, and flew over the water capital.

It is true that he can't fly physically, but when he stepped on the air horizontally and backwards, each foot made a thunderous explosion, bursting out a powerful driving force-the black dragon itself can't fly, it uses the ability of the devil fruit to climb The cloud and mist can only climb the clouds and fly, so it was forced to fly backwards by Lynch with a powerful moon step force, and it couldn't break free for a while. The surrounding clouds and mist receded quickly, and it had no time to grab it.

The huge dragon chant echoed in the rain, and then went away at a high speed. Many people in the town carefully leaned out of the doors and windows to look out.

At the place where the roar of the dragon passed, the rainwater was blown away for a while, forming an empty path, pointing to the mountains in the depths of the water capital where the imperial palace is located.

"He brought the black dragon..."

Outside the city gate of the city of water, Xiang Lian let the rain drench her face, looking up at the direction where Long Ying was going away in a daze.

She murmured: "I went to Zijin Mountain..."


Sweet Leek has regained some strength, and is going to check on the condition of his son A Cai and his father Qingjiao.

He also saw the figure of the black dragon flying away over the capital of water, but after the battle, he was exhausted, unable to concentrate on using the color of knowledge, and did not find too many details.

Hearing Xianglian's words, Tian Jiu knew that the black dragon had been taken away by someone when he left.

Who can have such courage?

Who has that kind of strength?

"It's Giobana Giorno..."

Xianglian's murmured response surprised Tianjiu, but she suddenly came back to her senses, yes, it should be that guy, and only that guy! Except for the actual Shichibukai, the king of the JOJO Pirates, who else in the country of flowers can soar into the sky like just now, and forcibly take away the black dragon who is helpless even the old man Qingjiao, almost like an escort Brought to the Zijin Mountains where the palace is located?

In the pool of blood, Qingjiao sat up, wiped the tears from her face, touched the crooked cone head, and said hoarsely: "This is wrong...he is Qi Wuhai, why is he fighting against the black dragon?"

Looking at the skyline of the distant mountains, Xianglian murmured, "Because... Giorno is Lily's son."

Like a sunny day, oh, a rainy day, like a thunderbolt on a rainy day, Tianyu was stunned, "Son of Lily!?"

Hoo, hoo, hoo!

The wind and rain whizzed back on both sides, Lin Qi pedaled loudly, and flew into the mountains with the black dragon.

"You mean the lily?" Qingjiao's eyes were full of disbelief, "She has disappeared for decades, how could it be... Giorno is her son?!"


In the deep mountains, the black dragon crashed into a mountain top, Lin Qi hovered in the air, and with his kicks, more than a dozen crescent-shaped haze feet slashed on the black dragon's body.

"Thirty years ago, Lily entered Zijin Mountain alone, boarded the palace, and assassinated the previous generation of black dragons..."

Xianglian stared into the distance, "It's just that one day, Sister Baihe failed..."


The roar of the dragon soared into the sky, shaking the rain curtain away, and Lan's feet slashed on the scales of the black dragon clangingly, leaving only faint indentations, which could not break the hard dragon scales.

The black dragon flicked its tail and whipped Lynch away like an iron whip.

Lynch crashed through a mountain wall, bang, bang, bang, breaking several hills one after another.

"Now, Giorno..."

Tears mingled with the rain and dripped down her cheeks, Xianglian was mixed with joy and sorrow, with remorse, reminiscence, and gratification, mixed with a thousand emotions, and murmured, "He wants to take over his mother's sword, To end the unfinished dragon slaying, is this..."


There was a human-shaped pothole on the mountain wall. Lynch kicked the mountain wall to pieces and rushed out.

Facing him was the ferocious head of the flying black dragon, which raised its huge claws wrapped in pitch-black arrogance and tore at Lynch.

"It turned out to be her child..." Tianyu stared blankly at the direction of the Zijin Mountain Palace, and muttered to himself, "No wonder, no wonder, no wonder..."

I don't know what he is doing, is it why Giorno is so young but powerful? Or is it no wonder that Giorno is clearly Qiwuhai, but he wants to be an enemy of the black dragon?

Or, it’s no wonder that Giorno is clearly a pirate, but it’s rarely heard that he has done any evil things. On the contrary, it was rumored that he eliminated the Don Quixote family in the North Sea a while ago...

【"Why should I help you strangers?" In the memory, the woman was holding a sword and said with high spirits, "When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. This is a ranger! Hehe..."】

No wonder, it turned out to be her son, just like her...

Ding ding ding!

Sparks flew like gold and iron colliding, and Lynch, who had just rushed out of the hole, was kicked away by the black dragon's claw.

Hoo hoo, hoo hoo...

While falling from a high altitude, Lynch watched the drizzle and dark cloud sky fly away, and touched his body.

Armed with mixed iron blocks, I am getting more and more proficient...

Therefore, just now, the black dragon's claws were enough to split the golden stone, so it failed to tear apart its own defense.

Lynch smiled slightly, and the moment he was about to fall to the bottom of the valley, he turned over and stepped down hard, boom! The whole person shot up into the sky like a cannonball.

The reflection of his smiling and counterattacking figure was reflected in the dark golden pupils of the black dragon, and bloodshot slowly emerged.

"Giobana Giorno!!!!!!!!!!"

The black dragon roared loudly, including a dragon wagging its tail angrily, entangled with a strong armed domineering, and slammed Lynch flying away.

Lynch put his arms against the black dragon's tail, but after all, he couldn't use his strength in the air, so he was still sent flying by a whip.

The force of the impact and vibration was so strong that even Lynch felt his viscera shake. There was no need to hold back, and Lynch spit blood readily, feeling much happier.

"Come again!"

Flying upside down, he wiped the corner of his mouth, laughed and stomped on the air, and with a bang, he rushed towards the black dragon again.

"Why? Why didn't you fight back?"

The black dragon beat Lynch into the air again and again, either with its tail, or with its claws, or directly with its horns. Sometimes it knocked Lynch into the mountain, and sometimes it knocked Lynch down to the ground of the valley. , smashing a huge pothole.

But no matter how many times, Lynch seemed to never tire, quickly made a comeback, and rushed towards the black dragon again and again.

The black dragon said angrily: "Why do you want to be my enemy?!"

"It seems..." Lynch flew over from the ruins again, "You don't have any idea of ​​how annoying you are!"

"So, in the past few days in the country of flowers, you have inquired about a lot of things!"

The black dragon sneered a few times, three dragon claws climbed the clouds and mist into the sky, and one dragon claw wrapped around a jet-black armed domineering, knocking Lynch flying into the air.

"Have you mixed up with those remnants of the Demon League?"

The black dragon roared and flew over, the dragon's horns were also covered in black, and Lin Qi, who was flying upside down and hit the mountain wall, flew hard, and roared, "If that's the case, why didn't you fight back?!"

boom! boom! boom! Lynch was being held by the dragon's horn and smashed into pieces of mountains.

"Or, you are just a name in vain?!"

The black dragon's dark golden dragon eyes were full of sarcasm, "What did you say that you once confronted Whitebeard, but in the end you couldn't even resist my blow? It's ridiculous!!"


The long black dragon carried a small figure in comparison, pierced through a mountain peak, and the sky was covered with rubble, and the mountain collapsed rumblingly.

"I, lonely, I, widow..."

Some blood spattered between Lynch's clenched teeth.

His face was full of displeasure, his dark hands clenched the horns of the dragon against his body, and he stepped on the air to use his strength to swing the huge black dragon up in the sky, huh, huh... huh-huh-huh- ——Finally roaring and throwing the black dragon flying.

"It's a mess, can you give me a unified one!!"

The black dragon is like a black noodle flying high in the sky, "cutting" off one mountain after another, and finally hanging on a majestic mountain...

Dust and smoke billowed, countless broken stones rolled down the road like a torrent, and the birds in the mountains and forests fled like clouds. In the perception of knowledge and color, many animals fled in panic.

The black dragon roared, coiled around the mountain, and swam to the top of the mountain. The dragon's head stood upright, looking coldly at the opposite side.

On the opposite side, Lynch stepped on the air, turned over and jumped, and landed on a broken hill.

He is unarmed and does not carry a weapon, the golden iron rod.

It's not that I want to fight dragons with my bare hands, but mainly because I forgot to bring...


The black dragon coiled around the mountain, panting slightly.

Animals have strong physical strength and strong recovery ability, but that doesn't mean they won't be tired. He turned into a complete animal form and entangled with Giorno for so long, hitting more than a dozen hills shattered, of course he will feel tired.

It's just... I am a black dragon of the phantom beast species, and I am already so tired, but Giorno was beaten up and down by himself, blood was sprayed several times, and he was beaten all the time, why did he still look like he was okay?

Are you holding on?


The huge dark golden dragon eyes stared at Lin Qi's figure on the top of the mountain, feeling a little suspicious.

What is this Giorno planning?

Even if his name is not worthy of his name and he is not worthy to be compared with Whitebeard, but since he has made such a name and destroyed the Don Quixote family, he shouldn't have no power to fight back against his own attack!

Looking at Qiao Luno who was standing on the opposite hill, who had been beaten for a long time but remained calm, the black dragon's heart sank...

Lynch patted the dust off his body, pressed one nostril, poof! A ball of blood foam was sprayed out forcefully.

He let out a breath, feeling much more comfortable, and laughed loudly: "Baby Black Dragon, don't think too much! I just heard that you seem to think...the Black Dragon is invincible! So I couldn't help but want to give it a try. That's all..."

"What did you say?!" The black dragon coiled on the opposite mountain raised his voice with sullenness, "I want to try...that's all...that's all?!"


Lin Qi stood tall and straight on the top of the mountain, looking at the black dragon lying cross-legged and raising its head from afar.

"I'm curious... When you used all your means and couldn't kill me..."

Lynch's smiling face also turned slightly cold, and the tip of his tongue licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, "...how desperate you must be in your heart."


The black dragon on the opposite side seemed to be enveloped by a cloud of low air pressure in an instant. The two huge dragon eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. They stared ferociously at Giorno on the opposite side, and slowly squeezed out a few words between the interlaced dragon teeth. "You... really... looking for death!!!"


A mass of intense white light condensed in the depths of the dragon's mouth, and rays of light burst out from the gap between the teeth, with a terrifying momentum rising steadily.

"Dragon Breath!"

The black dragon opened his mouth and spit out, bang!

A huge beam of light more than ten meters thick gushed out from his mouth, and the intense light almost illuminated the entire gloomy sky.

The huge beam of light came oncoming, but Lynch had no intention of dodging. He took a light breath and raised his muscular arms.

"Iron block." His whole body seemed to be coated with a metallic luster.


Where the dragon's breath passed, the scorching temperature burned the forest along the way, completely evaporating the rain!

"Armed color." Lynch's whole body was covered with a layer of jet-black domineering, and he looked like a jet-black iron man from a distance.


Even the howling wind in the deep mountains was swept away by the mighty pillar of dragon's breath that swept past...

Lynch said to himself, "Liu Ying."

The huge beam of light submerged Lynch and completely shattered the mountain he stood on.

The beam of dragon's breath swept across the sky, like a huge white sword breaking through the clouds, splitting the sky above the city of water into two...

Many people in the city looked up and stared blankly at this scene.

"It's the king..."

"The power of the black dragon..."

Many people couldn't help the fear in their hearts, closed their eyes and trembled their lips and muttered to themselves.

Such a terrible attack, let alone seeing it, the vast majority of people have never even imagined it.

Even the Dragon Banner Army, Xiang Chun, Tong Ling Nai and others who were fighting fiercely stopped their movements and looked up at this scene in a daze.

Even though the light of the dragon's breath slowly dissipated in the sky, the frightening power just now lingered in the hearts of everyone, bringing cold fear... Is there really anyone who can contend with this kind of power?

Giorno, he is fighting this kind of monster?

"This is..." Xianglian, who hurried into the city, stared blankly at the sky, the beam of light just now still had residual traces in her vision, "Sister Lily fought desperately with such a monster back then..."

Sister Baihe failed to assassinate, soberly realized the limit of her own strength, so she decided to go to the outer seas to hone her strength beyond that of the black dragon.

And myself... I, a person who has never faced the black dragon, shamelessly questioned Sister Lily... questioned her naively believing in the black dragon's agreement...

"Lily's child, are you really fighting the black dragon?"

Tianjiu also followed, looking at the mountains where the dragon's breath flew in the rain, he couldn't believe it, "Did the black dragon never show its full strength against us..."

"We can only trust him." Someone said suddenly.

Qingjiao, A Cai, and Xianglian and Tianjiu also looked over. Among the crowd fighting with the Dragon Banner Army, Kongtiao Xu Lun was protecting a little girl while killing the Dragon Banner Army soldiers who were killing her one by one. Soldiers fly.

She crossed her arms in front of her, looked back and smiled, "Isn't it?"

On the shoulder of the Dragon Banner Army that was slashing towards her, an arm suddenly grew out, and it clenched its fist around the armed body. With one punch, the Dragon Banner Army's face was crooked and his eyes slanted, and he fell unconscious to the side.

"You are..." Qingjiao's eyes widened, looking at Kongtiao Xu Lun.

Robin said: "Clean up these people first and then talk about other things."

Xianglian was the first to call out, "Xiangchun! Xiangyun!"

She drew out her long sword, stepped forward to help, and charged at the Dragon Banner Army in armor of various colors.

The psychic grandma slapped a Dragon Banner soldier flying with her sword, and shouted in the rain: "Qingjiao! Your head is crooked, is your heart crooked too? Don't come to help!"

The green pepper was excited, the white beard fluttered, and he roared: "Of course not! Sweet chives, A Cai! Boys of the Eight Treasures Navy, let's go together!"

The sound of the shock was soaring, and the melee was fought. It didn't take long for thousands of Dragon Banner troops to lie down and fill several streets. The rain mixed with blood, gurgling in the ditches...

Green pepper, sweet leek, A Cai and others all had arrows, broken swords, and broken knives stuck in their bodies, and they gritted their teeth and pulled them out.

The three sisters Xianglian, Xiangchun, and Xiangyun reunited. Xianglian patted the third brother, looked at his empty sleeve and half of his body that was burned, and said with a tearful smile: "Good job! You have grown up!" , Xiangyun, is a man!"

Xiang Yun grinned, "Sister, I'm disabled, you have to continue to support me in the future."

"Don't forget me." Xiangchun wiped away the rain and tears all over his face, "Second Sister will support you forever..."

Xiang Yun turned his head and said: "We are fine now, the most important thing now is that person and the black dragon... Is it really all right for him to deal with the black dragon alone..."

Everyone looked at Kongtiao Xu Lun first, and the latter also raised his head in the rain, quietly looking at the mountains in the drizzle.

Ever since Lynch took the black dragon away, there have been continuous vibrations from the mountain. The shaking of the mountain and the ground was so violent that it was very clear on the side of the water capital. It is hard to imagine how fierce the battle in the mountain was... But since the dragon's breath that split the sky just now, the violent vibration in the mountains no longer came out. Is the battle over? Or... has Giorno been defeated?

"B.I.B" folded his arms and said, "I forgot to bring the golden iron rod. 』


Robin's dark green pupils stared quietly at the mountains, "You always miss things..."

In the perception of her and the stand-in armor, she could either vaguely or clearly perceive that Lynch's aura hadn't weakened much compared to the beginning....


A several kilometers long conical gully tore apart the mountains.

Among the ruins at the apex of the conical gully lay a young man whose body seemed to be perfectly sculpted, with puffs of burnt black smoke all over his body, and it was unknown if he was dead or not.

Pa-ta, pa-ta, pa-ta... A little drop of water dripped on his smoking hot muscle skin, making a crackling sound.

The earth-shattering battle temporarily subsided, and the rain started again, a little harder than before.

The raindrops fell on the black dragon's scales, and his panting sound was heavier than before. He grasped the clouds and mist and looked down at the figure at the apex of the large cone-shaped crater on the ground.

do you died?

No... the black dragon's sense of knowledge has sensed that Giorno is still alive!

Crash, clatter... The pile of rubble was pushed away, Lynch was still smoking, he patted the dust off his body, and slowly stood up.

More bloodshots appeared in the dark golden dragon eyes, and a trace of fear that he didn't realize appeared in the depths of the black dragon's heart. He ate my dragon's breath head-on, and he didn't die? !


Lynch coughed a few times in his throat, and spit out a cloud of thick plasma... The cultivation base of life return is as deep as his, and after drawing out all the traces of blood accumulated in the body from the hidden wounds, he spit it directly on the ground, and immediately felt much refreshed.

Lynch shook his neck, shook his arms, and thumped his back... Finally, with a smile on his face, he hooked his fingers at the black dragon hovering in the sky, as if to say, continue, why stop?

The black dragon went berserk, with a roar, the dragon shadow swooped down, and suddenly shrank when it was close to the ground, turning into a half-human, half-dragon, the strongest form with dragon horns on its head and a dragon tail dragging its tail. Looking domineering, he kicked Lynch hard on the head from the sky.


Black lightning burst out, and Lynch's eyes also had bloodshot eyes, and a stream of blood dripped from his forehead and hair. He swayed, but he slammed his feet to stand still, and did not fall down.

"...?!" Seeing this, the black dragon in orc form was stunned. His blow from the sky couldn't even make him kneel down? !

Lynch stuck out his tongue and licked the blood dripping from his forehead, and said with a smile, "Come again, Xiaolong."

"Conceited bastard..."

The half-dragon man roared and attacked Lynch with all his strength like crazy.

And Lynch, as before, only defended but not counterattacked. His whole body is pitch black, covered with a layer of metal-like luster, the claws, teeth, and horns of the black dragonman... All the attacks poured on him, most of which can only burst out metal on his pitch-black, iron-like body. There were clusters of sparks colliding, even if the black dragon exerted all its strength and used the strongest armed attack, at most it could only tear a scratch on Lynch's body, and strands of blood dripped out.

Bang, bang, bang... The Heilongren beat Lynch crazily, smashing the mountain walls and leaving cracks on the ground, but the more they beat, the colder the Heilongren's heart became, and they were even shrouded in chills.

He had never experienced such a chill before, and it was strange for a while.

Why do I feel so cold?

I am a black dragon, how can I be cold?

He stepped Giorno in the middle of the crack, roared and waved his black claws, and attacked Giorno at the bottom of the crack like a storm, but the chill in his heart became more and more frozen to the bone.

Why, why didn't it work?

My attack...why can't kill him?

What kind of monster is this person?

Why do I feel more and more cold...


The black dragon claw was torn off again, but this time it was caught by a pitch-black hand.

The black dragon man wanted to break free, but this hand was like a steel drill, which could not be shaken at all... Lynch lay on the bottom of the crack, and with irresistible force, stood up little by little against the black dragon man, and lifted the black dragon's claws. Little by little, he broke back.

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