[Chapter Header Series Red Heart Pirates 31 "You are a capable person, you can't get into the water even after transforming!" 』]

[Rosinindi is recuperating, and baby5 is observing the submarine made by Wolfe, wondering if her weapon fruit can become like this... Luo's voice came from behind, which made baby5 suddenly realize. She turned her head and saw Luo Tui Stepping out of the door, there is a vast expanse of snow outside the house. baby5 puts on the cotton coat, and hurriedly catches up with another cotton coat...]——

"I'm ashamed of being a nobleman!"

Dorag was deeply shocked by the sincere words that the noble boy cried out.

Has the Kingdom of Goa rotted...to the point where children can say such things?

"I understand, because I was also born in this country..." Drago said to himself as if holding Sabo, "but I don't have enough power to change this country..."


Sabo wiped his tears, heard Luffy's voice, turned his head to look, and saw Aunt Tulip, Ace, and Luffy waving towards this side.

Drago helped Sabo stand up.

"Hey, what gust of wind brought you here?" The voice of a woman approaching behind made Drago's face condense, he turned his head, lifted the hood of his cloak, and said helplessly, "Tulip..."

After picking up Tulip on Nine Snake Island, Tulip always stabbed him when he was in a good mood or not.

Drago knew that he was wronged in front of her in this life, so he let her stab him.

Tulip and Drago looked at each other silently, and suddenly smiled at each other.

Tulip lifted Luffy in front of Dorag, and said with a smile, "Here, your son. Your old man hid here for him! Hmph... Luffy, this is Dad, Monkey.D. Lager."

Ace and Sabo next to him were surprised when they heard this. Especially Sabo, I felt a little embarrassed. Just now, I showed my true feelings. I thought it was an uncle passing by, but I didn't expect it to be Luffy's father!

"Hi, Uncle, I'm Ace." Ace bowed to Dorag as politely as possible, "I'm a friend of Luffy and a student of Aunt Tulip."

"Ah, and me, my name is Sabo." Sabo also said quickly, "Same as Ace."

"Yeah." Drago was taciturn but not indifferent, nodded to Ace and Sabo, and then looked at Luffy who was being held by Tulip.

The latter seemed a bit at a loss, as if he didn't know how to get along with the creature called Dad, especially when this dad was not as active and enthusiastic as his mother...

"The hat is nice." Drago smiled slightly, reaching out and rubbing the straw hat on Luffy's head.

With such a simple sentence, Lu Fei's eyes gradually brightened up, and he suddenly felt a sense of intimacy with the man in front of him who didn't look much like him.

"Hey!" He pulled the brim of his straw hat and smiled.

Tulip was a little puzzled, she had spent many times with her son on the island near the Navy Headquarters, but they had never seen each other before, right? How did you become acquainted with just one sentence?

Ace looked up at the family of three, dazed.

"Dorag! Get ready!"

At this moment, a tall figure wearing a cloak suddenly came here, and Tulip glanced at that person, "It's Eva."

Drago put down Luffy and said in a deep voice, "I see..."

Everyone walked towards the high wall of the Kingdom of Goa. The huge flames outside almost turned half of the sky outside the city red, and endless thick smoke billowed up, creating a terrifying scene.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Two men in cloaks, and a tall woman in a flower skirt led the three teenagers and easily jumped to the top of the city wall.

"Is that how it came up?" Ace was inexplicably surprised, and looked back at the place where he was standing in the city just now. It's tens of meters high, right?

Aware of the dignified silence beside him, Ace looked back and was also stunned.

blazing, blazing...

What filled the entire field of vision was an endless sea of ​​fire, burning the entire mountain of garbage. Unimaginable thick smoke, stench, and blood... mixed with faint cries, roars, and screams in the sea of ​​fire...

"It's just...hell..."

Sabo muttered to himself, seeing such a scene with his own eyes, he was so shocked that he couldn't breathe.

Luffy was dumbfounded and swallowed hard.

"..." Ace looked gloomy.

Tulip has no expression on her face. It's hard to say how much she, who was once the Pirate Empress, cared about the life and death of these ghost-like people on the roadside. But such a tragic and ruthless scene in front of her also made her feel uncomfortable.

Drago raised his palms to the sky.

Rumble, rumble...

In the night sky illuminated by the fire, there seemed to be faint thunder coming. Ace and Sabo were a little surprised. Luffy felt a slight coolness hitting his face. He reached out and touched it. It was water, and asked strangely: "Is it raining?"

Eva looked up at the black night sky and sighed, "There's too much hot air here. Even you, Drago, can't bring down the heavy rain to extinguish the fire in a short time."

"I'm going down to help!"

Sabo couldn't bear the shrill voices coming from the sea of ​​fire, so he jumped into the sea of ​​fire in front of him.

"Hey! Sabo!" Ace stretched out his hand and shouted, gritted his teeth and jumped down.

Luffy also jumped, and was held by Tulip by the back of the neck and held in mid-air by the city wall.

"Mom, what are you doing!" Lu Fei kicked and struggled.

Tulip nodded to Drago, and the two embraced with one hand for a moment of tenderness.

"I hope you are well, and I hope you will be kind." Tulip held Luffy with one hand, kissed the tattoo on Duo LaGe's face lightly, then smiled and fell back down the city wall, throwing herself into the vast mountain of burning garbage .

Eva looked sideways from time to time. Even today, it is hard for her to imagine the relationship between this mysterious man, Dorag, and Tulip. But seeing what she saw with her own eyes today, she couldn't help but believe it—her son was brought out!


Drago waited for a while, the weather fruit accumulated strength, and finally drew a huge amount of hot air, forming a long dragon made of surging winds and swimming along his fingers, roaring towards the sea of ​​fire in front of him...


After rushing into the flames, Sabo endured the scorching, blazing hot air, and unpleasant choking smoke, and went to rescue people everywhere.

Ace doesn't care about the lives of those people, but is willing to help Sabo.

Luffy is doing first and then thinking, and instinctively moves.

Tulip searched for people with the domineering color of knowledge, and the strong wind created by domineering blew away the fire waves, and assisted the three enthusiastic teenagers from the side. After a while, everyone was ashamed and looked very embarrassed.

But the panicked figures around, the miserable cries, and even at this time, there are still people fighting each other, blood pouring into the sea of ​​flames, screaming...

There is an unpleasant smell in the air...


Sabo carried an uncle on his back to a place where the fire was less intense and where there were more crowds. He was exhausted and sat on his knees, looking up at the dark night sky where the sea of ​​flames reflected red, and muttering to himself: "Is it hell?"

"..." Tulip tore off the burnt corner of the skirt.

Luffy and Ace were panting from exhaustion, looking at Sabo who was in pain and powerless, they didn't know what to say.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a huge shock wave traversed the sea of ​​fire, blasting a clean "passage" in this hellish place, the sea of ​​fire was separated like sea water, and the foul-smelling smoke was also blown away. The survivors of the garbage mountain couldn't believe it. Surprised: "Where did this road come from?" "There is a road without fire!" "Hey! I saw the boat! This road leads to the coast!" "Great, there is no fire on that boat!" Destroyed by fire!" "I don't know what happened, but this is awesome!"  …

On the huge safe channel bombarded by the storm, many people living in the garbage mountain ran towards the ship on the coast at the end of the channel.

On the big boat at the head of the dragon, Eva smiled and said, "It's rare to see my son, why don't you stay a little longer?"

"..." Drago didn't answer this question, but walked to the side of the boat and raised his fist at the rushing refugees. Suddenly, this man who had always been calm and silent widened his eyes and shouted loudly:

"Whoever is willing to fight for freedom with me - take this boat!!!!!!"


The roar at the end of the tunnel was so deafening that it could be heard even from here.


Sabo, who was unable to kneel down, stared at that side blankly, and he recognized that it was the voice of the uncle who was willing to listen to his crying, that is, Luffy's father.

Ace suddenly said behind him, "Hey, what are you still doing kneeling?"

Sabo was a little puzzled. Looking back, he saw Ace folded his arms, staring at the shadow of the boat at the end of the crowd, and said calmly, "Didn't you hear what Uncle Dorag said?"

"..." Sabo said with trembling eyes, "But, Ace... we made an appointment to go to sea and be pirates together..."

Ace smiled, "Do you want to stare at Pirate Flag in a daze and regret it for the rest of your life, or now, just go and board that ship?"

Sabo lowered his head and wiped his tears desperately, but he couldn't finish it.

Luffy watched in a daze, a little at a loss.

Ace sat down on the ground, looking at the burning night sky, and said to himself: "It's okay, I also changed my mind—although I still want to be a pirate—Sabo. Do what you want, we originally wanted to The original intention of being a pirate is also to not let myself regret it, and to want to be free! Isn't it?"

Sabo took a deep breath, choked up a little, and said with a smile, "Yes. We agreed to become the freest people on the sea together!"

"Even if we don't see each other for a long time in the future, we're still the best..." Ace said here, paused, and smiled, "Forget it. We're still best friends!"

He stretched out his fist towards Sabo, and Sabo collided. Luffy shouted: "There's me!" He also stretched out his fist.

The fists of the three teenagers pressed together. Tulip smiled and said, "Did you think about this just now?"

Ace was surprised to see that Tulip handed a small wine bottle in front of him.

"Auntie..." He took the bottle.

Tulip took out three more small wine glasses, and proudly said: "Recently, I always find you staring at my wine in a daze, so I know what you're thinking, brat."

She made fun of Ace and said, "After all, he is as delicate as a girl. Auntie, I know what girls are thinking best."

Rarely, Ace was not angry, gratefully opened the wine bottle, and filled the three wine glasses.

Sabo and Luffy watched Ace pour the wine, Ace looked at them, smiled and said: "Do you know? As long as you drink the 'Jieyi Wine', you will become brothers. I am Ace, the son of the 'Devil', you Would you like to...be brothers with me?"

As he spoke, Ace choked for a while, with tears in his eyes, but still smiled, and raised one of the wine glasses, the liquid swirled slightly.

"..." Sabo smiled, picked up another wine glass, and said suddenly, "I, Sabo! I..."

He looked at his other hand, "I originally wanted to be a pirate, but I just wanted to be free by myself, because I only felt that I was not free...but now I don't understand it, poor man They will not be free, but I, the son of a nobleman, am not free... Why? There must be more people like me, but they may eventually become like my parents, like those who know this Like the nobles who are indifferent to the burning hell...not to mention the ordinary people who don't even have a choice whether they are free or not, the poor...I don't know what to do, so...well, that's right! I really I really want to get on Uncle Dorag's boat..."

Sabo took a deep breath and finally figured out his thoughts a bit. He raised his glass, looked at Ace and Luffy, grinned and said, "I want to do my part for the freedom of all mankind!!!"

The boy's voice echoed in the burning night sky left and right.

Ace was deeply touched. He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then murmured: "My father is the One Piece..."

His mind was full of things the redhead had said, about the wonderful half-life of a man named Roger. Originally, in Ace's mind, it was just a symbol called the devil formed by the hatred in his mouth, which vaguely outlined a specific image.

"But I want to surpass him!" Ace raised his eyes, raised his glass, and said firmly, "I won't stop being a pirate because of him, it's up to me to decide whether to be a pirate or not, and it has nothing to do with him! —— I want to surpass him! Then, I want to prove that he is nothing special! He is already a guy who has been dead for a long time, don’t try to control my life anymore! I... I want to be the freest person, and I will never regret it Live!!!"

Tulip looked at the three teenagers and smiled softly.

In Luffy's eyes, both Sabo and Ace looked at him.

He raised his glass with one hand, pressed the straw hat on the top of his head with the other hand, and said with a grin: "I'm very simple, I want to become One Piece!!!"

The three teenagers smiled at each other and toasted to each other!


"From today, we are 'brothers'!"

The wine swayed slightly, in the fire, under the night sky, the three teenagers smiled brightly.


Countless refugees who escaped from the sea of ​​fire rushed onto the boat. Just as the revolutionary army's boat was about to leave the shore, Drago suddenly said, "Bear, Eva, wait a minute."

On the deck, both Eva and Big Bear stopped, and looked back to the shore, only to see a figure of a young man holding a broken water pipe quickly walking towards this side, waving his hands vigorously in the empty passageway surrounded by raging flames on the left and right. cried out, begging them to wait for him.

"Uncle! Take me away!!"

With tears in his eyes, Sabo ran towards the ship, tried his best, and yelled, "Take me away——!!!!"

Drago smiled slightly by the boat and clenched his fists.


The dragon boat of the revolutionary army left the coast slowly. Sabo looked back at the sea of ​​fire, the garbage mountain, Korpo mountain, Windmill Village, and everything here...

Farewell, Goa Kingdom!

Goodbye, Ace! Luffy! And Aunt Tulip...

One day, we will meet again!

Sabo has tears in his eyes, but smiles brightly. We will meet again, someday, somewhere in the sea!


"do not Cry."

Ace turned around and said to Luffy angrily.

Luffy choked, "I didn't cry..."

Ace said while walking: "Sabo has already taken a step ahead on the road of dreams, and we can't fall behind! Cheer me up!"

He smiled slightly, looked at Luffy, pressed the latter's straw hat, "...brother."

Tulip pointedly said: "Luffy's father should teach Sabo for me... His skills are indeed more suitable for Sabo! You two, if you lose to Sabo in the future..."

Ace and Lufei froze together.

Ace hurriedly said: "No way! I'm the big brother, how could I lose to that guy."

"Hey, are you the biggest?" Luffy was surprised, "Sabo is so gentle, I thought he was the biggest..."

"What does tenderness have to do with age?!" Ace said angrily, "And am I not good?"

The two brothers were noisy all the way, and the wind swept away. Tulip waved her hand and looked at the sea of ​​flames, and the shadow of the boat receding on the sea in the distance, and smiled brightly.


The sea of ​​fire burned the mountain, like falling into hell...

A big book with such a cover lies quietly on a thick white cloud.

Bai Yun was speeding high in the sky, wearing a childlike peaked cap and a face with human-like facial features, but this face looked lazy and listless, muttering: "How far is it... I'm so hungry, I really want to eat thunder..."

Finally finished writing, I am satisfied with one book and have no regrets. This is probably the best I can write.

Lin Qi, please get ready, the number will be registered tomorrow. laugh

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