I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 429: Various Situations

I haven't seen any abnormal sea conditions in the past few days, and it's quite difficult to find. Suddenly, Jiang Bailin on the bridge sent a message. "There is heavy fog ahead, and the area is very large." "How can there be heavy fog here?" At this time, the ship is far away from the land, and it cannot be caused by the land fog blown by the wind. Temperature difference.

And looking at the fog in front, I am afraid that the temperature difference is very large, "Be careful, pay attention to the radio, everyone stay alert!" It is really unusual, the normal fog on the sea will never be so scary. At this time, the ship had pierced through the fog and plunged in. All portholes were tightly closed.

"The latest equipment has been installed on the ship. The data shows that this is the most common mixed fog at sea, but it is strange that the concentration index is a bit too high!" Wang Qiuer said sitting in front of the instrument. "How did this fog form?" Su Ning asked suspiciously. "From the data, it can be seen that the fog contains a lot of water spiritual power! And according to the data sent back by the sensor, the temperature of the sea water is rising!"

Immediately everyone knew that something might have happened, "Since I just came in, the temperature of the seawater has risen by two degrees!" question. "Try to call the left-behind warships and bases outside!" Suning thought for a while and said.

"No need! We lost contact with them!" Wang Qiu'er's flustered voice came over. Su Ning's heart sank, and he suddenly understood that he might have found the clue that Ding Ming and the others disappeared that day. "Is the chart still usable? Where are we?" The compass has been out of order since the beginning, and the chart has stopped working!

As news came one after another, the atmosphere in the entire cabin suddenly became depressing. "It seems that our guess is very likely to be right." Suning looked at Longlian and said with a smile. At this time, Longlian's face was a little pale. He didn't expect that he would actually encounter a space wormhole. The ocean water is heated and then meets the cold air above, creating so much fog.

And these fogs full of spiritual power are simply the best shields, completely making them lose contact with the outside world. Now they have completely lost their direction, and it is impossible to retreat, there is only one way to go to the dark! "In that case, let's set off and sail slowly towards the central area of ​​temperature!"

The hottest place must be the central area, and you should be able to find the space wormhole there! The entire battleship immediately adjusted its direction and began to sail towards the central area. Soon everyone found that the fog in front of them became thicker and thicker. At this time, they could not even see the deck clearly.

"Damn it, I checked all the logbooks and ancient books, and no one has found anything here, but this place has been frequently fogged recently, what's going on?" Long Lian sat Frowning on the bridge, he muttered to himself, "It is very likely that the recent loosening of the space barrier has caused this wormhole to appear on this route." Su Ning said aside.

"Don't be nervous, I'll always be by your side. If you have anything to do, you must be with Wang Qiu'er to protect yourself. She is a girl, so take care of her." Su Ning said with a smile. Overcoming his uneasiness and fear, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of her when the time comes."

Out of the bridge, Suning asked in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Smelly snake, have you found anything?" "Yes, I found some fragments of space spirit power fluctuations in the sea fog, and I can basically confirm that it is space." The tunnel, and there are strong spatial fluctuations two nautical miles to the north, and it is very stable." Suning knew that it might be the location of the space wormhole.

Notifying Jiang Bailin to change course, Suning continued to ask, "Do you think the chances of us passing through the wormhole safely are high?" Taixu Dragon God said with a smile, "Why are you still afraid of death, kid? Don't worry, the fluctuations in the wormhole in this space are very stable." , It should last for a while, but judging from the degree of attenuation, there should be another hour, and I’m afraid the next time I don’t know when it will be.”

However, according to the weather records in the navigation log, there will be heavy fog on the sea about every three to five days, and this is probably the refresh frequency of the wormhole. At that time, I will take a closer look to see if he is a two-way channel. Don't be unable to come back by then.

The words of Taixu Dragon God immediately made Suning feel at ease. In fact, he was a little worried about this kind of space teleportation array controlled by others. After all, it was different from other means of transportation. Soon the ship listened under Suning's operation, "This should be the location of the wormhole, and the temperature of the surrounding sea water is the highest." Wang Qiuer said.

Nodding, Suning opened the hatch and walked out. Immediately, a powerful fluctuation of spiritual power swept out, and the mist within a radius of more than one hundred meters suddenly disappeared, and everyone's sight suddenly became brighter. But all of a sudden everyone was confused, and the imaginary wormhole did not appear at all!

"What the hell is this? Did we guess wrong?" Why can't we see any clues, could it be here? "What's going on here? Did you find the wrong one?" Jiang Bailin asked, frowning. "No, it shouldn't be the most central location here, let alone any other place!" Longlian said affirmatively.

Suddenly he thought of something, slapped his thigh and said, "I see, I want to understand, I'm afraid Captain Ding just entered the wormhole unknowingly!" "In the classification of wormholes, There is one like this, without any warning, under normal circumstances, people cross the wormhole and reach the other side without knowing it!"

Suddenly a silent communicator squeaked, and then an anxious voice sounded inside. "Mr. Su, answer..." Although Suning let the fog dissipate a little, but the signal is still very unstable, Jiang Bailin didn't dare to be careless and said quickly, "Got it, everything is safe. We have found the wormhole and are ready to enter. Don’t come in at will, stay where you are.”

Before the words were finished, the communicator returned to silence, and they didn't know whether the outside world had received their information. At this time, Captain Long on the battleship outside was about to die!

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