Chopper ran as fast as he could, having been shot in the back.

Never thought that he would also be attacked by humans.

Not a reindeer nor a human, what the heck is he.

Finally, when no gunshots could be heard, Chopper fell into the snow.

He realized that he should die here.

Everyone in the heavens and the world couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw this scene.

"It's too pitiful for "Six Six Seven", this little reindeer should be only a few years old, or a child. 35

"It's miserable to grow up alone at such a young age.

"What's so miserable, it's a reindeer.""

"You haven't figured out the ability of the Renren Fruit yet. The moment he ate the fruit, the little reindeer acquired the ability of thinking and feeling of a human being, and could be regarded as a human being."

Immediately, someone once again popularized the capabilities of the human fruit.

The emotions and thoughts that animals have are limited, and the pain they have is of course limited.

After gaining the human mind, Chopper will be so miserable.

He is also more eager for the appearance of his companions, otherwise he will not go to the reindeer herd and the gathering place of human beings one after another.

Everyone is even more worried about the fate of Chopper next.

"Even though Zoan's Devil Fruit has a super recovery ability, the Chopper's fruit has not awakened, and it is probably a gunshot wound that cannot be recovered."5

"Only someone can save him.

"There should be, I don't know if it is Chopper's master."

Just when the barrage raised questions, the screen continued to play.

A figure appeared in front of the unconscious Chopper.

It was Shiruluk, known as a quack doctor in the Snow Country, who entered the deep mountain in order to avoid the pursuit of the soldiers.

Shiruluk was a pirate before, and later retired to seek medical treatment due to illness.

As a result, all the doctors he met told Shiruluk that his disease was incurable and that there was no cure at all.

Even the doctors in Snow Country told Shiruluk like this.

Because Snow Country is famous for its well-developed medical technology, many people come from afar to seek medical treatment and medicine. Shiruluk himself is also a person from Snow Country.

Even the doctors here said that Shiruluk's disease was incurable, and Shiruluk could only try his luck elsewhere.

A miracle happened.

Shiruluk recovered in some country....

At that time, Shiruluk fell into a coma in a Sakura flower forest, but he recovered when he woke up.

Since then, Shiruluk has believed that the silver Sakura flower tree can bring miracles.

Shiruluk, who has no medical knowledge or technology, decides to discover the power in the Sakura flower tree.

Sakura flowers are used to make various medicines.

And there is a wish in Shiruluk's heart, that is, to make Sakura flowers bloom in the land of his hometown.

Since then, Shiruluk has acquired the name of a quack doctor.

Because Shiruluk's medical skills are really too bad, not much better than ordinary people.

The point is that Shiruluk studies the mess of drugs made from Sakura flowers, and there is no problem calling them poisons.

After 3.2, the new king of Snow Country took office and expelled all the doctors.

Only a small number of doctors are left by his side, controlling the life and death of this country.

In this case, Shiruluk became a wanted illegal doctor.

Risking his life to help the villagers see a doctor.

But even so, Shiruluk is still unpopular.

Who made him really have no ability to heal.

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