Knowing that Chopper can't survive alone, Shiruluk came to a remote castle.

Here exists the second illegal doctor in Snow Country, Kureha.

Cureha is called a witch, and her famous saying is that there are only two cases of patients who disappear in front of me.

The first is death, the second is recovery.

However, Kureha will charge a very high fee for treatment and has a grumpy personality.

The origin of Kureha herself is even more mysterious, and there are rumors that she is more than 130 years old.

Shiruluk knew that the other party was highly skilled in medicine, and he came to see a doctor.

After all, doctors cannot heal themselves.

When seeing Shiruluk, Kureha asserted.

Shiruluk would die ten days later at five o'clock in the afternoon, without the need for medical treatment.

After hearing the announcement of his own death, Shiruluk smiled calmly.

Said that his new research results will be successful in two days, and then he will be saved.

Kureha was helpless to this crazy man, and let Shiruluk leave.

What Shiruluk didn't know was that Chopper, who had been secretly following Shiruluk, heard all this.

He has been chasing after his companions but has been mercilessly wounded again and again. It was Shiruluk who healed Chopper's body and mind.

For the first time, Chopper also had the idea of ​​trying to save others.

This reminds Chopper of an overheard human conversation earlier. (bddc)

It seems that some mushroom can be made into a cure for all ailments.

So Chopper went through the mountains and waters.

On the cliff, I found a mushroom that can cure diseases, Ami Black Mushroom.

However, Chopper encountered the reindeer again and was besieged by the herd.

Caused the antler on his left to break off.

Fight like a pirate and protect the treasures with your own life.

When Chopper appeared at Shiruluk's door holding a mushroom.

His body was covered in scars, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the pure and kind Chopper coming back, Shiruluk felt his sincere heart and the strong injustice of being a doctor.

Chopper can inherit his unfinished business.

Even if I couldn't see the day when the Sakura flowers covered the snowy country, Chopper could definitely see it.

So Shiruluk did not disappoint Chopper and drank the mushroom soup made from Ami black mushrooms.

Shiruluk didn't tell Chopper that the Amygdalus was actually a highly poisonous mushroom.

Because that would blow Chopper's faith.

The reason why Chopper decided that the black mushroom is a mushroom that can cure all diseases is because a skull is marked next to the black mushroom in a book.

I don't know what the Chopper that the skull represents, and I naively thought that it was the flag of the pirates.

And the pirate flag, how could it represent bad things?

Definitely hopeful.

After visiting Kureha again, the quack doctor entrusted everything to him.

Especially Chopper, he can't grow alone yet.

Cureha flatly refused.

But Siruluk understood that he didn't need to say more.

Kureha is not a witch, she is kind.

Sure enough, Kureha realized that something was wrong and came to the place where Chopper and Shiruluk lived.

Only to find out that Chopper is the only one left here.

Chopper triumphantly tells Kureha how he found the mushrooms that can cure all ailments.

But he was reprimanded by Cureha.

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