Episode 34

As I opened the door, I saw two people sitting there.

A large man with a shaggy face and a shaggy beard is sitting in a military uniform.

On the man’s shoulder was a green epaulette with four stars.

‘4 stars.. General? But that star looks like it was drawn by anyone…’

Jeongmin looked at the man sitting across from the self-proclaimed four-star general.

The skinny man in his 40s had a sickly image, but his eyes were shining fiercely.

Jung-min is also a familiar face that he has seen on TV a few times. Sung Ji-hyeok was the youngest president ever in South Korea.

The four-star general opened the door and looked at the two people who came in and said with a frown.

“what? Where are you arrogantly going to crawl in on your own? Are you crazy? ok?”

“I came because I have something to tell you. It’s urgent. take a moment-”

“Did this crazy guy run around? Do you think you want to die?”

The 4-star general got up from his seat and punched Hye-seong, who begged for forgiveness.

Jung-Min lightly grabbed the fist that came flying at Hye-Sung and swung his palm, slapping the 4-Star General on the cheek.


Spewing several white teeth from its mouth, the 4-star general flew backwards and crashed to the ground with a loud sound.

“To throw punches without hesitation, you are a very dirty person. Is that the person called the commander-in-chief?”

Hyeseong, who was looking at the 4-star general who flew away and landed on the ground, nodded with a bewildered face.

Jung-min said to Ji-hyeok, sitting in the seat where the four-star general had been sitting just before.

“hello. My name is Jeongmin Choi.”

Ji-hyeok, who was sitting across from Jung-min, was greeted roughly with an expression that he did not know the reason for the current situation.

“Ah.. that.. this, look here, Chief Yang. How did this happen? Who is this?”

“Speak directly to me. I came as a delegation from [Daesung] Shelter. And he came here after killing the deputy shelter leader of [Pearl River] who had threatened and killed the representatives of each shelter and guild that had just participated in the meeting. Oh, there’s one more person. that big soldier. That person died too. What is his name?”

In response to Jung-min’s question, Hye-seong, standing next to him, said.

“It’s understated. I was in charge of the first group of the firearms unit.”

“I see. Anyway, I came here after subduing the soldiers there and killing the deputy shelter commander and the first team commander of the firearms unit. Do you know what my business is?”


Jihyeok couldn’t come to his senses while listening to what Jungmin said.

Jihyeok looked at Jeongmin for a moment and then stammered.

“Uh, so… are you talking about the death of Boo Shelter? You killed him?”

“That’s right. By the way, dozens of delegations from other shelters and guilds died because of the deputy shelter leader and his subordinates.”

Jihyeok looked back at Hyesung with a frown.

Hyeseong, who read his eyes, nodded and said.

“It is true. Shelter Chief. The head of the shelter threatened and killed the delegation, and in the meantime, he was killed by the person who came here as a delegation from [Daesung]. Even Ha Sang-tae, the leader of the first team in the firearms unit, is with us.”

Hearing Hyesung’s words, Jihyeok’s mouth fell open.

Seeing Jihyeok like that, Jungmin said.

“Do you understand the situation roughly? Then I’ll ask. How will you resolve this situation?”

“Okay, it’s a solution…”

“Due to [Pulgang]’s violence, the surrounding shelters and awakened guilds suffered great damage. You know?”

Jihyeok’s complexion darkened rapidly at Jungmin’s question.

Jihyeok, who had been silent for a long time with his head down, spoke as if he was squeezing out.

“I… I was definitely against it. However, the Vice Shelter Commander and the Commander-in-Chief reprimanded me for not wanting to rule over them when we had enough troops and firearms. Rather than saying that the size of the shelter should be increased to accommodate even one more citizen, he dismissed my opinion, saying that having an army is more important to deal with the same people later. It’s just the name of the shelter. Things never went the way I wanted them to. Not even once!”

Jihyeok said as he leaned back in his chair with a dejected face.

“So is this case. Things proceeded only as intended by the deputy shelter chief and the general commander.

For the sake of example, even when I said kill everyone who approaches the gate within the declared area, all I could do was create a few survivors by simply asking if I could save a little bit so I could lessen the resentment later. This shelter was really… there was nothing I could do about it…”

‘Was he such a weak image… I don’t think he was like that when I saw him on TV… Well, he doesn’t seem like such a bad person’

Jung-min looked at Ji-hyuk, who was lowering his head, and said.

“Now that the deputy shelter chief is dead-”

“Die, you bitch X!!!”

Taang! Taang!

The 4-star general, who woke up from fainting, took out a pistol from his inside pocket and fired at Jeong-min.

He fired more than ten rounds and when he couldn’t go out, he put down the gun panting.

Then, seeing Jung-min sitting there as if nothing had happened, he stuttered with his mouth wide open.

“Uh, how…”

Jeongmin said to the four-star general in a cold voice.

“Since there is such a thing as a gun, it seems that people’s lives are so insignificant. If you just pull the trigger, people will fall and die, so it seems like you’ve become a god, right?”

Jeong-min threw the sword that appeared in his right hand at the 4-star general with all his might.

The sword flew quickly and pierced the 4-star general’s chest and stuck into the wall.

“Keep it off!”

The four-star general, impaled on a wall by a sword, struggled with blood dripping from his mouth, then slumped.

When Jung-min canceled the summoning of the sword, the 4-star general, who had been threaded by the sword, collapsed to the floor.

Jung-min said looking at Ji-hyeok who was looking at him with a very surprised face.

“Following the deputy shelter commander, the commander-in-chief is dead. If this is the case, then the head of Shelter is the most powerful person in this Shelter? decision maker? You are gone. Congratulations. Now you can run your shelter the way you want. Yes?”

Jihyeok looked blankly at Jeongmin and nodded.

“Yes.. there are groups following the deputy shelter chief and the general commander, but since their focus has disappeared, it should be fine.”

“Then listen. How do you plan to rectify this situation?”

Jihyeok thought for a while before speaking.

“…We will deliver maximum comfort and compensation to the victims. And now, we will reset the territorial sphere that [Phugang] was talking about in consultation with other shelters and guilds around.

[Phugang] will no longer use firearms to suppress other nearby shelters or guilds. Rather, if a group that wants to harm order appears, we will use our power to play a role in restoring order!”

Jung-min said as he looked at Ju-bin, who spoke enthusiastically and enthusiastically.

“Nice. But…”

Jungmin said as he got up from his chair.

“Because I have a hard time trusting people anymore.”


“The power of [Pulkang] is so powerful. In my mind, it would be best to completely dismantle [Pulkang], which has the power to threaten the surroundings, but that is impossible. In order to overcome the ongoing [Trial of the Gods], Everyone needs to join forces. [Pulgang] is well qualified to be the focal point.”

Jung-min took out the ‘Ring of Effort’ from his inventory.

“So it would be nice if someone I could trust would manage [Phugang] well… Honestly, how many times have I seen Mr. Shelter? Can you believe me? We only exchanged a few words… I know he’s not such a bad person, but he’s still a human being. I didn’t know that. I and the personnel officer were also stabbed in the back by [Daesung]’s [Daesung] boss.”

Jung-min put the ring of effort on his finger and said.

“It’s fortunate that Mr. Shelter is an awakened man. Otherwise, I would have had to call the personnel officer and brainwash him.”

“My, how could I be an Awakener…”

“There is a way to know everything.”

Jung-min reached out and squeezed Ji-hyeok’s neck.


“What, what are you doing! Didn’t I say kill, don’t kill!”

Hyeseong urgently shouted at Jeongmin.

Jung-min said as he looked at Ji-hyeok, who was suffering from his throat being held.

“I’m sorry. The condition of using the ring is that you have to subdue the opponent. Please be patient. It will be over soon.”

Jeong-min finished speaking and placed the ring of effort on Ji-hyeok’s forehead.

Chi profit

Along with the sound of burning flesh, Jihyeok felt an immense amount of pain.


After a while, when Jung-min took off the ring, a vivid sentence of slavery appeared on Ji-hyeok’s forehead and then disappeared.

At the same time, the Ring of Effort disappeared into powder.

‘It disappears after exhausting the number of uses..’

And a message floats in front of Jung-min and Ji-hyeok’s eyes.

Jeong-Min skipped the message because it was the message he saw when he enslaved Jo-Won, but Ji-Hyeok couldn’t.

Trembling, he read the message in front of him.

“No, a slave… how could this be…”

“I’ll tell you in advance, but it’d be better if you didn’t create animosity toward me. They say the pain that happens when that happens is enormous—”



Jeongmin clutched his forehead and looked at Jihyeok rolling around.

Hyeseong was watching the situation that just happened and was at a loss for what to do.

After a while, Jihyeok stood up from his seat and lamented in a dejected voice.

“Now I’m trying to get out of the shadow of the deputy shelter chief and the general commander… Slaves… slaves…”

Seeing Ji-hyeok like that, Jung-min felt a little sorry.

However, he shook his head and said to Jihyeok.

“Even though I’m a slave, I don’t have any intention of oppressing the Shelter Commander. Just like you said, the Shelter Commander, you just have to run the Shelter well. I’m looking forward to playing the role of uniting everyone in preparation for the ongoing [Trial of the Gods]. “On the contrary, if there’s an element that gets in the way of what you’re doing, I can help. Other than that, I’m unlikely to intervene. You’ll probably be much better off than when you were in the shadow of the deputy shelter commander and the general commander?”

Hearing Jung-min’s words, Ji-hyeok lifted his head weakly and said.

“If it’s as you said, did you really need to enslave me…?”

“I told you. It’s hard to trust people. Even if Mr. Shelter doesn’t have a different mind, there’s no guarantee that the people around you will. Rather, it might be more comfortable for them to have a relationship like this.

As I said before, the personnel officer who came with me as the representative of [Daesung] was hit in the back of the head. To the management of the shelter to which they belong. It’s a world you can’t trust, right?”


“Anyway, it seems to be over. Mr. Shelter will now go to the conference hall and ask you to take care of yourself. The people at the conference must have a very strong antipathy towards [Pulkang], so it is recommended that you go with a sufficient escort. Before entering, it would be better to send someone to give a brief explanation before entering. Because you might be attacked. Fully explain that this incident was an unfortunate accident caused by the violence of Chief Bushelter and the commander-in-chief, and proceed with the story.

Jihyeok nodded weakly and said.

“Master… what do you plan to do?”

Jung-min trembled once and said.

“Just ‘Jung-Min’ is enough. I plan to go to the detention facility and release the detainees, then return to the [Daesung] shelter first. I have something to deal with.”

“all right”

Jeongmin looked at the comet and said.

“Please guide me to the detention facility.”

“Ah, yes, are you leaving now?”

Jungmin nodded.


Junki sat down on the bed and sighed.

‘What will happen to us in the future..’

No matter how much the opponent had a gun, the fact that he was caught without doing anything like this made Jun-ki heartbroken.

Fortunately, [Pulkang]’s purpose was to capture rather than kill.

The treatment after being caught wasn’t too bad either.

However, it was very frustrating to keep being locked up without knowing anything.

Joon-gi once again recalled the battle with [Phu Kang].

‘If they wanted to kill us, they would all be dead… Thankfully…’

Junki sighed again.

“Ah man, the ground is going to go out. Cheongseung is a little bit off!”

Seongdong, who was lying across from him, jumped up and shouted at Junki.

“Aren’t you worried, Captain 1? How could you be so carefree?”

“Does this seem carefree? What are you saying when there’s nothing you can do?

Seongdong finished talking and lay down again.

Junki looked at him and let out a small sigh.

‘Mom, Dad, Junhee…everyone must be worried…Jung-Min and that guy…If that’s him, he might go around here and there trying to find me… Ha ha…’


When Jun-gi sighs again,

The iron door, which had been firmly closed, opened.

And, there was a person Junki could not have imagined at all.

Jeongmin looked at Junki and said.

“Nice to meet you, friend.”

Episode 34

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