The Caterpie who was disgusted! (please customize)

There is no way, Beautifly’s personality problem is really serious, maybe something happens if she is not careful.

After all, in their view, Beautifly is the Pokémo after the second Evolutionn, it is impossible to be weak in strength, and it is simply not an existence that current trainers can deal with.

This is especially true now that most people’s first Pokémon decides to tame Caterpie.

And with Beautifly’s personality, the probability of attacking them is really not low, and they won’t even have the ability to fight back.

Under such circumstances, many people will naturally give up on Beautifly, at least in a short period of time, they will not think about subduing it.

“It can be seen that you like Beautifly very much, but because of Beautifly’s personality, you are a little worried, right?”

“Actually, your worries are completely unnecessary. Although Beautifly is quite aggressive, it will not initiate an attack unless you actively provoke it.”

“And Pokémon’s personality can also be changed, but this requires you to have enough patience to teach it, and when facing the trainer, Pokémon will also become more or less restrained.”

“If you are really worried, you can also start cultivating from Cascoon. It is the form before the hunting swallowtail evolution. It looks like a big white cocoon.”

“Pokémon like Beautifly, just need to establish a relationship in advance, and there will be no problem.”

After seeing the barrage sent by the water friends, Su Yu immediately guessed their concerns, and immediately explained.

In his eyes, Beautifly’s personality problem is not really a big problem, it just takes some time to correct it.

And the reason why he didn’t plan to tame this Beautifly was not only because he thought it was troublesome, but also because he had just tamed Blue Jay, and he didn’t plan to tame other Pokémon for the time being.

According to Su Yu’s thinking, he should wait until the Blue Jay Evolution buys the steel armored crow before he will consider the next Pokémon.

Of course, if along the way, if you accidentally meet your favorite Pokémon, that would be another matter.

Thinking of this, he didn’t intend to continue to stay here, but took Lucario and the others and left here together.

But I don’t know whether it’s his luck or the fact that there are too many insect-type Pokémon living in this forest. Along the way, almost all the Pokémon he encountered were insect-type Pokémon.

Such as Volbeat, Illumise, Weedle, Venonat and so on.

Regarding this, not only Su Yu is depressed, but also the water friends in his live broadcast room are also depressed. After all, compared to other Pokémon, insect Pokémon are indeed not so popular.

“Did the streamer enter the worm’s nest? Why did they all meet the worm-type Pokémon?”

“Speaking of Bug-type Pokémon…I don’t know if there are other Pokémon that are easy to catch. To be honest, I don’t like Caterpie very much, especially after meeting so many Bug-type Pokémon one after another.”

“That’s right, actually I want to ask this question too. When I first saw Pokémon, I didn’t care much. I just thought Caterpie was amazing. But after seeing more Pokémon, I found that I don’t seem to like Caterpie much.”

“I’ve hated bugs since I was a child. When I saw that Caterpie was easy to tame, I wondered if I could restrain it. But I found out that I really can’t stand it.”

“At first, I thought Caterpie was pretty good, but after seeing Beautifly, I felt that Caterpie’s appearance was a bit low. Obviously everyone is a bug-type Pokémon, so why is there such a big difference?”

“I wonder if the host can recommend some other Pokémon that are easy to conquer?”

“That’s right, it’s best to be a Pokémon that is easy to tame (afdf), cute, and powerful!”

I don’t know if it’s a chain reaction, because Su Yu has encountered the relationship between the insect Pokémon one after another, and he has Beautifly as a comparison.

Many people who originally wanted to conquer Caterpie thought of giving up.

After all, Caterpie itself is just a big caterpillar if you really want to say it.

After the initial freshness and seeing all kinds of Pokémon, more and more people are not very interested in Caterpie.

Many people began to ask on the barrage, is there any other Pokémon that is easy to subdue.

Su Yu naturally noticed these barrages, and after thinking for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said.

“Since you want to know, besides Caterpie, there are other Pokémon that are easy to tame, so let me just say it briefly.”

“In addition to Caterpie, the Sewaddle, Scatterbug, and Scatterbug you saw before are actually very easy to subdue. Although they are a little bit bolder than Caterpie, they are still limited in size.”

“Besides, Wurmple is alsoA good choice, Cascoon is from its Evolution. ”

“Since some of you want to subdue Beautifly, but have other worries, then subduing a Wurmple is actually a good choice.”

Although there are many types of Pokémon, there seem to be few Pokémon like Caterpie that can be easily conquered by ordinary people without Pokémon.

Although Magikarp is actually possible, but if you want to make MagikarpEvolution, it is really a bit difficult.

And don’t look at Pokémon like Caterpie, Venipede, and Spinarak are also weak chickens, but because they are still related to poison Pokémon, they are not suitable for ordinary people to subdue.

“Anchor, why are you talking about bug-type Pokémon?”

“That’s right, why are they all bug-type Pokémon? Can’t you talk about other Pokémon?”

“The anchor is a big villain. I’m a worm with sky eyes so I don’t want to subdue Caterpie. Why are you still talking about worm-type Pokémon? How can it be different from Caterpie?”

“Although it is a bug-type Pokémon, I think Wurmple is very good. After the second evolution, it is Beautifly.”

“That’s right, I also intend to tame a Wurmple, after all, Beautifly is really beautiful.”


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