How about you move? (please customize)

“Don’t worry, we have no ill intentions towards you.”

“I just came in to have a look because I saw a few Charmanders and Charmeleons and felt a little curious.”

What Su Yu said is the truth. Although he entered the folding space with Charmander and Charmeleon, he actually didn’t even have the idea of ​​subduing Pokémon, he was just purely curious.

After all, he has just conquered Dragonite and Dragonair, and does not plan to conquer other Pokémon for the time being.

Besides, he now wants to save some science points as soon as possible so that he can exchange them for some props.

Such as MegaEvolutionary stone/ite, keystone, or extremely giant wristband or something.


After Charizard felt that Su Yu was not lying, he temporarily let go of his guard.

However, it didn’t leave directly, but found a huge rock not far away and climbed up.

Seeing this, Su Yu knew that this Charizard was not completely at ease with them.

After all, it can be seen from its level that its age is definitely not too young, not as naive as other Pokémon.

However, Su Yu didn’t take this too seriously. For him, as long as the other party didn’t drive them away, it would have no effect on them.

After all, he won’t do anything wrong with 303, why should he care so much?

Thinking of this, Su Yu touched Eevee in his arms, and walked towards the Charmanders.

Compared with the more proud Charizard and the more irritable Charmeleon, he still prefers to be in contact with the cute Charmander…

In the process of playing with Charmander with Eevee, Su Yu was also thinking about a question. There are hundreds of Royal threes. Isn’t it a little pity to put them here like this?

It is true that he looks down on the Royal Three now, but for Long Guo, these Charmanders and Charmeleons can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need, allowing some trainers to grow up as soon as possible.

And it can also give them a goal to work hard for.

Yes, although Su Yu has no plans to subdue these Pokémon, he wants to take them all out, so that other people can also have access to Royal three, and even have the opportunity to subdue them.

Originally, because Pokémon came directly to the city, he was still thinking, is there no need to establish a wild wilderness area?

But after seeing this group of Charizards, he suddenly realized that this matter is still very necessary, but it needs to be changed and some rules need to be modified.

As before, the rules that can be subdued by simply throwing the Safari Ball must be revised. As for other rules, it needs to be discussed in the long run, and it cannot be determined in a short time.

But now, I just use these charizards to do an experiment to see if such a rule is more suitable for the current Dragon Kingdom.

It’s just that this also involves a new problem. The most suitable place to live in Charizard is near a volcano, and it must be an active volcano. In this way, there are not many places to choose.

After all, there are not many active volcanoes in China.

Of course, this does not rule out that after the appearance of Pokémon such as Entei, the original extinct volcano has come back to life…

Do as soon as you think of it, even if Su Yudang finds the overlord Charizard again.

Before, because of the distance, he didn’t have a real sense of Charizard’s size, but after he really got close to the past, he realized that this Charizard is really big.

The height of an ordinary Charizard is generally about 1.7 meters, but the height of this overlord Charizard is definitely over four meters, more than twice the height of an ordinary Charizard.

Moreover, the increase in body size also made its wings become extremely wide.

After noticing Su Yu’s approach, Charizard also opened his eyes immediately.

But this time it didn’t growl, (afdf) but just watched him quietly, as if it wanted to see what he wanted to do.

When Su Yu saw this, he didn’t hesitate any longer, and directly stated his purpose.

“I don’t know if you have any idea of ​​taking your clansmen, leaving here, and going to the outside world?”

“Nowadays, there are already many trainers in the outside world.”

“I think you also know that trainers can make Pokémon grow faster, especially for those ChFor armanders, if they can have a trainer, they can quickly evolve. ”

“And most importantly, the Bonds between Pokémon and the trainer are amazing, maybe they can activate the hidden power in Charizard and make Charizard even stronger.”

Su Yu knew that nothing else could captivate this overlord Charizard, and the only thing that was attractive to it was MegaEvolution.

As for Charizard not knowing about MegaEvolution?

That should be unlikely, after all, this is a real world, and Pokémon must have their inheritance.

Maybe it doesn’t know much about MegaEvolution, but it must also know some relevant information, such as… If you want to perform MegaEvolution, you must have a trainer.

Although for mythical beasts, they only need to rely on their own strength to perform MegaEvolution, but for ordinary Pokémon, these rules must be followed.


Charizard, the overlord who wanted to reject immediately after learning what Su Yu was up to, fell into deep thought after hearing what he said last.

Just as Su Yu thought, this overlord Charizard does know the existence of MegaEvolution, and he knows a lot.

Even MegaEvolution needs the MegaEvolutionary stone/ite and the keystone.

So it also clearly knows that if it wants to carry out MegaEvolution and reproduce the glory of Charizard, it really needs a trainer to do it.

If other people said such things to it, it might not even pay attention to it, and it would directly drive the other party out.

But after its gaze stayed on Dragonite for a while, it began to hesitate.


In the end, Charizard made its choice.

“You mean, as long as I can beat you, you will promise me?”

Although Su Yu couldn’t understand the meaning of its roar, but after he felt Charizard’s rising fighting spirit, he immediately reacted.


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