“Is it really good for the anchor to contact the divine beast-level elves now? Will it be killed directly?

“What the upstairs said is not right, with the few elves that the anchor now has, I estimate that even if you encounter a divine beast, you can still fight, even if you can’t fight and escape!”

“That’s right, along the way, we saw the anchor change direction little by little, how could it be that we couldn’t even beat a divine beast!”

“Who knows? The divine beast is close to the existence of God, can the elves owned by the anchor really be able to resist? Seeing

that the water friends in the live broadcast room were about to quarrel, Su Yu quickly spoke.

“Don’t worry too much, there are dreams, I definitely don’t have any problems.”

“Not to mention that we may not be able to meet the Pluto Dragoon Ladia, as the master of the reverse world, it has a limitation, that is, it cannot enter the real world at will.”

“In this case, most of the Hades Dragoon Ladia is sleeping, even if we come in, as long as we don’t die to provoke Pluto Dragoon Ladia, there is no problem!”

“By the way, there is another point to explain to everyone, in the reverse world, no living creature can survive except riding Ladia, and the reason why I can move freely here is entirely because of the help of dreams.”

Saying that, Su Yu pointed to the pink bubble in front of him.

“This is a dreamy special ability, with the existence of this protective shield we can reverse the world to survive, but it is not possible for a long time, the harmful substances here cannot even be withstood by elves, let alone humans!”

Although he still said so, Su Yu had no intention of withdrawing directly, although he also knew that if he really encountered the Hades Dragon Rider Ladia, he might be hurt to a certain extent.

But with the opportunity to ride Ladia so close, he didn’t want to let it go.

Maybe he can convince Rider Ladia to become his elf through his proud charm!

Although in the world of elves, the Dragoon of Pluto needs to control the inverted world to support the existence of the real world.

But after all, this is not the world of elves, this world can exist intact, and there is no problem with or without the support of the reverse world.

Of course, Su Yu also knew that he was somewhat whimsical.

“Dream, let’s continue to explore, maybe we can find something special here!”

Dream nodded and continued to maintain the pink bubble, preventing the harmful substances of the inverted world from harming them.

And Su Yu is now a little glad that Dream hates the cold atmosphere here, otherwise, if he didn’t have something to protect him at the beginning, maybe he would have been poisoned by now.

Shaking his head, Su Yu continued to walk towards the stalker inside the cave.

He always had the feeling that he might be able to come across something strange here.

Although no elves can survive in the reverse world in the original setting, after all, this is not the world of elves, and there may be certain changes.

The water friends in the live broadcast room stared directly at Su Yu, all sighing at Su Yu’s boldness.

“The anchor’s boldness is really big, if I encountered this situation, I would have run out a long time ago!”

“Yes, even with the help of Dream, knowing that you will not be hurt, but who wants to explore in a place full of poison gas at first glance?”

“Originally, I was quite envious of the anchor, and I felt that I could also take a few elves to explore the world, but now that I look at it, maybe I am whimsical!”

“Upstairs is absolutely whimsical, this kind of outdoor live broadcast to explore the world, except for professionals like anchors, how dare ordinary people go?”

“That’s right, I’m afraid it’s not a bunch of skeletons just after going, or the kind that was gnawed by a dog.”

Looking at the praise of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu said that it was impossible to be unhappy, but he would not show it.

Just listening to the prompt in my head about the system, I feel quite excited.

Opening the system interface and looking at his points, Su Yu felt that he would soon be able to redeem a divine beast-level elf.

“I don’t know if it’s better to exchange another dream, or it’s better to exchange it directly for Mewtwo, or a divine beast like the Rift Empty Seat, it’s so happy to think about it!”

Feeling the excitement in Su Yu’s mind, the dream on the side glanced at him with some surprise.

Feeling that he might fall out of favor, Dream twisted his body a little unhappily.

And Su Yu quickly reached out and patted Dream’s head and spoke.

“Don’t worry, anyway? You are my favorite elf, and I will not abandon you!


“I believe in you!”

Hearing Su Yu’s words, Mengxian felt abnormal excitement, and his body involuntarily twisted back and forth.

“‘〃Dreamy coquettish looks so cute, I really want to have such a dream!”

“Yes, I think Dream is definitely the cutest elf in the world, there is no one!”

“The first floor actually wants a dream, don’t you know that the dream is a top elf?”

“That is, even if you really encounter a dream in the wild, it is still unknown whether you have the ability to collect the dream as your own elf, don’t look at the anchor’s dream is quite cute, and it will be coquettish, but the dream in the wild is not so easy to mess with.”

Looking at the water friends’ fondness for dreams, Su Yu also felt a little happy, and opened his mouth to popularize them.

“I know you all like dreams, but it’s really hard to get a dream, because dreams have all the genes of all elves in legend, so they can change into any elf, and they can also be invisible valleys anytime, anywhere!”

“In the case of dream invisibility, if he approaches humans (Wang Qian’s), humans may not be able to detect him!”

“So if you want to get a dream, then luck and courage are really indispensable!”

“But once you have a dream, you are also the greatest luck!”

Hearing Su Yu praising himself, Dreamy and Excited’s tail flicked.

At this time, Su Yu had been exploring in the cave of this inverted world for half a day, exactly as he imagined, and did not find anything valuable.

On the contrary, Dream’s physical strength also consumed a lot, but Su Yu could use props to restore Dream’s physical strength, so he was not in a hurry to go back.

But at this time, Su Yu really considered whether he wanted to leave here.

Because the popularity he just gave to water friends is almost popularized, everyone in his live broadcast room has already understood what the reverse world is.

At this moment, a moan came out from a distance

Chapter 473 Decided, Looking for Hades Dragoon Latina (Customized)

The moment he heard this groan, Su Yu was first stunned, and then an excited expression appeared on his face.

“I just heard a groan, there are probably other elves in it, it may be the Hades dragon riding Ladia, I will take you over to explore it now!”

“Dream, let’s go!”

After receiving Su Yu’s order, Dream seemed quite excited, and directly used his mental power to hold Su Yu up and quickly walked towards the direction of the groan.

As he advanced, Su Yu felt that moan become clearer and clearer, which made Su Yu’s heart flutter.

“Soon we will be able to discover the source of that groan, the elf who can survive in the reverse world, even if it is not the Hades dragon riding Ladia, it is a very powerful existence, but listening to the sound he is probably dying!”

The moment the welcome fell, Su Yu saw a strong elf lying on a stone, looking really dying.

I saw that this elf had a huge body, but it looked a little illusory, like a cold god of death, and there was a large amount of soul-like fog on his body.

“It’s the Night Devil!”

680 Su Yu blurted out, not in a hurry, but carefully observed.

“Night Devil? What kind of new elf is this, it looks like it is also a ghost!

“That’s right, and he’s so big, very similar to the legendary cyclops, could he be a dead cyclops?”

“Don’t talk upstairs, every elf has its own origin, how can it be a dead cyclops?”

“But he looks like he’s dying, what should the anchor do? Do you want to save him, or do you want him to die?

“Those fumes swallowed by this night devil won’t be poisonous, right?” The anchor still don’t want to go over, this is just an ordinary elf, not to take his own life! Looking

at the discussion of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu slowly shook his head and explained in a low voice to the live broadcast room.

“This night demon spirit is the final evolutionary form of the night watch, he himself is a character like death, and the fog in his stomach is some lost souls, under normal circumstances, he can bring these souls into the spirit world.”

After a slight pause, Su Yu continued.

“But now it seems that this night demon spirit accidentally broke into the Reversal World, and now it is eroded by poisonous gas, and it has no ability to leave the Reversal World anymore!”

“Elves and humans are good friends, I can’t see death without saving it.”

Saying this, Su Yu directly took out a bottle of wound medicine and walked towards the Night Demon Spirit.

And Dream also followed him closely, firmly protecting Su Yu with a pink protective shield.

In Su Yu’s other hand, he held the red and silver spirit ball.

Although Su Yu felt that humans and elves were good friends forever, it was impossible for him to approach an endangered and dying elf without any defense.

You know, life has a tendency to destroy at the moment of death, whether it is humans or elves, it is very likely to attack other creatures unscrupulously at this moment.

Therefore, it is impossible for Su Yu not to take any precautions.

After slowly walking to the side of the night devil, Su Yu looked at the dream on the side.

“Dream, you use your mind power to check the current state of the Night Devil.”

Dream nodded, and the pink mental power poured out directly from his body, shrouding the night devil, and after a moment, the pink mental power disappeared.


“He has absorbed a large amount of poisonous mist now, and he is about to die, only because of the characteristics of the ghost system, so he can support it here, and the most important thing now is to help him remove the poisonous mist in his body, otherwise he cannot be treated!”

Hearing these words, Su Yu’s brows furrowed for a moment, and then reached out and took out a bottle of antidote, and he quickly came to the side of the night demon spirit and used the antidote for the night devil.

However, a moment later, Su Yu found that the Night Demon Spirit showed no signs of improvement, and it was obvious that the antidote in his hand could only remove the poison of the poison elf, and had no effect on the poisonous fog that reversed the world.

“What now? Is it only so to watch him die?

Su Yu frowned, looking a little helpless.

“I didn’t expect the anchor to really save that night devil, but now it seems that the night devil is really going to die!”

“Don’t even have any way for the anchor, it seems that this night demon spirit can’t escape death!”

“Although the night devil looks a little huge and cold, but seeing his dying appearance, I really hope that the anchor can save it!”

“Yes, every elf is a gift from nature, not to mention this kind of death-like elf that can guide the soul, is it just because of a mistake that he died here like this?”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed slightly.

“That’s it, Dream, let’s go around and look for Pluto Dragoon Latina, since Pluto Dragoon Ladina can survive in the Reverse World, then there must be a way to expel these poisonous mist!”

“As long as we find the Hades Dragoon Latina and ask him to help, then this dark demon will be saved.”

Speaking of this, Su Yu turned his head to look at the dark demon spirit and said in a low voice.

“I need to put you in the Pokéball now to stabilize your injuries, otherwise, even if I really find the Pluto Dragon Rider Latina and convince him, you may not live to that time, and you don’t resist next.”

Saying this, Su Yu took out a new spirit ball, took a deep breath, pressed the switch, and threw it on the body of the night devil.

I saw a flash of light and directly wrapped the night demon into the elf ball.

This Pokeball didn’t even move, and it was obviously successfully subdued.

But Su Yu didn’t have much excitement at this time, he knew that if he didn’t quickly find the Hades Dragon Rider Latina, then he couldn’t use this night demon spirit.

“Next, I’m going to find Riding Latina and let him help the night demon unravel the toxins in his body, please continue to watch!”

After saying to the live broadcast room, Su Yu took a deep breath and directly let Dream Fantasy take him towards the cave.

In fact, as Su Yu advanced, he could already feel that the terrifying aura inside this cave was getting stronger and stronger, which made him understand that he might have approached Riding Latina.

On the other hand, Dreamy’s brows became tighter and tighter, and the pink shield that protected them became thicker and thicker

Chapter 474 – Dream Pathfinding! As

Su Yu moved forward, there were more and more black poisons in the air.

Even in a sense, it had blocked their vision, and every once in a while, Su Yu had to let Dream use his superpowers to disperse those poisonous mist.

This seriously increases their burden to move forward.

“The anchor said to go and find that, what kind of dragon king riding Latina can really find it?”

“Who knows? Such a big cave, even if the Pluto King rides Latina is really here, the anchor may not be able to find it!

“The streamer’s luck has always been so good, what if he can find it?” In this way, we can also witness the appearance of the top elves created by the Creator God himself!

“Upstairs is right, I hope that elf doesn’t look too scary, otherwise I’ll have nightmares!”

“I guess it will be quite scary, after all, living in this inverted world, it is estimated that the pus all over the body looks like hatred!”

Looking at the discussion of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu couldn’t help but smile and shake his head, but he didn’t ~ explain much.

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