And when Su Yu encounters something, the water friends in the live broadcast room can also give him some ideas, although most of the ideas are not suitable, but the three stinkers are at the top, and there are always some surprises.

But when Su Yu confronted some enemies, the situation changed to a certain extent.

Because anyone who watches the live broadcast can know what Su Yu is doing, the enemy is likely to prepare in advance.

For example, at this moment, Su Yu walked towards the other party’s secret base with the man in black.

In an underground secret base not far from here, many people in black suits are preparing quickly.

They hid all the high-tech items and brought out the elves who tamed the “seven four three” uniform, hoping to stop Su Yu.

And in the control room of this base, a loli with a double ponytail with a lollipop in her mouth is sitting in the main seat.

In front of him stood two men in black suits.

“Black Armor, this plan to capture that divine beast-level monster has failed, and that squad has been completely destroyed, now that they all know our location, what should you do?”

Hearing Little Lori’s words, the man in the black suit directly knelt on one knee.

“The subordinate is guilty, please punish the leader!”

Little Lori, known as the leader, had not yet spoken, and the woman on the side continued to speak.

“Chief, in fact, we should be able to succeed this time, but it was the anchor named Su Yu who suddenly appeared and interrupted a series of situations, I don’t think Hei Jia should be blamed for this matter, it’s all the anchor’s fault!”

Hearing the words of the two subordinates, little loli licked a mouthful of lollipop and did not speak.

Little Lori’s name is Bai Ze, and she is the pearl in the palm of a group and lives a worry-free life, however, when the elf arrives, her parents are accidentally killed by the elf.

This caused her to become a loner in her own family, and those who had been very obedient to his father’s men began to be pure and lustful.

They all want to directly devour all the assets of her family.

In this case, Bai Ze grew up quickly, and she went from an innocent and cute little loli to a leader of an unscrupulous organization only for her own interests.

After searching for these special equipment, she did not hesitate and directly sent people to dig a base in the ground.

Then she realizes all the inheritance she inherited, and finally dissolves the group directly.

This caused many major shareholders to lose a lot of money, and they directly wanted to settle accounts with Bai Ze.

But Bai Ze is not an ordinary person, at this time she has set up a rocket team, and directly let the two henchmen solve those who dare to threaten her.

And the two henchmen who shot were naturally the black armor in front of them, and Ziling on the side.

“That’s it, this matter is indeed to blame the anchor named Su Yu, in that case, you two go together to arrest him for me, his elf called Dream is very good, I want it to be my pet!”

Although Bai Ze is now the boss of an organization, she is still an illegal little loli who is not yet an adult.

Therefore, I also prefer kawaii things.

“Yes, Chief!”

“I will definitely do it with all my heart, and definitely let that anchor have no return!”

Watching the black armor and Ziling leave the place, Bai Ze Gaga crushed the lollipop in his mouth.

Then chewed for a while, swallowed all the sugar juice into his stomach, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, with a sickly smile on his face.

“Magical live broadcast, I think you probably also picked up some special equipment, from now on, those equipment are mine, hehe!”


On the other side, Su Yu went to the underground base according to the memories read by the dream.

However, at this time, the distance between them and the underground base is relatively far, and they can only walk over it little by little, and it is impossible to reach it directly.

They are now advancing in a forest.

At the same time, Su Yu also observed this huge forest like a primeval forest to the water friends in the live broadcast room through live broadcasting.

In this forest, from time to time, some grass spirits will appear, and Su Yu even saw a wonderful frog seed.

As the Miao Frog Seed of the Royal Three Families, its potential and strength are all good0 ……

Su Yu directly took out the Spirit Ball at that time, wanting to harvest this wonderful frog seed for his own use.

But that Miao Frog Seed didn’t know why he was extremely timid, and directly threw out two vines, stopping Su Yu’s steps, and then ran away with a puff of smoke.

This made Su Yu feel a little helpless, and finally thought for a moment, and did not chase over.

Because although the Miao Frog Seed is a royal family, the potential is quite high, but it is still worse than Su Yu’s current lineup.

After all, the Miao Frog Seed is only the most basic form, and it takes at least two or three evolutions to form sufficient combat power.

If the other party doesn’t run, Su Yu is still interested in cultivating it, but if the other party runs, it doesn’t matter.

This kind of elves who are more timid without a sense of battle are often more difficult to cultivate.

And Su Yu’s live broadcast is not quite comfortable at home, he usually needs to wade through mountains and rivers, and it is easy to encounter some dangerous situations.

Therefore, the elves that Su Yu wants to get, at least have the ability to protect themselves, and better yet, they can protect him to a certain extent, such as Lucario, who has a rich sense of battle, and a dream with a super power of mind.

Su Yu yawned as he walked on the road, and at this time, he suddenly heard a humming sound behind him.

Subconsciously looking back, Su Yu saw at a glance that the man in black who was carried on his shoulder by Lucario opened his eyes at this time.

This man in black was tied up by five flowers, like a rice dumpling, without any ability to resist. 3.5

After all, he is only a human, and he is not an elf with special abilities, so it is impossible to break free of these ropes directly.

“Damn, you released me, let me go!”

Hearing the words of the man in black, Su Yu turned his head and looked, with a smile in his eyes.

“It’s over, I see this smile of the anchor again, this man in black is going to be unlucky!”

“Every time the anchor shows this smile, someone is going to be unlucky, I call it a crooked mouth curse!”

“Let’s stay tuned, let’s see how much punishment this man in black will receive, it stands to reason that the anchor shouldn’t take him, isn’t it okay to throw him away directly?”

“Maybe the anchor is afraid that this man in black will go back to report the letter, wait a minute, something appeared in the distance, what is it?”

Chapter 495: The Cultivation Cost of the Kabi Beast! Looking

at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu was slightly stunned, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

Then he saw a huge figure rushing towards him.

Su Yu quickly put on a fighting posture, and the dream on the side blocked in front of him, and his eyes flashed with red light.

However, in the next instant, that figure appeared in Su Yu’s eyes.

I saw a huge Kabi beast rushing over, and this Kabi beast roared and rampage, looking like a land tank.

“I’ll go, what is this thing? Bears? How do you feel more powerful than a bear?

“It should also be an elf, but I didn’t expect that there was such a huge elf!”

“The momentum of this charge can’t even be stopped by tanks! Can the streamer block it?

“Silly upstairs, right? The anchor can carry the existence of the divine beast, how can he not even stop an ordinary elf? ”

Can Su Yu block it, of course, with his own strength, 05 can’t stop it, but with a dream, the Kabi beast still can’t shake Su Yu.”

Sure enough, when I saw the Kabi beast rampage, it was suddenly wrapped in a pink energy, and it floated in mid-air.

The Kabi Beast obviously did not encounter this situation, and the khaki limbs kicked indiscriminately in mid-air.

There was a little surprise in his small eyes, but there was no fear.

As a giant elf, the kabi itself belongs to the top of the food chain, especially this mature kabi beast, and in general, few elves can threaten his life.

Therefore, for the Kabi beast, no matter what elf is on weekdays, it is an existence that wants to escape when encountering him.

But fortunately, the Kabi beast itself is not particularly irritable, ordinary Kabi beast is sleepy and greedy, basically sleeping 24 hours a day.

Also only in certain cases come out to eat something.

But even if you don’t exercise, the strength of the Kabi beast itself is a top-notch existence, and many trainers like to use a Kabi beast as their elf.

After all, there are still very few giant defensive tanks like the Kabi Beast that are naturally powerful and can go directly to the front line without much training.

On the contrary, there is the large rock snake, but the large rock snake is larger and requires more severe conditions.

Another point is that the race value of the big rock snake itself is not high, except for trainers who specialize in rock systems, other trainers rarely accept a large rock snake to fight for themselves.

Seeing that the Kabi beast in front of him was subdued, Su Yu was slightly relieved and explained to everyone in the live broadcast room.

“I didn’t expect that we actually met a mature kabi beast here, which can be said to be our luck is better, or it can be said that our luck is relatively bad.”

After a pause, Su Yu continued.

“The reason why I say this is because the Kabi beasts themselves like to sleep, under normal circumstances, they sleep most of the time, so they have a fixed resting place, plus the Kabi Beasts belong to the elves at the top of the food chain, so there is only one Kabi Beast at most in an area.”

“It is precisely for this reason that we are lucky to encounter the Kabi Beast, and unfortunately, this Kabi Beast is in the feeding period, so it will come and attack us.”

After saying this, Su Yu walked in front of the Kabi beast and raised his head to look at the huge Kabi beast with a little excitement in his eyes.

At this time, there were not many elves on Su Yu’s side, among which there was Lucario, who had strong attack power and excellent combat talent, and Dream, who was good at assisting and could speak human language.

Then there is the night demon who has just been healed and has not yet established a good relationship.

In addition, Su Yu did not have any elves, because these three elves could basically solve most of the troubles.

After all, Su Yu is not a full-time combat trainer, he is just an explorer, a sharer, and an anchor who is inspired to let humans and elves coexist peacefully.

If it weren’t for the fact that Su Yu had to explore a lot of places on weekdays, he might encounter some dangers like the Kabi Beast, and he wouldn’t even have any problem with him without elves.

The Kabi Beast was still floating in mid-air at this time, and when he saw a small human appearing in front of him, he let out a roar.


However, although the Kabi Beast is huge, he himself is very cute and cute.

“Wow, this bear-like elf, so cute, I really want to raise one!”

“That’s right, the anchor quickly take him as his elf, I want to see him in the live broadcast room in the future!”

“And such a huge body combat power should be very good, that is, if you encounter an elf with a particularly high level like Dream, you will be suppressed, otherwise, looking at the strength of his charge just now, you will know that it is very strong.”

“That’s really right, and his size is also good as a tank, and the anchor doesn’t have to run away if he encounters any danger in the future, and he can let the Kabi beast bear it.”

“There is another thing, that is, you can sleep with a kabi beast, such a huge size, there is no problem sleeping on his stomach, it must be very warm in winter!”

Looking at the speeches of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu nodded slightly, and then spoke.


“Kabi Beast is indeed suitable for a tank, and he is indeed comfortable to sleep with his furry body up, but although he looks quite good, there is a big drawback!”

Hearing what Su Yu said, the water friends in the live broadcast room felt very puzzled.

“Anchor, what are the shortcomings of the Kabi Beast?”

“Yes, he looks so good, how can he have shortcomings?”

“This kind of high-level elf who can fight and carry shouldn’t it be all advantages, long cute, it is also very comfortable to hold up and sleep!”

At this time, Su Yu slowly spoke.

“The disadvantage of the Kabi Beast is that he sleeps a lot, so he may not wake up when you need him to fight!”

“And there is another one, that is, he eats a lot, if he feeds the Kabi beast with ordinary food, it is estimated that it will be at least a million a month!”

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room all gasped.

“What the hell? Millions, how much money do I only make a month, how can I take millions to feed him?

“That’s it, that’s it, I can’t afford it, this is an elf that can only be raised by a krypton gold boss!”

“Oh, he’s so cute, and I want one too, but I’m really poor!”

Chapter 496 – Failed to Accept!

Looking at the live broadcast room, the water friends were surprised and uncomfortable with the food intake of the Kabi beast.

Su Yu smiled and didn’t say anything more.

Because the food intake of the Kabi Beast was not too much for him, Su Yu at this time had a large number of points that could be exchanged for high-level energy cubes.

These energy cubes themselves are compressed foods made for the elf gate, which not only tastes good, but also provides various states for the elves.

Even some energy blocks made from particularly advanced tree fruits can enhance one of the elves’ attributes.

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