Um, this chapter inexplicably ended up in a dark room.。。


“I used to be a cadre of the Nican Association, but after I accepted the olive branch offered by the organization, I killed the vice-president as a sign of submission. ”

Akai Shuichi simply told him about his love and hatred with the Nicanhui.

Lin Xin understood instantly.

He entered the organization with the help of the Nicanhui.

No matter where he is, “traitors” are not It will be tolerated.

It is normal for Shuichi Akai to be targeted.。

“So that’s it. “Lin Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as his robbery of their loan company is not exposed. It’s

not that he is afraid of the Nihan Society, but it will be quite troublesome to be targeted by these people.

It seems to be while you are sleeping. When you are sleeping, there is a mosquito buzzing in your ear. You wave your hand to kill one, and another one comes.

Although they are not a threat, but they come one after another, and they keep coming, which will make it impossible for you to sleep well. Sleep。

“Then you solve this problem yourself.” Lin Xin was just about to say this, but those people from the Mu Menghui rushed up and beat him up indiscriminately. They even regarded him as an attack target. This made Lin


feel He was so speechless that he had to dodge twice and explained: “It’s none of my business, I’m not very familiar with him.。”

“…………”Akai Shuichi punched a member of the Mud Kaihui in silence. Even though he was always taciturn, he couldn’t help but said at this moment: “Boss, how can you say such indifferent words?

” After hearing Lin Xin’s explanation, he was about to turn around and leave when he heard Akai Shuichi say “boss” and said viciously: “You are his boss.”。”

“Well…yes, I just recognized it two days ago. “Lin Xin did not deny it.。

“beat! “The members of the Muduanhui didn’t say much nonsense. They yelled and picked up the guy and went to fuck Lin Xin.

There was no way, Lin Xin could only be forced to fight. While he fought back, he sighed, “It’s not easy to be the boss. ”

This is a dock, and there are so many people there, so Lin Xin did not draw his gun and chose to fight with bare hands. Secondly

, the strength of these mud gang members is not very good.

After all, it is just a gang group for all young people in society, and the recruitment requirements for gang members are There is nothing too harsh,

as long as they can beat people. Compared to ordinary people, they are better at beating.

But for professionals who have almost the same beating skills as Akai Shuichi, they are a little bit unsatisfactory.

Akai Shuichi After skilfully avoiding the continuous attacks with a few sliding steps, he found an opportunity to counterattack.

However, the opponent had a large number of people, so he preferred to dodge and counterattack, slowly looking for opportunities. After all,

Akai Shuichi was on the red side. If you hit him, he won’t kill.

Therefore, his attack method is relatively mild, using hitting as a collision, and he can control the intensity and will not kill others.

This makes it difficult to knock down others, and the hitting is very difficult, and occasionally he will After being hit a few times, he grimaced in pain.

After forcing someone back with one kick, Shuichi Akai found an opportunity to distance himself and gasped for air.

Taking advantage of this gap, he took the time to glance in the direction of Lin Xin and see. Does the other party need help?…………After finally finding a boss, he didn’t want the other party to die like this.

This sight immediately made Hide Akai jump, and he was really startled.

I saw more than a dozen people lying around Lin Xin.

Those members of the Mu Pei Gui fell to the ground and let out painful screams, which made

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Akai Shuichi took a closer look and found that Lin Xin’s movements were neat and ruthless.

The first attack was either to hit the temples, back of the head, cervical vertebrae, trachea, and kidneys, or to grab Guan’s hands and feet and hit their joints, making a clicking sound.

The temples, back of the head, cervical spine, trachea, and kidneys are all critical parts.

After coming for a while, he fell to the ground and couldn’t catch his breath for a long time. In serious cases, it could lead to death on the spot.

Not to mention attacking the joints, not only losing combat effectiveness, but also becoming permanently disabled.

The attack style is quite ruthless.

What brought about such a ruthless style was that the people in the Nihan Society were frightened and frightened when they saw it, and they did not dare to step forward at all.

Everyone is afraid that the next unlucky person will be themselves.

This surprised Akai Shuichi secretly. He didn’t expect that he, a cheap boss, looked gentle, but was very ruthless in his actions, with no mercy at all! !

As expected, those who work in the organization are all ruthless characters! !

While sighing, other members of the Mukai Association rushed towards Akai Shuichi again, forcing him to deal with the others.

On the other side, the people from the Nihan Association saw that Akai Shuichi was more ups and downs, so they all gave up on Lin Xin, a troublesome guy, and came to besiege him.

Suddenly, Akai Shuichi’s pressure increased in vain, which made him miserable and beaten repeatedly.

Seeing that Lin Xin didn’t dare to come over to cause trouble for him, he didn’t take the initiative to go out. He slowly took out a cigarette, lit it, and watched the show there.

It’s not that he doesn’t help, it’s that he has to protect the yacht to prevent other unsighted people from looking for his sister-in-law.

Secondly, Shuichi Akai can handle this kind of small scene.

If he can’t deal with these gangsters, he won’t be worthy of being the ceiling of combat power in the world of Conan.

However, when Lin Xin was watching the show halfway, he suddenly found someone sneaking out of the crowd, taking out a pistol, and preparing to fire a cold shot from a distance.

However, Akai Shuichi was focused on fighting but did not notice。

“careful. “Lin Xin reminded the other party.

But Akai Shuichi was still a beat slower. When he saw the person who fired the cold gun, the other party had already fired.


“ah! “Akai Shuichi was shot in the shoulder and cried out in pain.���sound。

“Tsk. “Lin Xin saw this situation and knew that he had to take action.

If he continued to watch the show, Akai Shuichi would really be beaten to death here.

Lin Xin picked up the baseball bat from the ground with his feet, grabbed it, and fired coldly at him. The man threw it hard.


The baseball bat accurately hit the head of the man who fired the cold gun, and the latter fell to the ground on the spot.

People nearby wanted to go up to get it, but Lin Xin quickly sprinted up and flew up. With his feet, he kicked the guy five meters away.

After the unlucky guy rolled on the ground several times, he became motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Lin Xin picked up the baseball bat from the ground and started to help Akai Shuichi clear the field.

Bang Bang bang.

The baseball bat hit the heads of those people accurately, and one of them fell down with one blow.

He knocked down a dozen people in one smooth motion, and the others were frightened, and after screaming in terror , turned around and ran away.

Lin Xin threw the baseball bat casually, then looked at Akai Shuichi who was covering his shoulders, and said with a smile: “You’re welcome. ”

Akai Shuichi smiled bitterly.

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