"Xiaolan, get up... Don't sleep in, I've got you breakfast. "

"Breakfast is on the table, you get up and remember to eat. "

On the third floor of the Maori Detective Agency, Lin Xin knocked on Xiaolan's door, and after giving a warning, he went down to the work area on the second floor and began to read the newspaper.

Ten minutes later, Xiaolan came down from the third floor with breakfast.

She wore the blue dress she had bought before, and greeted energetically, "Good morning, Brother Lin!!".

After putting down breakfast, Xiaolan turned around in front of Lin Xin and asked expectantly, "How about this dress?"

"Well, that's perfect for you. After Lin Xin praised the other party, he sighed with emotion: "If I can also make friends with a beautiful and lovely girl like Xiaolan, how good it would be." "

"Really? hehe..." These words made Xiaolan overjoyed, and she was even more happy to say this sentence again in her heart.

Thinking that he could become Brother Lin's girlfriend.

Just thinking about it made her giggle.

While eating breakfast, Xiaolan said, "Brother Lin, Aunt Xizi invited me to her house for afternoon tea this afternoon... Do you want to go together?".

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate... She only invited you, Xiaolan, and I won't go. Lin Xin replied.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Xiaolan said again and again: "I told Shinichi on my mobile phone yesterday about Brother Lin's murder reasoning at the art museum, and he said that he would like to meet you!".

"I don't know him well. Lin Xin still said he didn't want to go.

"Come with me. Xiaolan begged, "If I go alone, it will be boring." "

"How can you be bored?" Lin Xin asked rhetorically, "You have a good relationship with Miss Yukiko, right?"

"Although I have a good relationship with Aunt Yukiko, the age difference is too big, and there is still a generation gap. Xiaolan got up and shook Lin Xin's shoulders and said, "Please, come with me!"

"Okay, don't shake it... You've shaken the brains. Lin Xin "had no choice but to agree."

Xiaolan happily went back to breakfast.

At this moment, Lin Xin's mobile phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was gin.

Lin Xin didn't shy away from Xiaolan, and answered the phone frankly: "It's me... What's the matter?".

On the other end of the phone, Gin's emotionless voice came: "Bacardi, there is a task that needs you to help." "

"Hmm? Lin Xin asked curiously.

Gin's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Kill Councilor Fujitani, this mission is a little tricky." I'll give you a partner, how about rye whiskey?".

"Okay. Lin Xin nodded.

"I'll send you my contact information and mission objectives right now. After Gin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After a while, Lin Xin's mobile phone vibrated slightly, and a text message came, with a contact information written on it.

Every time a member of the organization performs a task, they use a temporary number.

After the mission is over, the number will be cancelled to ensure the safety and concealment of both parties.

Of course, it's certainly okay to exchange mobile phone numbers privately.

For example, Lin Xin and Akai Shuichi, he both recognized each other as his younger brother, of course, he wanted to exchange mobile phone numbers to facilitate contact.

After getting this mission number, Lin Xin called as soon as possible and said, "Zhuxing, it's me............ This time I have a big job, and I called you too. "

"As long as you perform well this time, it is not a problem to be promoted and make a fortune!!".

"Half an hour later, meet at Rice Flower Park. "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xin got up from his chair and said to Xiaolan: "I'm going out to meet a friend......... Come back soon. "

"Mmmm, be careful on the road!!" Xiaolan waved goodbye to Lin Xin.

Half an hour later, Lin Xin successfully connected with Shuichi Akai in Rice Flower Park.

He informed the other party of the goal this time, and asked Shuichi Akai to go back and gather information and make a plan.

"Well done, well done, I would highly recommend you to Gin. Lin Xin patted Shuichi Akai and painted him a flatbread.

Behind Shuichi Akai is the FBI.

Even if he can't think of it, those FBI think tanks will prepare a comprehensive plan for each other!

So Lin Xin is very relieved to hand over this matter to the other party!!

"Understood, Boss. I'll get back to you as soon as I have a clue. "Akai Shu nodded a little.

Lin Xin didn't talk much nonsense, waved his hand and left.

After Akai Shuichi's eyes saw the other party leave, he also turned away.

After walking to a nearby parking lot, he got into a black car.

Seeing this, the driver, Kamel, immediately drove away.

James asked, "What's the mission this time?"

"Assassinate the councillor Fujitani. Shuichi Akai replied, "He asked me to gather information and make a plan... If you do well, you will continue to promote me. "

"It seems that this Baijia values you very much. James said slowly: "This is the test he gave you......... Only if you pass, Bacardi will value you. "

"Then you will get the attention of Gin, don't worry... We'll help you. "

"Hmm. Akai Xiu nodded, he didn't say that he recognized the other party as the boss.

After all, he still wants to save face.

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