After a short rest, Lin Xin took Yukiko back to the hall where the banquet was held.

But when he returned to the hall, he sensed that something was wrong.

The joy on everyone's faces had disappeared, and they had turned to a deep sense of worry.

Seeing this, Lin Xin pulled the waiter who was passing by and asked, "What happened? Why is the atmosphere so solemn?" "

The waiter said worriedly, "Almost an hour ago, the old man suddenly fell ill..."

After Lin Xin heard the news, he understood that the effect of the medicine had taken place.

The waiter said that he was sick, not poisoned............ That's because with the current medical technology, no one can even notice the existence of APTX4869.

After the waiter left, Yukiko couldn't wait to ask, "Did someone do it?"

"No, if someone does it, it's more guarded. Lin Xin looked at Youxizi and said, "I fell ill due to physical reasons." "

"Looks like I'm busy......... Try to stay with your friends and not alone. "

"The phone is given to you, call me if something happens............ You can also call me if it's okay. "

With that, he smiled and turned into the crowd.

Youxizi watched the other party disappear into her field of vision, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she thought very proudly in her heart: Lin Jun~~~ I can't think of it! I already know your secret!


"Boss, what were you doing just now? Why don't you answer the phone?" Walking in the crowd, Lin Xin reconnected the call with Shuichi Akai and heard the other party's complaints.

"I just saw an acquaintance, so I went over and said hello. After Lin Xin replied simply, he said, "You did a good job and successfully diverted their attention. "

“...... I haven't done anything yet. Shuichi Akai on the other side of the headset was speechless, why did he always feel that the other party was perfunctory?

"Then you can do it now. Lin Xin said in a low voice: "Set fire, shoot, or kill a few people at random, in short, you have to create chaos so that I can get out." "

"Okay, then I'll get started. Akai Shuichi didn't delay any longer, took out the remote control and pressed it.

Puff puff


Hiss hisss hiss!

Suddenly, there was a small sound in the banquet hall, and the guests with better hearing couldn't help but feel a little surprised when they heard it: "Was there any sound just now?"

"You heard that, too? It doesn't seem like I'm delusional. "

"It felt like the sound of something being released. "

"Ahh White smoke came down from the roof!!


"Why is there white smoke? This is not normal!!".

"Could it be that this place has been attacked?"

"Let's go, let's go!!".

"I knew I wouldn't come, I had diarrhea again, and I was attacked again!".


The guests looked at the white smoke that suddenly rose from the ceiling, and the guests couldn't figure out what it was.

They just didn't know who had made a wave, and they had diarrhea after eating.

Now something strange is happening again.

These guests are like frightened birds, seeing some wind and grass, and immediately want to moisten!

Right now, the guests ran towards the nearest exit.

And when those bodyguards saw this, they suddenly felt that their heads were big.

Their employers have given orders not to let the guests leave, and they have to investigate what happened.

"Calm down, everyone! This is someone deliberately trying to cause chaos!!" one of the bodyguards shouted as he tried to stop them, but before he could say anything, he was kicked away by Lin Xin.

After kicking the person away, Lin Xin deliberately shouted, "My dad is the mayor, what are you?

When the others heard this, they immediately felt that although the society was not as prominent as the status of Senator Fujitani, they were all figures with heads and faces in society!

How dare you guys stop us?

With this thought, they learned in a good way, shouting, "I'm a police officer, what are you?" and "I have more than a dozen listed companies, why are you stopping me?"

What can those bodyguards do?

These people are not what they dare to offend, they dare not come hard, in case they offend each other, they will not have good fruit to eat.

So, they watched as the guests ran away.

Lin Xin blended in the crowd and left.

But on the way out, he saw the bearded man.

If you have a conflict with the other party, you can be regarded as a bond.

Coupled with the other party's arrogance and domineering, the probability of letting himself go is not large.

In this case, it is natural to start early.

All threats must be nifled in the cradle!

Thinking of this, Lin Xin had murderous intentions.

He then confused the cover of the crowd, gradually approached the other party, and found an opportunity to hit him hard.

"Hey, be careful!!," the bearded man cried out in dissatisfaction.

But when he saw Lin Xin's face clearly, his face suddenly changed: "You... You..."

"Huh. Lin Xin sneered and blended into the crowd again.

The bearded man looked down at his chest, a dinner knife stabbed hard in the heart, and a tissue was wrapped around the hilt.

He opened his mouth, but without saying anything, he fell to the ground, further causing panic in the crowd.

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