I Loaded the Love Game

Vol 3 Chapter 293: Rainy season (5)

Looking at Rin Kiyano, Kujo Miki smiled sarcastically.

"It looks like the game is about to start." Watanabe Toru hung up, "Go and see?"

Everyone discussed it. It was for this that the people in the wind club came to pack up their things and set off for the Jingu Stadium.

"Let's cheer for the students of our school, too." Said Koizumi Aina on behalf of the three teachers and Asuna Mai.

"Mr. Koizumi," Mrs. Kujo smiled vigorously, "Would you like to see the iris flowers with us? Toru-kun said, iris will look good only in this season."

"I..." Koizumi Aona glanced at Miki Kujo and smiled softly: "Forget it, I have promised Classmate Iki to go to the game together."

"It's a pity." Mrs. Kujo tilted her head regretfully. "See you next time, Teacher Koizumi and Mai."

"See you next time, classmate Maki!" Koizumi Qingna saluted slightly.

"...Hmm." Mai Mai nodded slightly.

Mrs. Kujo stood up, walked to Kiyano Rin, and put her arms around her shoulders:

"Rin will go with us, right?"

"Aunt Maji, please don't lean up casually." Kiyano Rin pushed her away.

"Aunt Maki?" Koizumi Aina and others, who were packing up the drink bottles, lunch boxes, and cakes, looked over.

"Don't you know?" Kujo Maki said, "Actually, in terms of seniority, Miki and I are older than Rin."

"Re-introduction," Watanabe Toru seized the opportunity, "This is Miki's mother, not her sister."

Everyone didn't react, and looked at Watanabe Toru and Mrs. Kujo suspiciously.

"I'm serious." Watanabe Toru added.

"Really?" Akoko asked cautiously.

"Of course, I would make such a joke?"

"Eh -" a girl's exclamation sounded on the lawn, attracting the attention of the tourists.

"real or fake?!"

"Kujo's mother is so young!"

"It looks really like my sister!"

"Ah!" Koizumi Aona recovered, and quickly bowed, "Hello, for the first time, I am Koizumi Aona, the teacher of Miki Kujo!"

"I'm sorry, it's hard to come and play. I'm in a good mood, so I want to tease Watanabe-kun and his daughter." Mrs. Kujo smiled gently.

Only the way of laughing changed, she changed from a young girl in 19** to a noble young woman in 20**.

Everyone immediately became cautious.

After revealing his identity, Kujo Maki had no interest in communicating with them anymore, turned around and took her daughter and Kiyano Rin's arms, and headed towards the calamus flower field.

"Rin, when I came today, I asked Watanabe-kun to choose between me and Miki. He chose me."


"Miki, tell her!"

"Don't hug me, it's hot."

"Do you dislike mother?"

"I hate classmate Qingye."

"Ah, I happen to be too."

"You two have a tacit understanding, but the relationship is actually very good!"

"No." X2

In the conversation between the three, Watanabe Toru said to Mai Asuka and Aina Koizumi, "I'm sorry."

"Why do you have to apologize?" Koizumi Aina looked at him suspiciously.

"My attitude just now..."

"It's okay," Koizumi Aona laughed and said nonchalantly: "You used to be with Miki classmate today, and she still...Anyway, Watanabe, if you do this, the teacher won't blame you!"

"Yeah." Mai Mai nodded in agreement, "As long as I am Toru, I don't care about the others."

Watanabe Toru looked at the two of them: "Is this really okay?"

"If you don't care, of course it's impossible." Koizumi Aona smiled. "But, Watanabe, are you embarrassed? Only when we care for each other and understand each other can life be happy, right?"

"..." Watanabe Toru was speechless.

Even if I set a distance from them in front of Miki, and behaved politely, the two of them still understood him, no, to accommodate him.

"Furthermore," Koizumi Aona was expectant and shy, "Didn't you promise me to take me out to play after the rainy season?"

"I'm going too." Mai Mai stared at Aona Koizumi.

"Huh? This..."

"I'm going too." Mai Mai stared at Aona Koizumi.

"Mai, you can be alone with..."

"I'm going too." Mai Mai stared at Aona Koizumi.

Koizumi Aona looked at Watanabe Toru somehow. Watanabe looked at the two and smiled: "Teacher, you decide, goodbye."

"Watanabe, I..."

"I'm going too." Mai Mai stared at Aona Koizumi.


Toru Watanabe caught up with the three of them. Rin Kiyono was trying to withdraw his arm from Mrs. Kujo: "Student Watanabe, help."

"Love can't help." Watanabe Toru put his hands in his pockets, his footsteps relaxed, "I don't want to be entangled."

"Come here." Miki Kujo turned her delicate profile and ordered.


Kujo Miki's other arm hooked to Watanabe Toru's arm.

Four people are standing side by side, holding hands, under the sight of tourists, it may be ashamed to replace them with ordinary people, but the four of them are all bad guys who don't care about the eyes of the world.

In the water-filled flower field, the calamus looks like daffodils, but the flowers are different.

The colors of white, pink, lavender, deep purple, etc., are contending with each other, stretching into the depths of the forest.

Small signs were erected on the roots of the calamus, with the names of the calamus species such as "Cosmos" and "Cloud Clothes" written on them.

In front of the flower field, there are photographers and painters who sketch from life; in the flower field, flower farmers are taking care of the flower field.

Toru Watanabe was curious about what kind of scenery would be portrayed on the photographic lens and canvas.

"The irises in the rainy season are really beautiful. Let's go to Ueno to see the lotus later." Mrs. Kujo looked at the three of them.

"How about changing it to next week?" Watanabe Toru said, "I look at one kind of flower a day so that I can have a good mood twice."

Mrs. Kujo smiled and stared at Watanabe thoroughly.

Watanabe Toru comprehended her meaning.

"But it's boring to go back so early. It's hard to tell. Let's go to Yoyogi Park or go shopping in Takeshita Street?"

"This proposal is good!" Mrs. Kujo nodded with satisfaction from her son-in-law, "Let's go, Rin and Miki."

"Sorry, I have to go back." Kiyano Rin looked tired.

"Huh? Tired?" Mrs. Kujo asked concerned.

"Well, it's been a long time since I left for so long."

Watanabe Toru looked at Kiyano Rin, and recently he didn't give her the medicine drink because he paid attention to the distance between the two.

Besides, for that kind of thing, if you want to keep fit, you need to cooperate with long-term regular exercise.

Qing Ye Rin's exercise time is limited to when she is with him, expecting her to go back to work out on her own, it is better to expect to meet a puppy on the road and chase her everywhere.

I don't know if the dog can resist her charm, but the cat is probably out of it anyway.

He was thinking, Qing Ye Lin in his sight suddenly smiled, like a lotus with water blooming quietly.

Toru Watanabe looked away from her nonchalantly.

"Rin wants to go back, so I can only be with Tetsu-kun and Miki." Kujo Maki sighed.

"I have a suggestion." Watanabe understood that this was a threat from Mrs. Kujo, "Kyono-san, how about going to Jingu Stadium to watch the game? Just sit there."

"Are you going to play?" Kiyano Rin asked.

"Me? Of course not."

"I'm not interested in baseball, and people who are interested don't play, why sit there?"


"Rin," Mrs. Kujo couldn't help laughing. "Even if it's a war, you don't need to be so straightforward."

"If there is no time limit and it is not for the clearing house, I will take it slowly, but no matter what, I will win in the end. There is no doubt about this."

"The defeated dog can still be so confident. Even as an enemy, I admire your tenacity." Miki Kujo hugged her arms, her mobile phone tapped her arms comfortably, with a contemptuous smile on her mouth.

"I am not afraid of losing. I admit defeat, but I will never lose all the time." Qingye Rin said coldly.

"On the contrary, I am afraid of losing. I don't admit defeat, but I will never lose."

Mrs. Kujo looked at her daughter and Kiyano Rin, nodding her head feeling interesting, and then suddenly remembering to say to the invisible Watanabe Toru:

"Watanabe-kun, can I trouble you to play? I want to stay with Rin for a while."

"I..." Mrs. Kujo had a smile that couldn't be rejected, so Watanabe changed her words completely: "I will try, but it doesn't work and there is no way."

"Let's go, go to the baseball game!" Mrs. Kujo held the arms of the two young ladies again, "The last time I watched the game was in 19**. I was only fifteen years old that year. I was a sailor. The young girl in the season is younger than you. By the way, Watanabe-kun, I will cheer you on and be your first baseball fan."

"......Thank you."

The four left Meiji Jingu and drove to Jingu Stadium.

Last summer, in order to film "From Iwate Prefecture to Tokyo, 400 kilometers", the three people also watched the fireworks at the stadium.

At the entrance of the stadium, it reads "The 104th Round of Tokyo Tournament for National University Wildball Players' Rights."

The four of them were late to watch the calamus, and the ticket office was empty, with 800 yen tickets per person.

Walking inside, the shop selling snacks and food was also invisible, only the clerk staring at the live broadcast on the wall.

Four people walked into the auditorium, the audience was sparse, and they sat casually.

The whole circle of the stadium was blocked by nets. On the large display screen, the game progressed to the first half of the second sentence.

Watanabe looked at the venue and found the rest area where Kamikawa High School was located. He pointed there and said:

"You sit on it."

Miki Kujo glanced at that year, the cheerleader of Kamikawa High School was there, singing the school song in unison, shouting for cheer.

"No, it's too noisy." She stood still in the infield position-directly opposite the bowler.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Watanabe pulled her up, "I might really be able to play later, you sit there, I can protect you for the first time even if I'm on the court."

"Are you ordering me?" Even though he said that, Kujo Miki was still pulling herself by him.

"Not an order, but a request."

Looking at the back of the two of them, Mrs. Kujo said to Kiyano Rin, "The situation seems to be against you, Rin."

"Compared to Miki, Watanabe-classmate loves me more. You said, he asked us to sit there to protect who?" Before Mrs. Kujo answered, Kiyano Rin walked towards the direction of Watanabe Toru.

"Should an assassination be arranged?" Mrs. Kujo whispered.

After greeting Koizumi Aina and the others who were sitting here, Watanabe took off his coat completely and placed Miki Kujo on the chair.

"I'll go down and ask if you can play, don't leave here." He repeatedly asked before leaving the audience.

"Where is Watanabe-kun?" Koizumi Aona asked subconsciously.

"For Kiyo Rin to go up to the game." Kujo Miki sneered.

What did Koizumi Aona want to say, and suddenly realized that the three of them were sitting together, and the inexplicable atmosphere made her unable to speak.

But...for Kiyano Rin's game?

Is this going to become four people?

Koizumi Aona is faintly worried, but Kiyano Rin doesn't matter, what if it will increase in the future?

Speaking of Rin Kiyano, she remembered calling the other's sister ten years ago and staring at her profile.


Watanabe Toru entered the stadium as a member of the baseball club, looked back at the auditorium, and after confirming the shortest route to reach the position of the three, he walked into the rest area of ​​Kamikawa.

Kunijing took a look and immediately waved: "cross..."

"Watanabe-kun!" The female baseball manager's voice overwhelmed Shu Kuni.

She ran up to meet her holding the file folder: "Watanabe-kun, why are you here? Sit down!"

"Thank you, Kobayashi, I'm looking for Kunai." Watanabe did not sit in the front row that she gave up, and sat next to Kuniishou in the second row.

"Kunii, can I be on the court later?" he asked.

"On the field?" Kuni Xiu looked at him in surprise, "Don't you like baseball?"

"I don't like wind music either. Don't talk nonsense, can you let me play? Any position will do."

"You have to ask the coach. In the high school baseball club, what the coach says is an order, an absolute!"

"Go and ask for me, just say I'm almighty, even if I lose points at the beginning, but after a sentence or two, I'm a world-class baseball player."

"You can really blow, at most I say you run fast, let you guard the base."

"Anything will do."

Shu Kuni stood up, walked to the front row, and whispered to the coach who was staring at the court:

"Coach, Watanabe said he wanted to play, that guy ran faster than me, maybe he could try to defend the base."

"Idiot!" the coach started cursing, "This is the Kaziyuan preliminaries! If we lose one game, we will lose!"

"The opponent is Aoyama High School, the baseball club was just created, the first sentence was 4:0..."

"Can you underestimate the enemy?!"

"Dad," Yuki Kobayashi held the coach's arm, "Just let Watanabe-kun play one game, just one game, just guard the left field or the right field, okay~"

"No! Koshien will never allow any release of water! Even Osaka Tongyin has lost in the qualifiers, how can we..."

"Huh!" Xiaolin Yu Jizi released his hand and turned his face away.

The coach glanced at his daughter and then on the court:

"Hmm, but that is the Osaka Division, here is the East Tokyo Division, and the opponent is Aoyama High School. It doesn't make any sense to win against this kind of opponent. Appropriate use of reserve members can increase the pressure on the main members and keep them from the beginning. Nervous, not arrogant and arrogant. They can only go further in Jiaziyuan if they continue to win the game under the pressure."

"Didn't you just say that no water is allowed to be released?" said Guojing Xiu.

"Idiot! This is a strategy, do you think baseball is just pitching, swinging, and catching the ball!"

"I'm going to let Watanabe change clothes!" Kunui Xiu quickly slipped away.

"Right," the coach called to him, "let him go to the pitcher's hill."


"It doesn't matter if Aoyama scores points, we are strong enough. Kunui."


"The person you yelled, he lost all the points, you want to get it back to me, do you hear it!"


Shun Kuni walked through the second row and said to Toru Watanabe: "As Kamikawa's first hitter, I persuaded the coach to allow you to play and change your clothes. By the way, you are a pitcher."

Toru Watanabe looked at the distance of about one meter between the front and rear rows, and he had a new understanding of Kuni's shamelessness.

"I have no clothes."

"No clothes?" Kuni Xiu was startled, "You come to play, you don't bring a team uniform! By the way, you don't seem to have a team uniform."

"Yes, yes!" Yuki Kobayashi took out a bag, "Watanabe-san, here is your uniform, by the way, and your baseball glove, hat, and helmet!"

"Thank you very much!" Watanabe Toru said in honorifics.

After getting dressed, Toru Watanabe followed the crowd in the second half.

"Kunii," Watanabe Toru whispered.

"What's the matter?" Kunjing revised to go to first base.

"Pitcher, shouldn't you just throw the ball and let the catcher receive it?"

Kunii repair looked at Watanabe Toru.

"What's the matter? Answer me quickly, in a hurry!"

"Where is this?" Kunai Xiu pointed to his feet.

"The Shrine Stadium."

"Where is the Shrine Stadium?"

"Baseball field?"

"Where is the baseball field?"

"..." Watanabe Toru looked at Kuni Osamu.

"..." Kunui Xiu looked at Watanabe Toru.

For a long while.

"You don't understand baseball?" Kunii Shura asked.

"Yes." Watanabe Toru replied, "Just to confirm, it's the first time to play a game."

"What is this area called?"


"You don't understand! You don't understand baseball at all! Listen to me, this is the infield, and there is the boundary~www.wuxiaspot.com~You must..."

"Don't say this, tell me what the pitcher should do!" The discussion between the two has attracted the attention of others.

"...Throw the ball and let the catcher take it." Kuni Shuo gave up everything.

"If you can't say that, it's over? I'm just a pitcher and don't need to know where this is.

Toru Watanabe stepped onto the pitcher's hill.

In the auditorium.

"Really on the court." Miki Kujo framed her legs and barely raised her interest.

"Still discussing tactics with Kunai-san!" Koizumi Qingna looked expectant.

Kiyano Rin looked at the venue dispensably.

"Watanabe-san! Come on! Watanabe-san! Come on!" Mrs. Kujo shouted with the Kamikawa cheerleader holding an inflatable baseball bat.

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