I Loaded the Love Game

Vol 3 Chapter 308: Karuizawa in August (3)

Watanabe turned off the light and left Xiaoren's bedroom silently.

In the living room, the ladies were chatting about Karuizawa last year in the bright yellow light.

"It was the Bon Yulan Festival, right?" asked Mrs. Kiyino.

Kiyano Rin nodded.

"I didn't remember the date, but I remember that at the racecourse, I saw someone walking with the horse of the Emperor and his wife." Mrs. Kiyono smiled triumphantly. "The two only came to Karai on the Bon Festival... ."

At this time, seeing Watanabe Toru come out, she turned to ask: "Little Lian is asleep?"

"Yeah." Watanabe Toru walked into the counter and took a bunch of grapes from the refrigerator.

"You come this month every summer vacation?" He asked them at the table while washing.

"No." Kujo Mihime replied, "Even if she comes, she will only stay for three days at most."

"Then why one month this time?" Watanabe threw one into his mouth after washing it thoroughly, it was very sweet.

Miki Kujo raised her eyebrows and glanced at him.

"I understand." Watanabe washed the second one thoroughly and threw it into his mouth.

"Are you going to finish it alone?" Kiyano Rin asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Watanabe stunned, chewing in his mouth, holding a whole bunch of grapes in his hand, "You want?"

The lady looked at him.

"If I don't wash it, will you not eat it?"

No one answered, only Mrs. Jiujo said: "Wash some more cucumbers."

Watanabe Toru took the cucumber from the refrigerator again, washed it, and put it in a plate with the grapes.

The plate was placed in the middle of the dining table, and the five people were chatting and eating grapes and cucumbers.

"Who will buy the bread for breakfast tomorrow?" Mrs. Kujo bit the cucumber, very crisp.

Just listen to that sound, you know how fresh it is.

"I'll go." Watanabe Toru put a grape into Miki Kujo's small mouth, and another one into his own mouth. "I have the habit of running in the morning, just right."

"Don't give yourself a holiday when traveling?" Mrs. Kiyino asked in surprise.

"Watanabe-kun, your body is strong enough." Kujo said closely every day, "and we can't let you buy breakfast for a month just because you run in the morning."

Watanabe said nonchalantly: "Morning exercises are not for physical exercise, or, in other words, not mainly."

"What's that for?" Kujo Miki asked.

"Actually, I don't like morning exercises," Watanabe Toru picked up a cucumber and took a bite. "In order to overcome the mentality of'hate to do what I don't like', I started morning jogs."

Seemingly hearing something incredible, in the living room of the villa, only Watanabe Toru eats cucumbers for a while.

"Sufficient emotional intelligence, clever head, forcing myself to do things that I don't like," Mrs. Kiyono sighed. "Maybe, by yourself, your future achievements will not be lower than those of Kiyono's or Kujo's son-in-law."

"Nothing, I'm just an ordinary person." Watanabe Toru said.

"The author of "The Great Gatsby" has a saying." Kiyano Rin ate a grape.

"?" Watanabe said with a smile, "but I'm really an ordinary person. Before I was sixteen, my dream was to become a civil servant. Diplomats are also good, traveling around the world with taxes paid by the people."

"It's indeed an ordinary ordinary person." Mrs. Kiyino nodded and said.

"Yeah." Watanabe Toru leaned back in his chair, eating cucumbers, agreeing comfortably.

Mrs. Kiyono went on to say: "I was studying in an ordinary high school, and was admitted in advance by an ordinary university, and had an ordinary girlfriend."

"That's right." Watanabe nodded, "It's so ordinary."

"An ordinary girlfriend?" Mrs. Kiyino asked with a smile.

"I'm more ordinary." Watanabe turned to look at Miki Kujo, and took a bite of the cucumber.

"This kind of deception to a three-year-old child will be avoided." Kujo Miki is very clear about Watanabe's tone and expression.

The two ladies couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't believe what Toru Watanabe said." Mrs. Kiyono said, "Maybe I was with Miki in order to invade the Kujo family property."

Toru Watanabe sat up straight, and stopped eating the cucumber: "Aunt Yuko! Don't talk nonsense!"

"It's very possible." Mrs. Kujo nodded her head unexpectedly.

These people, who looked like joking, might be remembered in their hearts.

Watanabe turned his head and said to Kiyano Rin, "R-san, help me! Do you know if I have one!"

Kiyano Rin stretched out her snow-white delicate fingers, took a grape from the plate, glanced at him, and put the grape into her mouth.

"...You will misunderstand the scene like this." Watanabe Toru said.

Kiyano Rin didn't speak.

"I remembered." Mrs. Kujo nodded and said.


Kiyono Rin stared at Watanabe Toru with clear eyes, "Do you need me to tell you the truth of this sentence?"-to convey such a message.

Watanabe turned to look at Miki Kujo: "Miki..."


Watanabe Toru put a grape in her mouth, and Kujo Miki casually chewed.

"Although Watanabe-kun wants to run in the morning, you can't really let you go shopping for bread alone." Mrs. Kujo said, "Let Miki go with you."

"I don't allow Rin to do nothing alone. Let's take turns." Mrs. Kiyino smiled. "It's also about taking out the trash at night. There are so few street lights here. As a boy, Watanabe-kun has to go every day, and the rest take turns."

"I can do it alone." Watanabe Toru said.

"Watanabe-kun, we are equal, so housework must be shared among each other. Only in this way can we spend a month happily."

After talking to Toru Watanabe, Mrs. Kiyano turned her head and said to Mrs. Kujo again: "Leaving Toru Watanabe alone is a bit because he is a son-in-law, a countryman, and it feels like he is a servant. What do you think?"

"I think you are a vixen." Mrs. Kujo said.

"Thank you for the compliment." A smile bloomed from the corner of Mrs. Kiyano's mouth.

She asked Mihime Kujo and Rin Kiyano again: "You two don't agree, right?"

"Yes." Kujo Miki said.

"Well, you are Mr. Watanabe's boyfriend, so of course you will have opinions. Mr. Watanabe can't be alone, he will be like a servant. We accompany him. If you have opinions, then Miki, you accompany Mr. Watanabe every day."

Watanabe Toru was surprised by Mrs. Kiyono's remarks, but there must be something to follow.

Sure enough, Mrs. Kiyano spoke again: "It's okay to throw trash at night. Buy bread every morning. Can you afford Miki?"

"..." Kujo Miki.

This is indeed a very serious, very practical problem that must be faced.

"Watanabe-kun every day, we take turns, Xiaoren follows her," Mrs. Kiyono put his hands together happily, "that's the decision."

At this time, Mrs. Kujo said lightly: "There are two people, but there is no upper limit."

"Vixie!" Mrs. Kiyano gave her an annoying glance.

"Mutual each other." Mrs. Kujo raised her palms, "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." The two wives happily high-five.

Rin Kiyono glanced at Miki Kujo, smiled and said, "I have the habit of getting up early."

"You think Miss Ben can't do it?"

"You get up early, I can sleep late."

Looking at Kiyano Rin's smile, Kujo Miki had already guessed what she was going to say next.

"But I get up early, you must get up early."


Switching to Koizumi Aona and Asuna Mai, Kujo Miki will never get up early, just like Watanabe's clear explanation that Hi Mai will come to Karuizawa, she doesn't care at all.

But Rin Kiyano must keep an eye on.

This is the curse of the winner, and the curse of the opponent Rin Kiyano-a beautiful girl as good as her.

On August 2, the day after coming to Karuizawa, Kujo Miki couldn't get up.

She was Toru Watanabe's sister at night, and she was used to getting up late. The early morning at five o'clock was too unfamiliar—even if it was going to school, she didn't get up until eight o'clock.

Watanabe called to her, and she sat up with her eyes closed, and after a while, lay down again.

"Don't get up?" Kiyano Rin hugged her elbows, "I thought I could last at least one day. I overestimated her."

"Go taunt her, and definitely get up."

"Do you want me to go?" Kiyano Rin smiled and looked at Watanabe Toru.

"It's just buying bread together. It doesn't matter if you don't go."

"Just went to Ochanomizu for a day?"

"Running?" Watanabe Toru said.

"Riding a bicycle." Kiyano Rin vetoed without hesitation.

In the early morning, Karuizawa was shrouded in mist, and it was a bit cold.

She is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, French style, with beautiful folds on her chest, and her white cuffs are tied around her wrists without a trace of fat.

The choice of cufflinks is also unique.

The lower body is equipped with a light blue long skirt, and Xiaoman's waist is tied with a light green ribbon with a bow, which naturally hangs on the left side.

The dress is exquisite and elegant, and it looks like a very casual match, which makes her look expensive and has a natural and fresh breath at the same time.

Toru Watanabe glanced several times.

"It looks good?" Qing Ye Rin grasped the shirt sleeve, twisted her waist thinly, and the skirt turned slightly.

"It's like Karuizawa just after the mist has dispersed." Watanabe Toru said.

"have you seen?"

"I haven't seen it, but when everyone hears it, they think it must be very beautiful."

"At your level of love, I can only give you points for this sentence."

"I still read less books." Watanabe Toru said, "Let's go, I run, you ride a bike."

"I have a place I want to go midway."

"We are going to buy bread, Lord Kiyano."

"It's across from the bakery, Karuizawa Bookstore."


Toru Watanabe was jogging in front, and Rin Kiyono followed slowly on his bicycle.

The bakery named by the ladies is very far away from the villa area, and it is a bit of an imposing manner of being out of touch with the village.

In the fog, only the warm bright yellow light was seen, and the aroma of freshly baked bread could already be smelled.

"There are a lot of people." Watanabe Toru said.

"You line up, I'll go to the bookstore first?" Kiyano Rin parked his bicycle at the door of the store.


The two lined up together.

In the aroma of truffles and cream wafting out of the shop, Rin Kiyino introduced the life of Karuizawa to Watanabe.

Sunday Mass in the Catholic Church, the Stone Church where weddings are held, and the small town of Elm Street often has violinists or guitarists performing in the open air...

When it was their turn, they bought popular product truffle bread, chocolate croissant, etc., packed in newspaper-like packaging.

When Kiyano Rin was holding the bread, the clerk and customers in the store looked at her for a few times.

She is like a noble lady who came out of the Middle Ages.

"Go to the bookstore." Rin Kiyano said after leaving the store.

"Go to the water bookstore." Watanabe nodded in agreement.

For those who like to read, visiting a bookstore is really a wonderful thing.

During the two hours that Watanabe went to Atami, he wanted to go to the bookstore.

Karuizawa Bookstore, a bookstore owned by Tsutaya, is near the truffle bakery, and it's just across the road.

This bookstore is small in size and provides coffee and breakfast. Many customers who are going to buy bread or have bought bread linger in it.

The types of books are quite comprehensive, but most of them are books and magazines related to Karuizawa, and people can't help but pick them up and read them.

In addition to books, there are many folk art and porcelain exhibitions.

"The books are mostly local authors, and the porcelain handmade products are also the works of local craftsmen. Many elements are from Nagano Prefecture." Kiyino Rin explained softly while holding a basket.

"It's very interesting, but it's not pretty." Watanabe Toru replied in a low voice.

"I like natural things."

"Maybe it's a handicraft."

"Do not rule out such a possibility."

The two stood side by side in front of a cabinet and communicated in a low voice.

Toru Watanabe picked up the book beside the basket, opened it, and introduced the customs of Nagano Prefecture.

"It's very interesting to put books and things together," he said.

Kiyano Rin put the bread directly into the basket.

"Bought it?" Watanabe Toru asked.

"Bought it." Kiyano Rin nodded.

The two picked a few more books, and Watanabe remembered that he had promised Xiaoren last night, so he bought some photos of Karuizawa's scenic spots.

"This." Watanabe Toru picked up a book. "The character your mother talked about last night."

On the cover of the book is Emperor Akihito and his queen.

The two of them were silver-haired and grey, standing side by side, UU reading www. uukanshu.com smiled and looked at the camera.

"The two of them met here." Kiyano Rin turned a page, pointed to the picture and said, "Here, there is this tennis court."

Watanabe Toru put the book back and chuckled softly:

"When I am 30 years old, here are all magazines and books full of my photos, and Karuizawa’s slogan has also been changed to "Karuizawa, a resort where Toru Watanabe visited at the age of seventeen and came to vacation every summer. '."

Kiyano Rin smiled nicely.

"Do not believe?"

"Then, who is standing by your side?"

"R Sang, we are here to buy books."

"I'm here to buy bread."

"You are always right, Amen."

"Amen is Christian."

"What about Catholicism?"

"Catholicism is also Amen."

"You fool me?"

"No, it's just bullying your lack of knowledge."

On the way back, the fog dissipated.

The moist wind mixed with the smell of vegetation passes by;

The quaint villas were hidden in the trees on both sides, the sound of birds became crisp, and the morning light passed through the branches of the leaves.

The tree-lined path leading to the villa is quiet and poetic.

The two turned into the path, and when they saw the villa, Xiao Lian squatted in front of a pongal grass, and the beautiful sunlight fell on it.

"Dingling Jingling", she turned her head to look over when she heard the ringing of the bicycle bell.

"Archer! Sister Lin!" She got up and ran over.

Rin Kiyono got off the bicycle: "Xiaoren, what was Tokyo's former name?"

Xiaolian said excitedly: "We know, we know! It's Edo!"

"When did Edo change its name to Tokyo?"

Xiao Lian was stunned: "A long, long time ago, 62 years?"

"It's September of June." Qingye Rin handed her the basket in the frame of the car, "The answer is wrong, and you will be punished to take the bread back to the house."

"Bread?! Let's eat it!"

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