I Loaded the Love Game

Vol 3 Chapter 347: Love Words and Bidong

On Saturday morning, Tamamo Komi came to school earlier than usual.

The corridor was quiet, like a ruin, only her footsteps.

Just when she thought she was the first to come, the sound of musical instruments came from a distance.

The melody is gentle and detailed, the tone is clear and transparent, and it is an oboe.

It's so beautiful, Yuzao is so beautiful and can't help but stop.

After listening to it for a while, she suddenly remembered Watanabe Toru last year's oboe like a sigh of God.

Why didn't I notice such a moving tone? Thinking about how bad the other party is?

I can listen to that melodious summer at any time, and maybe I will never have it again.

The sound of the oboe suddenly stopped, Yuzao recovered so beautifully, and quickly cleared up the feeling of loss.

"This voice... um-" she remembered as she walked, "Horikita...Horikita Mai!"

This little girl with strange laughter and holding Pokémon with her mobile phone all day impressed her more deeply than others.

When she walked into the music classroom, she sat in her seat, opened the sheet music, and started practicing.

Whenever a member walked in, she would read each other's name in her heart.

"Tazawa Yuri...Syoko Dobashi...Miyoshi Yuri...Ogawa...Ogawa—"

She looked around, quietly took out her phone, and checked the list taken from Hayamixun.

‘Ogawa Nazuko! Nazuko Ogawa! ’

‘Natsuko Ogawa with short hair! Nazuko Ogawa of the clarinet part! The normal-looking Nazuko Ogawa! ’

Like memorizing English vocabulary, his lips opened and closed silently and quickly.

"I took 96 in the English test yesterday."

Tamamo was so beautiful that she was taken aback by the sudden male voice, and the phone almost slipped out of her hand.

Turning his head, Watanabe Toru stood aside.

He wore a white shirt and a brand-new black suit jacket.

Whether it is this school uniform or casual and natural hair, it is more fashionable and fashionable than the male model that Tamamo is so beautiful that he saw in the magazine.

That face that always can't see a smile, if it is an idol, it must be very suitable.

Yuzao is so beautiful that she can see it for a while.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she started judging people by their appearance from the kindergarten and didn't think it was a problem at all.

The aesthetics of the opposite **** is very harsh. If Watanabe is not good enough, she won't even bother to say bad things, and forget him long ago.


"What are you doing? It's so beautiful!" Yuzao cursed so beautifully, angrily put away the phone, and then turned to the sheet music just to relieve his embarrassment.

Although this guy hates him, but suddenly he gets so close, which girl can stand it!

"Are you sure about the minister?" Watanabe Toru ignored her attitude.

"I'm sure." Yuzao dealt with it beautifully.

"I look forward to your performance." Toru Watanabe was about to leave, and when he turned around, he suddenly remembered that he said, "The club is very important, but you can't ignore your performance."

"Is there any way?" It was obviously asking, but the tone seemed to be questioning.

Toru Watanabe stopped and said, "Listen to the teacher."

In terms of learning methods, even if he is the first in the country, he will not be better at this aspect than a professional teacher.

Before Yuzao was so beautiful, he said:

"There is no way. There is a small suggestion-you must not compare your grades with people in other schools. Even if you take summer tutoring in Kamikawa, you are still better than most people. You need to focus only on Kamikawa."

Watanabe Toru has always done this.

The other people in the class did well in the exams and bad in the exams. He didn't know at all. Several of them entered the top 100 in the country and didn't know anything about them. His goal had been on Kiyono Rin and Kujo Miki.

After the exam, take the two people's test papers and analyze them to see where they lose points, and then remind yourself not to make mistakes.

"Who doesn't know this." Yuzao, who has been making excuses for himself, said so beautifully.

"That's no more, go for it."

Toru Watanabe returned to the front of the classroom where Rin Kiyano was.

"I don't recommend you to do this." Kiyano Rin looked at the music and said.

"do what?"

"Comfort and encourage girls." Rin Kiyano turned his face to see Toru Watanabe.

"I have excellent grades and look good..." She looked up and down Watanabe, "It's pretty good. If you are as gentle as before, it will only cause trouble."

"R-san, I have a question." Watanabe Toru said.


"Excuse me, what is it going to be so beautiful in your opinion?"

"Don't lie?"

"Why is it an interrogative sentence?"

"Except for me, haven't you seen anyone who doesn't lie?" Kiyano Rin looked at Watanabe Toru with a look of "you give me a chance".

"It makes sense." Watanabe nodded, "Apart from not lying?"

Kiyano Rin put his hand on his chin, posing in a pensive posture.

"Tru Watanabe, Toru Watanabe." Toru Watanabe reminded in a low voice.

Kiyano Rin's eyes returned to his senses, and he smiled beautifully.

She said: "There is also Toru Watanabe. As long as it is Toru Watanabe, only Toru Watanabe can live by me if he grows up."

"Kyono-san can't lie, right?"

"I won't lie." Kiyano Rin was sure.

"Meaning or am I really just ‘just a good time’?"

Kiyono Rin's eyes became cold, and he stared at Watanabe for a thorough look. He turned his gaze back to the score and said:

"Want to know how I look like, how about going to the window by myself?"

"The windows in the daytime can't be used as mirrors." Watanabe Toru said.

"I'm asking you to jump down and take a good look at yourself with your soul after you die." Qingye Rin said without raising his head.

"Hey, classmate Kiyano, I always thought you were the representative of beauty."

"Thank you, I have always thought that Watanabe-san is the real version of the male protagonist with wisdom and sense of humor."

"Furthermore, I will forgive your poisonous tongue just now."

"The voice is clear and sweet, the speech is funny, the temperament is very good, the hands are very big, very beautiful, not only is he good at studying, but he is also very handsome."

"...Some more."

"Sometimes thinking of you, it feels like you've been electrified. Many people, including me, want to marry someone like Watanabe-san."

"Continue, continue." Watanabe couldn't control the corners of his mouth quickly.

"I want to marry you." Kiyano Rin pulled her hair behind her ears, raised her delicate face, and looked at Watanabe Toru.

"Huh huh." Watanabe turned his head to look at the music classroom, raising his voice, "Wood pipe group, gather in the overhead corridor on the fifth floor."

Rin Kiyono looked at Watanabe Toru who pretended to be innocent, and couldn't help but smile.

After Watanabe Toru took the wood pipe group to go, she propped her elbows on the podium with both hands, holding a pen in her right hand, and covering her forehead with her left hand.

‘Is it because I have been with Watanabe for too long? I actually said such a thing. ’

She was shy with her right foot wearing indoor shoes, touching the floor of the music classroom with her toes.

While resting at noon, Toru Watanabe continued to paint, and Rin Kiyono was reading by the window.

That picture...

"Don't talk about other places, my hands are jagged?" After reading, Rin Kiyano said with his arms.

"Skiyo-san, do you know Picasso's "Three Musicians"? The hands in it are jagged. This is a tribute to the master." Watanabe said righteously.

"Picasso's "Dora and the Kitten" with her lover as the protagonist was sold for 95.216 million US dollars. May I ask Mr. Watanabe, how much can you sell for this painting?"

"900 million...dollars!" Watanabe Toru raised his right hand.

He put down his right hand and raised his left hand: "900 million US dollars once, 900 million US dollars twice, 900 million US dollars three times! The deal!"

He raised the tablet with both hands, like a painting, and introduced to Kiyano Rin: "900 million U.S. dollars, classmate Kiyano."

Kiyano Rin stretched his slender fingers to the tablet and swiped it gently to delete the picture.

"...900 million U.S. dollars, classmate Kiyano."


In the afternoon, they continued to help the wind club training until 5:30, and the two left the school.

By next week, the sports festival will begin.

The Human Observation Department did not participate in this team competition, and Watanabe did not want to bully his classmates with his extraordinary physical ability.

After the sports festival, the time enters late October.

"The days before us at school are getting less and less." After eating in the club classroom at noon, Watanabe Toru painted the autumn scenery outside the window.

"High school has the joy of high school, and university and society have their fun." Kiyono Rin was watching "After School" by Higashino Keigo.

Since Karuizawa in August, she has started to watch mystery and suspense, because the traditional literature that she likes to read will not be found for a while.

"He doesn't care about youth, but the time to wear student uniforms." Kujo Miki was tied to Kiyo Rin's hair on a whim today.

Kiyono Rin's hair was bright and straight, and it slipped like black water in Miki Kujo's white and delicate hands.

Watanabe Toru looked at the two and said, "Looking at you like this, I can do nothing and keep seeing the oak tree die."

"Oak trees can live for four hundred years." Kiyano Rin reminded someone to recognize oak trees and don't let yourself be overwhelmed.

"That's right, it's a pity that you won't live that long." Watanabe Toru said, "When you die, I will find a place to bury myself."

"You don't need to trouble yourself," Kujo Miki pulled Kiyano Rin's hair, "Before I die, I will kill you first and let you bury me. Okay, let's see."

Kiyano Rin glanced at the mirror on the beech wood table, it was a tall single ponytail.

Even if the literary girl is like Qingye Rin, there seems to be a hint of sports girl at this time.

Watanabe's gaze swept across her thin, white neck that was exposed because of her hair tied up. It must be very fragrant, must be soft, and must be delicious.

"How is it?" Kujo Miki asked.

"It's just a ponytail," Kiyano Rin said nonchalantly.

"What about this one." Miki Kujo was tossing again, and she looked like she was playing with Barbie dolls and dressing up.

"General," Kiyano Rin said.

"This..." Watanabe hesitated.

Kiyano Rin looked at him suspiciously, Kujo Miki with a smile on her face.

At this time, Rin Kiyano's hair style was put on the collarbone as a whole, which was a very dangerous wife's haircut.

The so-called danger is just ridicule. With such a hairstyle, it makes people look gentle and very homely.

In animations with almost the same faces, people can only be recognized by hairstyles, clothes, and accessories.

Seeing the look in Watanabe Toru's eyes, Rin Kiyano knew that there must be something wrong with this hairstyle.

"I'll help you too." She closed the book, put it next to the mirror, and stood up.

"Okay." Kujo Miki's voice was melodious and natural, and she didn't care at all.

When Miki Kujo sat down, Rin Kiyano stood behind her, reaching into her long hair.

Kujo Miki's hair is very gorgeous, with a little princess cut, which is the proud work of Mrs. Kujo.

In Karuizawa, the reason Watanabe Toru refused to cut her hair for Mrs. Kujo was because she was worried that she would cut herself a princess cut-the princess cut for boys, commonly known as the pot cover head.

When Kiyano Rin gave Kujo Miki to tie her hair, a leaf blew out of the window.

This may be the first fallen leaf in Tokyo in autumn.

"Autumn imprint." Watanabe stretched out his index and middle fingers and clamped the leaf halfway. "For the beautiful princess, my Miki."

Kujo Miki kept her upper body still, so that Rin Kiyano tied her hair and reached out to take the leaf.

Facing the sunlight outside the window, the leaves become transparent and clear veins can be seen.

"For Sister Qingye." She used the leaf as a bookmark and clipped it to "After School" that Rin Qingye had just seen.

"Just put the unnecessary garbage in my book?" Kiyano Rin asked.

Watanabe Toru and Kujo Miki laughed at the same time, they were indeed so bad.

If they are not very rich and need to throw out the trash by themselves, I am afraid that for whom to throw the trash, there will be a war of love and talk, such as "Let you throw out the trash because I want you to go for a walk and lose more weight."

"Alright." Kiyano Rin stopped.

Kujo Miki picked up the mirror and looked around.

With simple actions, Watanabe can see the difference in personalities between the two.

"Good soil." Kujo Miki said.

"I did it on purpose." Kiyano Rin said with a smile.

It is two braids, put on the chest.

"In the girly manga I read, the heroine is usually like this." Watanabe said, "the hero is more fashionable than the other, and then the two of them will bang once, and the hero will fall in love with the heroine."

"Girls manga?" Kiyano Rin expressed surprise at Watanabe Toru's reading taste.

"In order to chase Miki, I looked at everything." Watanabe Toru said.

"Speaking of which, we haven't slammed it yet?" Kujo Miki played with braids.

Toru Watanabe put down the tablet, the actor who was studying the girl manga lifted his hair, and walked towards Miki Kujo handsomely.

"No, don't." Oscar heroine Miki Kujo entered the play in a second.

She put her hands on her chest, and she looked soft and weak, and Watanabe Toru started to see heat again in her heart.

He walked to Miki Kujo, grabbed her hand "you're welcome", pulled her up, and pushed her to the wall.

"My name is Toru Watanabe..." He grabbed Miki Kujo's right hand with his left hand and pressed it against the wall.

"...Only you, I want you to call me Toru." He raised her attractive chin with his right hand. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

His movements, his voice, his eyes, except for Kujo Miki and Kiyano Rin, to conquer women all over the world, it was enough-Watanabe Toru is so fascinating at this time.

"I, my name is Kujo Miki." Kujo Miki turned away shyly.



In Watanabe's gentleness, there was another commanding "Huh?"


"You two." Qingye Rin looked at them coldly.

Toru Watanabe laughed playfully twice, let go of Kujo Miki, and Kujo Miki also smiled.

"It's over." Watanabe Toru said, "Miki, we only dated for a year, so the freshness has passed? The heartbeat didn't speed up."

Miki Kujo was not gentle at all, she gave an order "Huh?"

"Don't get me wrong, our love does not become cold, but has solidified, and it will not change."

"Greasy mouth and tongue." Miki Kujo sneered first, and then said with a smile, "It's pretty much the same."

"You two." Qingye Rin looked at them coldly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you." Kujo Miki looked sideways at her with a smile, "It seems that Watanabe's love and I are really solidified, and I ignore other people as soon as we talk."

Kiyano's cold eyes suddenly thaw, but it was not that she was not angry, but it meant that she was really angry, just like the flame changed from orange to blue.

"Student Watanabe," Shino-sama gave a gentle smile, "Who do you love most?"

"I want to know too." Kujo Miki asked with a smile.

"...I love Yangzhou fried rice. Do you know Yangzhou fried rice? I ate it once in Takamatsu City, Shikoku, and it tastes so good. I still can't think about it.....what I said is true, you guys Don't look at me like this, I'm scared."

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