I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 65 - Another letter from the Prince

Muriel looked at the mysterious mark on her toe later that night. She had forgotten all about it for the longest time. Since nothing was wrong or off about her, she was starting to think that it wasn't a fairy's mark at all. Perhaps that blue sheen on the dot was a trick of the light or something she imagined. Muriel tried scrubbing the dot a few times, but there was no success.

Whatever it was, it wasn't going away.

And her poor, delicate little toe was feeling raw from all washing.

On the following morning, there was a comfortable breakfast. Waffles, fried eggs with mushrooms and herbs, and sausage. Then there was light sewing as the most cheerful piano music was being played from far off. Prince Vidar seemed very happy. The music was still quite peculiar, though. Muriel couldn't understand it well.

The music went on even when lunch was served. Song after song. Playful, hopeful notes.

After lunch, Muriel secretly received a locked up note from Doctor Bergson's hands. Princess Arya seemed determined to pretend that the thing didn't exist. She idly walked into a hallway and looked up at a tapestry while Muriel went to a window and read the note.

"I'd love to watch you in my quarters soon, if you wouldn't mind."

Muriel was happy to comply.

She went to her bedchamber, picked up a sewing kit, and changed into an elaborate ball gown with spring colors. She even put her long necklace of false pearls on. That string of beads was rolled and tossed in her fingers as she walked beside Doctor Bergson in Prince Vidar's section of the castle.

When Muriel was safely locked inside the Empty Room, she put her sewing kit beside a covered food tray. Then she sat down on the white couch, making sure her skirts looked attractive. A bottle of wine and an empty glass were there. She poured some for herself and took a long sip. She thought she might need to be a bit tipsy for the rest of the scene she had vaguely planned out.

Another glass.

And another.

She ignored the food for now.

She stood up ...

And unpinned her pretty gown as slowly as she could. First the stomacher. Then the robe. She untied the underskirt and let it slither and flap down. The panniers had to go too. She untied them and practically tossed them onto the hard floor. They collapsed a bit, but that was normal.

In her chemise, stockings, shoes, and corset, Muriel trembled, but she reminded herself that the person watching her was sweet and kind. There was no risk here.

But she poured another glass of wine and forced into her stomach.

Muriel had to sit back down.

She untied the laces of her stays. Then she pulled the stays away and put them with the panniers. Swaying a little, Muriel bent down to kick her shoes away.

Stockings and chemise, and with a long necklace, that's all she had on her body. It wasn't unbearably frigid, but she was still happy to be near a fire. Muriel sighed and gave a light hiccup as she decided the chemise needed to go to.

She pulled it over her head.

The pale hair between her t.h.i.g.hs was likely visible.

Prince Vidar had touched that place once, but as far as Muriel knew he hadn't seen it before.

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