I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 446 A born legend, a monster that devours everything! (two in one)

Lynn was thinking about which method of restraint the nuclear fusion reactor should use, and it took a while before he realized that Del was standing beside him.

Seeing that the star of magic finally came back from his thoughts, Del hurried to report. "My lord, all the wizards hunted by the church in the western part of the empire have safely arrived in the city of fire oil."

"This is some personnel information that needs attention!" Del said, handing over a list.

Lynn reached out and took it. A series of names were written on it, and about twenty names were marked with yellow or red marks.

Although the council has long mastered the means of detecting divine spells to ensure that all who enter the City of Fire Oil are wizards, Lynn will never take these 'citizens' lightly.

About two years ago, in the land of wizards, the disaster caused by the evil mage Merk is still vivid in my mind-it all started with a cardinal sneaking in disguised as a wizard through reincarnation.

With this lesson learned from the past, the council naturally had to guard against it, so it added a small test to Lynn's proposal-a psionic wizard secretly performed magic to detect emotional fluctuations, and those who read the note , wizards who react violently will be listed as targets of suspicion.

After all, the more pious believers are, the more angry they will be with the insulting words on the note, let alone scolding them personally.

However, this method is not 100% accurate. After all, that false god has accumulated a lot of power in the empire. Some wizards and apprentices in the empire dare not even call each other's god's name directly, and there are many who cannot speak out of intense fear. Therefore, it can only be used as a reference to filter out suspicious targets.

Lynn's eyes quickly scanned the list, and he was quite surprised to see a familiar name on it. He couldn't help but pause, with a little surprise on his face.

"Ivana..." Lynn whispered softly.

"My lord, is this your old friend?" Del asked cautiously.

He naturally knew that this star of magic had been active in the empire before reaching the land of wizards, and it was normal to have a few old acquaintances.

The other party's age and good looks made Del have some different guesses.

"Probably." Lin En nodded. He couldn't be sure just based on the name, but even the age and hair color matched, so there was a high probability that he was the one he knew.

At the time when he had just crossed, in order to sneak into the harbor town and find the lame Lauder who was hiding, so as to obtain a boat ticket to the wizard's land, he had to borrow the identity of the opponent's elder brother, Lot Pedrol.

In the end, no one was found. Instead, he was caught by the housekeeper and forced to enter Pedrol's mansion.

Fortunately, the relationship within this dilapidated aristocratic family is very complicated, or it can be described as deformed. The baron is obsessed with climbing power, and he seems to care about his two sons and daughters, but in essence he regards it as a promotion of power and revival of the family Tool of.

And the younger sister Ivana is even more envious, jealous and hated towards Lott.

Lynn remembered that before crossing the sea and leaving Harbor Town, in order to repay the favor of borrowing Lott's identity, he even took the initiative to give Ivana a good lesson, hoping to break this deformed family relationship.

After two years of separation, did the other party become a wizard?

It's an unexpected turn of events...

"Since she is your old friend, there is no need to investigate."

Del picked up the pen and was about to cross Ivana's name off the list, but Lynn shook his head and spoke to stop it. "No, we're actually not that familiar. Let's do everything according to the rules! Don't miss any possibility because of me..."

Although he had some contact with Ivana, the relationship between them was really not good, and that was all in the past, and Lynn did not plan to contact each other again.

"I see, Lord Lynn." Del thought thoughtfully, and marked the words of focus after Ivana's name.

"Is there anything else to report?" Seeing that Del had no intention of leaving after withdrawing the list, Lynn said again.

"It's about the uranium mine... The guards and miners there have been attacked recently, and even a golem was gnawed." When Del said this, there was a little worry on his face.

Hearing this, Lynn's face also became a little dignified. The discovery of the Devil's Stone made him guess that there must be a beast deep in the uranium mine, or even a group of monsters that can swallow nuclear fuel.

It's just that during the period of mining uranium ore, the wizard in charge of exploring the mine has not been able to find this monster, so it has been delayed without dealing with it.

"Did the council send someone to deal with it?" Lynn asked.

"Master Raphael has taken a pair of alchemists to capture this monster, and so far there has been no useful information sent back." Del said hesitantly.

"If that's the case, then I'll go and have a look too!" Lynn was somewhat worried.

With his knees, everyone knows that such a monster can only be described as horror, and it is by no means so easy to deal with!


It would take about five hours to reach the capital from the city of fire oil, even by airship. By the time Lynn arrived at the uranium mine, it was already the morning of the next day.

Thanks to the previous blockade of the church and the rumors of the devil's curse, there are very few people around this mining area, and no one can be seen.

But Lynn is very clear that all this is appearance.

Aurora, who is proficient in visual illusion, arranged a super-large polarized light magic here, and the airship seemed to pass through a thin water curtain, and the interior scene was quickly displayed in front of him.

The area of ​​this mining area is very vast, and the guards are extremely strict. Musketeers holding new-style flintlock guns can be seen everywhere standing guard and patrolling.

The moment the airship penetrated the magic barrier, several machine guns and electromagnetic cannons had already aimed at it. This was communicated by Lynn in advance through electromagnetic waves, otherwise the entire airship would be sieved now.

Such strict precautions were specially instructed by Lynn. The protection level of this uranium mine is even higher than that of the capital and the city of fire oil!

After all, once that false god gets a sample of the uranium element, there is a high probability that he will be able to reproduce his big nuclear explosion technique.

Then the sword of Damocles hanging over the enemy's head will stab them themselves!

The airship landed slowly on an open space in the mining area, and Rafael, Allard, and Sanchez, who had received the news in advance, were waiting there early.

"It's really rare, Master Lynn, it seems that your new research has been completed?" Raphael warmly stepped forward and hugged Lynn.

He knew that the star of magic had spent the past few days in the laboratory researching new magic theories.

The last time it revealed the internal structure of the atom and created the terrifying magic of a large nuclear explosion, I don't know what grand ideas it can come up with this time.

"Probably." Lin En nodded, but didn't mean to reveal it, and asked instead. "Where is the monster that attacked the miners? Have you found any traces of it?"

"Not yet!" Raphael shook his head helplessly. "It's very fast, and it's elusive. So far we haven't even found a hair of it, let alone what it looks like."

As Raphael spoke, he showed Lynn the bodies of the miners who were attacked.

The appearance looked very tragic, almost all of them were cut into pieces by a blow, and a large amount of minced meat mixed with blood was piled up together, but Lynn still keenly noticed that these corpses had no traces of being eaten.

Instead, half of the head of the broken golem was gnawed off.

Is flesh and blood not within the scope of the other party's recipe?

Lynn immediately thought of this, and became more and more interested in this strange monster.

Since it is not hunting, the reason why these miners were attacked is worth pondering.

"Where were they attacked?" Lynn asked thoughtfully.

"It's in the depths of the uranium mine." Raphael replied.

After testing, the closer to the depth of the mine, the stronger the radiation, so they all suspected that the deepest part of the uranium mine was the lair of this monster, but they didn't dare to enter it rashly.

Lynn immediately understood that these miners should have stepped into each other's territory and were killed as intruders.

"In addition, we also found that this kind of monster seems to be very interested in uneaten, high-energy things, and is planning to use them as bait to set up a trap to attract the opponent." Arad said with a smile. "So you came at the right time today, Master Lynn, otherwise we three might not be able to arrest him."

After seeing the traces of destruction on the golem's head, Rafael and the others were already preparing to apply for support from the parliament. At least one speaker must be sent over to resolve this matter.

They know how hard the golem is. Its whole body is made of Mithril. It takes a good mouth to bite off its head and eat it directly!

Facing such an opponent, the great wizards felt a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, Lynn rushed over in time, giving Raphael and others full confidence!

As soon as the big nuclear explosion came out, in the eyes of many wizards, this star of magic has become the highest combat power of the entire wizard council!

Unlike the confident Raphael and others, Lynn is not sure whether he can hold on.

In his impression, monsters that can devour nuclear fuel only existed in the fantasy of an old movie in his previous life.

It seems to be called...Godzilla?

But this mine obviously can't hold such a big guy...

Under the kind invitation of Raphael and others, Lynn still agreed to this arrest operation. It would be unreasonable to be frightened and ask for support without even seeing him.

Even if the arrest fails this time, at least he can find out the details of the other party.


It took about a morning to set up the trap, and Raphael's method was also very simple, which was to let the miners enter the depths of the mine and continue mining ore as usual.

The only difference is that there are a lot of magical mithril beside them.

At the same time, the two conditions for their guessing that the attack occurred were met...

Good food and territory invaded!

"I said, is this too obvious?" Lin En, who was hiding in the corner with concealment magic, looked at the very conspicuous alchemy runes on the top of his head and on the ground, and couldn't help complaining.

"It should be fine, as long as it is not activated, there will be no magic power fluctuations." Raphael vowed, he didn't think the stupid monsters could understand the meaning of the runes.

Lynn shook his head, didn't say much, but focused on these miners.

These baits obviously knew that they were in danger. Although they didn't stop digging, their legs were trembling faintly.

However, Lin En didn't sympathize with them, because there were only two kinds of people who could be thrown here to mine uranium ore, either the noble children who were keen to enslave the poor on weekdays, or the felons who committed serious crimes and faced the death penalty.

Now that they have come in, in order to ensure that the information will never come out again, being irradiated in the process of mining uranium ore is also an alternative criminal law.

As for the arrested devout believers, Lin En dare not let them approach here. After all, the souls of these people will 'ascend' to the kingdom of heaven after death, which is equivalent to passing information to [Ella] for nothing, so throw them all away Road repaired!

Lynn, Raphael, Allard, and Sanchez waited quietly, while the roar of the machine rang through their ears, which was the sound of the drilling rig in the hands of the workers.

However, after waiting for ten hours in a row, they did not wait for the so-called attack.

"Could it be that it's already full?" Arad, who was waiting impatiently, couldn't help guessing.

Raphael was also a little uncertain if there was something wrong with his arrangement.

Just when several people were thinking about whether to stop the workers and try again tomorrow, Lynn suddenly said.

"It should have come."

"Where is it?" Raphael asked hastily.

Lynn didn't reply, because he didn't know, but a faint sense of threat rose in his heart.

Just as the miners were loading the mined uranium ore into the mine cart and were about to leave, a stream of blue light flashed across, and the whole world seemed to be split in two, and crimson blood sprayed out. In an instant, the five miners Together with the minecart was torn to pieces...

so fast...

There was a chill in the hearts of Raphael and the others, and Lin En finally got a glimpse of the whole picture of this monster. It looked about two meters tall, and it was covered in azure blue. It looked like a beast, and its skin was like flames. Usually in constant circulation...

No, it is not appropriate to use skin to describe it, because it has no flesh and blood at all, and its body is made of pure energy. It is a pure energy or pure elemental creature that he has never seen before...

Born a legend? !

Lynn already had the idea of ​​running away...

(PS: I have something to do today, so the post is a little late.)

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