I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 699: The end of mankind

Chapter 699 The End of Humanity

 “Warning, the second world is about to collapse, warning, the database has been invaded, warning, warning…”

As the God's Domain continues to expand, continuous beeps begin to ring in the data space that is about to collapse.

Those data ‘human beings’ who were immersed in the virtual world felt threatened and flew over from their respective planets and galaxies like crazy.

Millions of galactic fleets, gods and demons flying across the sky, roaring dragons and ferocious monsters surrounded Linn. Magic and divine arts, fantasy and technology all attacked Linn at the same time.

The scene was extremely vast, but Linn didn't even look at it, because these were just data mimics, and they couldn't even break through his divine realm.

 Suddenly, an unexplained heart palpitation came to mind, and Lin En's figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, the gun fired by a galaxy-class battleship suddenly penetrated the expanding divine domain and directly exploded the nearby void!

The aftermath that escaped tore apart the entire virtual space and even affected real time and space.

But it was ‘Zero’ who secretly hid the real attack in a massive fake data offensive!

Seeing that more and more enemies were gathering around him, it was no longer easy to distinguish the authenticity of the attacks. Lin En no longer held back. When he appeared, infinite light shot out from all parts of his body. , instantly blasting away hundreds of thousands of gods and demons that rushed forward.

Facing an unimaginably large gap in strength, some fearful data humans ran away in all directions, or loudly prayed to Linn to let them go, and let the entire data plane go.

Lin ignored it and took the picture again. Everything within a million kilometers was turned into a ball of meat...

"kill him!"

After realizing that the alien high-dimensional creature in front of them would not accept surrender, the data humans rushed forward like crazy. Even though they knew that they had no chance of winning, they still continued to fight, which seemed extremely tragic.

Lynn, who was in the center undergoing the crusade, had a sense of déjà vu that he had become the Great Demon King of Destruction, but he knew very well that these were just data mimics in an attempt to shake his belief.

"Cut!" An anti-matter sword appeared in Lin En's palm at some point. He waved his hand and slashed out. A brilliant, continuously extending blade cut through the surrounding void, and the data and humans along the way could not even scream. It was instantly annihilated and turned into the first data particles, disappearing into the air.

But Linn’s target is not these ‘dummy people’. The antimatter sword that tore open the virtual space directly split the data universe.

As the emotion simulation device of 'Zero' was cut off, those data humans who were either fearful or sad and angry instantly became expressionless. 'Zero' realized that the intruder in front of him would not be affected by such tragic emotions. There will no longer be a waste of computing power here, and the entire virtual space will collapse.

What appeared in front of Linn was a network connected by countless data threads, densely packed, like brain nerves distributed everywhere visible in the field of vision.

The sky full of gods and demons, roaring dragons, and powerful superpowers disappeared without a trace with the collapse of the data space, and were replaced by a large number of [Forerunners], mechanical guards, and war weapons of various forms.

But before any further offensive could be launched, Linn raised his hand and snapped his fingers, using the arcane laws to reconstruct the formulas that made up the atoms. The millions of mechanical legions in front of him were dismembered and exploded...

 At the same moment, the divine realm has covered the entire metal brain, and the 'zero' prompt tone has become more and more urgent.

[Warning, the third-level protection has been breached, warning, the database has been invaded, warning, the signal cannot be searched...] ˆ ˆ ˆ With the erosion of the divine realm, the prompt tone gradually turned from rapid to calm, and finally the entire metal 'brain' was twisted, dismembered, and then transformed A bright crystal floated in Lin En's palm.

 This is the core of the entire silicon-based civilization. Holding it is equivalent to controlling half of the galaxy!

At this moment, Lin En's mind was not here. Instead, he was immersed in the vast amount of data. This was the attack launched by 'Zero' at the last moment, trying to defeat him with the massive data.

Even though the computing power of the main **** level has reached a level beyond the understanding of low-level civilizations, it took Lin En more than ten hours to fully digest it.

 Sure enough, mankind has perished...

Lynn sighed. The information he obtained from the ‘Zero’ database confirmed his previous speculation. All humans existing in the virtual space are data mimics.

The reason why the Federation firmly believes that consciousness uploading technology is absolutely feasible is because the breakthrough of quantum ghost technology allowed them to discover that human consciousness can exist independently of the physical body, exist in a quantum form, and can even connect to data networks.

 The beginning of it all lies in the quantum black box experiment No. 3999!

That is, the quantum experiment accident that caused his death...

 The details and purpose of the experiment were set to a top-secret level, and many data were deleted and destroyed during the Federation's civil war.

The only thing that can be known is that a higher-dimensional civilization seems to have interfered with that experiment. It is based on the discovery of this quantum experiment that the Federation can successfully complete consciousness transmission and mimic emotion technology.

Lynn pondered as he put away the core of Zero, and took one step to reach a huge industry on the earth.

This used to be the Federation’s Quantum Research Institute No. 11, but now it has been transformed into the production base of [Forerunner].

 Because the intelligent core was shielded, a large number of newly produced [Pioneers] were scurrying around like headless flies, turning the entire production base into a mess.

Lynn shifted his high-dimensional coordinates to avoid being perceived, and then time, space and dimensions split in front of him, and the mysterious light cone of destiny reappeared in front of him.

The particles of chaos stretch to the end, which is the unpredictable future, but Lin En’s goal this time is the past whose state has been fixed.

He wanted to see for himself what happened in the quantum experiment in 2549 of the Federation calendar, why he traveled through time, and whether it was related to the interference of higher-dimensional civilization.

As the Priest of Destiny was activated, time seemed to begin to move backwards rapidly, and the surrounding production base covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres was rapidly collapsing. What happened on this land in more than a thousand years was presented to Lin En in a slide-like situation. in front of.

He saw the rebels capture this place, saw how the Federation's space-based weapons destroyed the land, and saw tens of thousands of steel machines building this production base in one month.

Lynn just watched silently. He was not prepared to interfere, and he had no way to interfere with the past, because all this had already become a foregone conclusion. What he saw was only the information from the past remaining in the particles.

 (End of this chapter)

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