
Gu Bai's voice spread through the radio speakers throughout the area and reached everyone's ears.

Someone looked up into the air.

This seemed to set off a chain reaction, and everyone followed the man's gaze and looked up.

And then, as you can see,

Alpha's body turned into a perfect parabola and flew through the sky.

After breaking through the billowing dust miasma, it fell from the sky with a tail of smoke.


Alpha's kite-like body with a broken string smashed to the ground, rolled several times, and completely stopped moving.

He was covered in rune paper, and his black eyes stared at the boss, but he no longer had the soul-stirring power of just now.

It's... Win?

In front of him, who is known as a peerless genius who has not been encountered in a hundred years in the country of the Lion Statue, and a legendary figure with the most dazzling achievements of the world's young generation, after doing his best,

Unexpectedly, "One Hundred and Seventy-Seven" was taken by Gu Bai for one second, plus a few pieces of rune paper,

Just seal it directly?

Everyone cast a somewhat dull gaze on the young figure still standing in the war zone.

At this time, Gu Bai was still holding a thick pile of rune paper in his hand.

This is the result of his three minutes in Admiralty just now.

It can be said that if it weren't for Gu Bai who left Alpha with these three minutes of performance time.

I guess this guy doesn't even have a chance to pretend to be forced.

The scene was silent for nearly ten seconds.

Subsequently, the audience burst into extremely enthusiastic cheers.


"Gu Ye is the god !! you and me"



Every student of the Holy Academy present fell into a hysterical carnival.

Tears of excitement are about to fall.

"Before I came to the Holy Academy, I thought I was a genius like no other, but after I came here, I knew what he was called a real genius!!"

"Master Gu is already a super-rank! This cliff is a super-level strength!"

"It's too small, make such a big stack of rune paper in three minutes, and seal the alpha in one second, who believes that this is not the reincarnation of Fu Zu?"

"I've decided, I want to cultivate the Fu Dao, and I want to be Master Gu's personal disciple!"

"Wake up, Fu Dao is not something you can cultivate if you want to, how can you have a genius like me. "


On the side of the Holy Courtyard, it was in the midst of a moment of excitement and revelry.

Congressman Morgan also appeared on the periphery of the war zone.

He looked at the silent alpha at his feet, and his face was already extremely pale.


Morgan waved his hand and released a burst of energy, tearing apart all the seals on Alpha's body.

But Alpha didn't wake up.

Morgan could feel that Alpha's vital signs were very weak.

But he had no internal injuries and only a handful of external injuries.

Morgan pressed Alpha's forehead with his palm, probed, and found that his soul was actually bound by some mysterious power.

That's why he couldn't wake up.

And the damage that touches the soul is irreversible.

Even if you send it to the Great Holy Church and let the Divine Father resolve it for you, it is estimated that after waking up, it will be crippled.

It may even become a waste person directly.

"Just send him to the airport!"

Morgan shouted to the accompanying medical staff, extremely irritable in his heart.

Alpha is the only seedling cultivated by the Lion Elephant Kingdom, and he will succeed to the position of Pharaoh in the future.

If he has a problem in his own hands, there will be a lot of trouble in the future!

"Don't worry, you'll go back together later, take the same flight, and save money." "

Gu Bai's flat voice sounded extremely harsh to Morgan.

He is a parliamentarian-level powerhouse who calls for wind and rain in countries around the world, how can he ever be so humiliated, not to mention that the other party is still a junior.

"Really, do you think that's the end of it?"

Morgan's words were tinged with a hint of chill.

With Alpha being sent away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Morgan's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already in the preparation area.

There stood a man silently.

He wears black and white robes and carries a cross behind him.

His expression was calm, and he maintained a faint smile throughout. []

Even if those teammates below were defeated one after another, it didn't cause him any mood swings.

He seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

"Caesar, I'll leave it to you. "

Morgan said softly.

If you look closely, you will see that Morgan's attitude towards him is clearly different from that of others.

It was a gesture that could almost be considered humble.

For a congressional figure like Morgan, there are only a handful of people in the world who can make them have this attitude.

And the one in front of me is one of them.

Caesar stepped forward, just as the two passed by.

Morgan said a word to Caesar in secret language.....

"Kill Gu Bai, this is the latest will of the Lord. "

This secret phrase is a way to communicate with souls, and only the two of them know the content of the conversation in this world, which can prevent any form of eavesdropping.

Caesar didn't answer, not even a look.

He crossed Morgan directly, with a steady pace, step by step towards the front war zone.

With the advent of Caesar.

The whole scene quickly fell silent.

An invisible sense of oppression, as the sound subsided, gradually covered the entire area.

As everyone breathed, it seemed that even the air had become a little heavier.

This sense of oppression does not come from some kind of force, but from an identity.


A mysterious presence that sits on the highest throne in the entire Western world, and even among the younger generations of the world.

Although he has never shown his true strength in public, no one has ever questioned his strength.

Because, with his own strength, he has obtained the holy relic of the ancient legend, the Holy Cross.

He became the world's largest force and the sole successor of the Holy Cross.

He will become the only king of the entire Western world in the future.

And now, the young king is standing here, about to have an unprecedented battle for the pinnacle.

"The guy is here. "

The students of the Holy Academy looked at each other, and their expressions became serious and solemn.

The big boss is finally here.

Although the war had not yet started, everyone really felt an extremely tense atmosphere on 4.4, and it began to permeate the surroundings.

It's a true showdown at the top.

Gu Bai VS Caesar.

Transcendence VS Transcendence.

To put it mildly, this is just a gamble between the side of the Holy House and the side of international exchange students.

But to put it mildly.

This war may really change the world pattern in the future.

And all those present will become witnesses of history.

"It's Lord Caesar!!"

"Lord Caesar!!

At this moment, the international exchange student area also broke out into a fierce cheer.

Almost every foreign student greeted the figure below with extremely enthusiastic eyes.

It seems that the major defeat of those seniors just now has not affected their emotions at all.

Because they all know.

This person's appearance will erase all failures.

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