Chapter 0194 – As Wutianx’s enemy, your luck is too bad!!!

“The warriors that those two little kids became after they fused… His strength is strong! ”

“It seems that we all underestimate this GT universe, and the general also underestimates his opponent.”

Topo said with a serious face, his gaze always on Gotenx’s body, and did not look away.

Although he couldn’t feel the breath, he could still feel that the power contained in Wutianx’s body was very powerful.

Even if he plays now, he will not say that he can win this game easily!


Tis nodded, and now he was not as happy as he was just now.

“Although the power of those two imps after fusion is very strong. But…… The general will definitely not be defeated so easily, I think he can still win. ”

“No matter what, don’t think about winning or losing.”

At this time, the beautiful hands firmly grasped the corners of the platform, and shouted loudly at the ring,

“Now! Hurry up and give me an attack on him! Casellar! ”

“Beautiful adults…”

Hearing this, Casellar turned his head slightly and glanced at the audience of the eleventh universe.

He could feel the gaze of the crowd and the gods190.

Moreover, this battle represents not only him, but their entire eleventh universe!

So this game.

“It doesn’t matter if you fuse or whatever, I will win this game.”

Saying that, Casellar rushed out again, and the strength of his whole body condensed into his right fist in an instant.

“Let’s end it!!”

With an angry shout, the figure came to Gotenks.

That powerful punch also came, slamming into Gotenk’s face.

Seeing this, Wutianx didn’t care at all, pinched his waist with one hand, shook his head and said, “Alas, it’s too slow, it’s too slow.” ”

“Even this power is weak, it really makes people look at it.”

It can be seen that he has no idea of avoiding it at all.

Facing Casellar’s punch, Gotenx simply raised his right hand.


A muffled sound came out, and Casellar’s eyes widened at this moment.

The punch he used with all his strength was now easily resisted.

Gotenx seemed effortless, as if having fun!

“Hahaha, it seems that we can easily win the first game. Sun Gohan laughed a few times and said happily. ”

Originally, he was worried that it would be difficult, but Gotenkes’s strength has improved a little beyond his imagination.

Moreover, the strength of Casellar in the eleventh universe is not very strong.

Winning this first game is already in your pocket!

“Hmph, it’s such a waste of time dealing with this kind of guy. Vegeta was a little dissatisfied. ”

It is clear that Wutianx can solve it quickly, but it is because of his character.

This causes him not to end the battle quickly, and it is completely like a game.

At the same time, Beerus and Wes of the seventh universe both observe Gotenks.

“Lord Beerus, you found out too.”

Weiss smiled and suddenly spoke.


Beerus nodded expressionlessly, looked at Gotenx and said, “This guy didn’t show his power at all. To be precise, he didn’t even bring out one percent of his strength. ”

“Hmm… If you really compare it, his age is indeed much older, but this improvement in strength is a little too much. ”

Beerus refers to their seventh universe Gotenks.

The fusion of the GT universe Son Goten and Trunks is compared to the Gotenx of their seventh universe.

Although the GT universe is larger in terms of age, the gap in strength between them is too large to compare.

This also means that Wutianx, who is in the GT universe, has specially experienced cultivation and has achieved an unprecedented increase in strength!

“Weis, after I go back, Wukong and their cultivation projects have doubled for me, and I must become stronger even more.”

At this time, Beerus turned his head to look at Weiss and said with a serious face.

Although no one else has yet to show true power.

But now, Beerus has been able to roughly guess the overall power of the GT universe!

If their seventh universe is still like this, slowly ascending.

Getting stronger will definitely get stronger, but you can’t catch up with the GT universe!

The Assembly of Force, once lost on that day, will be erased in an instant.

This is something that Beerus absolutely does not want to see and do!!

“Yes, understood, Lord Beerus.”

Weiss nodded, also retracting his smile.

Although they have only dealt with each other a few times, the relationship between their two universes is very good.

Weiss also loves the Monkey King of the GT universe, as well as others.

But! This matter is very important, it is related to the survival of the entire universe, and it must not be careless, it must be taken seriously!

At this time, above the ring.

“How so…”

“What the hell are you guy!?”

Casellar gritted his teeth, unable to accept the facts in front of him, and questioned loudly

And when asked, he also deliberately increased his strength a little more, trying to shake Wutianxin out.

But despite this, Gotenx was still like a nobody, as if he couldn’t feel Casellar’s attack at all, and there was no reaction at all.


Seeing this, although Casellar was very unconvinced, he had to give up.

Immediately, his whole body jumped backwards and pulled away a distance of several meters.

“Well, I…”

Gotenx put his hands on his waist, thought about it and suddenly laughed, “Remember!” I am the invincible Lord Gotenks! ”

“As my opponent in the first battle, your luck is really bad enough.”

“What… What the!? ”

Hearing Gotenx’s words, Casellarton became angry and clenched his fists tightly.

“The fusion of two imps dares to look down on me Casellar.”

“I’m a combat expert who has taken down multiple planets, let you see my best power!!”

Roaring, Casellar rushed in the direction of Gotenx again.

This time, he didn’t want to think about anything, and he only had the idea of defeating Gotenx!

As a combat expert, he could not allow himself to be ridiculed and ridiculed by the enemy like this

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