Nima, Lao Tzu’s thunder fruit ability, was reduced to doing this kind of thing!

For a while, Anilu had the urge to vomit blood, but under the eaves of the roof, he had to bow his head, and Anilu gritted his teeth and walked to the golden bell to start working.

“Olvia, have you finished reading the historical text, it’s time for us to go!” Klockdar reached out and took Olvia into his arms and asked aloud.

Olvia nodded obediently, signaling that it was finished, and it was also taken down with paper.

“In that case, there is no need for this text to exist!” Klockdar sneered and slowly walked to the huge stone.

Historical texts are very difficult to make in the pirate world, known for their indestructibility, and Klockdar did not expect to challenge this law, sink it into the ground, and never be discovered.

Ganfort fell from the air and looked at Klockdal, not knowing what the man was trying to do.

“Desert terrain!”

Klockdahl snorted coldly, and in an instant the rock under the historical text began to turn into yellow sand, and the historical text weighing several tons could not be supported on it, not to mention that this was still quicksand terrain.

In a few breaths, the huge historical text disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Goohahaha, this is not enough, you must leave a little as a memorial! Klockdar grinned and waved his hand, signaling Olvia to come to him.

“Don’t you understand ancient texts, now write a few words on the ground, whatever I say, you will write.”

Hearing this, Olvia was shocked, is this to falsify history?

After hesitating for a long time, Olvia finally nodded.

“There is no good and evil in the world, the difference is only in the position, what my heart desires, that is, justice! Shaklockdar! ”

Hearing the end, everyone present couldn’t help but be shocked, their eyes were frightened, and just a few words still outlined the huge ambition in this man’s heart, what does this guy want to do, challenge the order of the world?

After listening to Anilu, who was melting gold, his little face suddenly showed a touch of excitement, it seems that his boss is very ambitious, hehe, but he is the boss, I am Lao Er, above 10,000 people under one person, it is really an appetite for himself!

For a while, Anilu couldn’t help but think/wrong, and even his hatred for Klockdar dissipated a lot.

Olvia felt that she had used all her strength to finish writing a few short words, and her whole body was soaked in sweat


“Goo-ha!” Klockdar looked at the handwriting on the ground and laughed ambitiously, making the face even more evil.

“My era has just begun!” Klockdar muttered, his right hand suddenly pressed to the ground, and the handwriting seemed to come to life, slowly gathering.

Everyone breathed and looked at the incredible scene in front of them, and soon a complete “historical text” appeared!

Gee, I don’t know if the people who come to the empty island in the future recognize the ancient text, if they can’t recognize it, it’s really a little embarrassing.

At this moment, Weber suddenly noticed that Laqi’s posture/posture was a little strange, limped, and opened his mouth to ask what happened, but as a passer, the chief immediately stopped the restless tribesmen.

Looking at Laqi’s still somewhat thin body, the chief sighed silently in his heart, feeling that he couldn’t help this child.

Laqi also noticed the apology on the chief’s face, forced a smile, and said: “Chief, don’t worry about me, as long as we return to the place where our ancestors are, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it will be worth it!” ”

Olvia saw Rachi’s distressed/uncomfortable look, leaned over and helped, of course she knew what happened as a person who came/, and couldn’t help sighing secretly, such a little girl didn’t even know to pity Xiang Xiangyu.

Thinking of this, Olvia gave Klockdar a blank look.

Satisfied, Klockdar spent an extra month on the empty island, partly to wait for Anilu to cast the golden bell into gold nuggets, and partly to familiarize himself with the Qi that the system had just unlocked.

Now Klockdar’s most urgent thing is to learn to use domineering, the limitations of the ability to use the Sand Fruit alone are too great, once you encounter a natural ability like Anilu, you can really catch it.

Qi is like domineering, can surround the surface of the body, from the perspective of hardening, Qi is more than a little stronger than domineering, and Qi can also become a shield-like existence outside, which is much more practical than domineering in comparison.

However, in order to confirm whether Cangqi is effective against the able, Klockdar specially conducted an experiment on Anilu, and the results proved that in dealing with the able, the qi and domineering have the same effect.

Thinking of this, Klockdar couldn’t help but smile.

Wait until you learn to be domineering later, and at the same time master the qi, which is equivalent to having two energy tanks, one is used up and the other is used, thinking about it, Klockdar couldn’t help but drool at the corner of his mouth.

The little face of Anilu, who has been tortured enough by Klockdar these days, is pitiful, originally in his heart, being defeated by Klockdar was caused by his own carelessness and carelessness, after all, that guy can’t do anything to him.

But he didn’t expect that even if he was elementalized now, he would still be hit by the other party, which was completely beyond his comprehension.

So far, Anilu does not know what domineering is, after all, the heart of the future has not yet formed.

In the complicated eyes of the chief and Ganfor, Klockdar disappeared into the endless white sea with a huge treasure.

“This fiery star is finally gone!” Ganforer said with some happiness that in this month, where he was still a protector, he was simply a man under his hand, and his face was lost.

The chief nodded with empathy, the wealth left by his ancestors was basically taken by this guy, he didn’t expect that one day, he would have a common insight with this guy.

On the Suitor, Anilu looked excited and said to Klockdar; “Are we going to the infinite earth? Is it to conquer them? ”

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation of everything, dumplings do not refuse.

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