However, the empty inquiry made Karp on the side think a lot, it should be time to meet Klockdar, after all, that guy robbed Lujiu, and now I don’t know what the situation is, I hope everything is fine, otherwise I won’t see Roger when he dies in the future.

“Recently, there have been many new stars in our Navy, which is good news at present, and it will definitely be the pillar of growth in the future.” Zefa said in a muffled voice.

As a prestigious instructor in the Navy, Zefa for the new note.

“Oh, yes?” The Warring States have been busy with the handover and do not pay much attention to these trivial matters.

“In the East China Sea, a few seedlings with good potential have come out now, although they are only at the rank of colonel now, but as long as they are cultivated well, they will at least be major generals in ten years!” Zefa looked a little excited, he was now planning to collect those people under his hands and cultivate them carefully.

East China Sea?

Karp and the Warring States looked at each other, the East China Sea has always been known as the weakest sea, from another point of view, it is also the brightest sea area of the navy, and it is not very surprising that a master appears.

“Tell me about it.” Steel bone is interested, and now that he has stepped down, he is also thinking about this to cultivate new people.

“Smogg, Tina, Natsu…” Zefa blurted out a series of names, not even thinking about it, obviously he had been paying attention for a long time.

For Smogg, Karp and others are still relatively clear, now a lieutenant colonel, but the potential is very large, after all, it is a natural Devil Fruit ability, although the ability is relatively chicken, but as long as it is used properly, it is also quite good.

As for the next few, everyone has not heard of it.

Zefa is very happy now, when he talks about the new star of the Navy, the folds on his face are much deeper, and he can’t close his mouth.

“I am more optimistic about Naz, this little devil is not old, and he is relatively withdrawn, but the strength is not said, if it were not for him as a child, it is estimated that he would have been given the rank of lieutenant colonel by now.”

Originally, Sengoku and others thought that Zefa valued Smog more, but they didn’t expect that there was someone else.

“Natsu, this little ghost is a superhuman slashing fruit ability, can turn the whole body into a sharp blade, no less than a big fast knife, and his physical skills are very strong, the fruit ability has become an additional product for him, if you learn the naval six style and domineering, I think you may be a general in the future.” For Natsu, Zefa did not hesitate to praise.

Steel Bone Kong didn’t expect Zefa to appreciate a naval major so much, and even said “Kyogen”, believing that the little devil has the potential to become a senior admiral in the future, which is really a bit surprising.

Saint Din, Kingdom of Alabastan, House of Gold!

Lu Jiu stood in front of the window, looking at the endless desert in the distance, her arms hanged, gently scratched her belly, and sighed.


The door was pushed open, and Lu Jiu did not look back.

“Put your things down, I’ll eat it myself later.”

However, the person did not follow her orders, and the footsteps gradually approached.

Lu Jiu’s delicate willow leaf frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Didn’t you hear what I said just now, put it down!” ”

In the past few days, in this somewhat depressed room, her mood has become a little depressed, and her temper has also increased.

Just when Lu Jiu wanted to turn around and rebuke the servant, her waist was suddenly hugged by a pair of powerful arms.


Lu Jiu exclaimed, and quickly reacted to who was coming, and a hint of joy suddenly flashed in her eyes, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into anger.

Klockdar’s cold treatment did have some effect, at least the resentment in Lu Jiu’s heart had dissipated a lot.

“Sister Lu Jiu, did you miss me?” Klockdar leaned into Lu Jiu’s ear and let out a soft breath.

Lu Jiu’s whole body trembled, and the whole person fell into Klockdal’s arms, and a burgundy red appeared on her cheeks, looking quite charming.

“What are you doing here, not to accompany your princess!”

For Klockdar’s recent actions, Lu Jiu is still more concerned, naturally knowing that this hateful bastard has an unclear relationship with the princess of Alabastan.

Now Lu Jiu’s belly is already very large, and she doesn’t have to worry about being discovered by the navy in Alabastan, so the girdle has long been thrown aside, and it is estimated that it won’t be long before the child in the belly can be born.

“Sister Lu Jiu, I am all you in my heart, those are just playing tricks.” At this time, Klockdar dressed up as a scholar again, gentle and elegant, and his face would not blush when he said a lie.

Lu Jiu snorted coldly.

“I don’t go out for a walk, the weather outside is still good.” Klockdar said softly.

The weather is good, but it is deserted outside, and it looks troublesome.

Lu Jiu glanced at the bare area outside, and her expression darkened.

Seeing this, Klockdar said colorfully: “I will build you a big garden outside, one that is the same as you used to, and the scale is dozens of times larger!” ”

In fact, Klockdar is completely unnecessary, inside the Golden House, the space is amazing, and it is completely possible to create an indoor garden.

Hearing Klockdar say this, Lu Jiu’s mind couldn’t help but think of the happy time of the two on the island of Batierila.

As he spoke, Klockdar’s hands began to grow uneasy, and Lu Jiu was a little tricky at first, but soon fell.

“The scenery outside is not much more desolate, but don’t worry, it won’t be long before this place will become prosperous, and this will be the most luxurious gold cave in the world!” Klockdar said confidently.

However, at this time, Lu Jiu didn’t care about what Klockdar said, her eyes looked at the somewhat dazzling desert illuminated by the sun, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Lu Jiu’s long golden hair had long been out of order, fluffy and slipped down, covering her vision, and she didn’t know if she was seeing the color of the desert or the color of her own hair.

Because the two of them were on the highest floor of the Golden Room, no one would notice what was happening in this corner of the sky.

So far, Klockdar hadn’t asked the slightest question about the child in Lu Jiu’s belly, which made her feel a little uneasy, and finally plucked up her courage.


Lu Jiu is still used to this title, in her heart, the man in front of her will always be the big boy who is a little shy and shy.

Klockdar was also unimpressed, and answered softly in a nasal voice.

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