Chapter 8 part 2 : I Raised the Villains Preciously

As expected, the children were returning to the Nursery after finishing their meals.


As she waved from the window of her room, Masha was the first to notice Hannah and ran.


“Teacher, are you all better?”


Masha, who felt happy after seeing Hannah, was looking for another chance to embrace Hannah again.


“Well, I’m almost better, but don’t come too close because I don’t know if there’s any germs left.”


When Hannah stopped Masha, he pouted.


“But what are you throwing away?”


Hannah, remembering the package, quickly dismantled the medicine package and threw it in the trash.


“Oh, it’s just— It’s gone bad.”


The medicine Jason brought to her went into the trash can instead of Hannah’s mouth.


Who knows what the shady Priest gave it to her.


And where’s the medicine for a cold?


Hannah greeted Ian and Jeremy with a wave, popping the remaining cucumbers in her mouth.


“I think in a few days your cutie faces have become thinner.”


Of course it was never like that before.


“Did you get bored without me?”


In fact, the children frequently visited Hannah’s room.


“No, I don’t think we should stay inside here. Shall we go outside?”




“Yes! Let’s go to the market. We went together a few times.”


In fact, Hannah was frustrated because she had been on constant bed rest for awhile.


She needed to lift her spirits by spending time with the children.


“I like it!”




Masha was delighted and jumped up and down.


“Are you going to buy me a delicious snack? The honey bread at the market is delicious.”


“Oh, of course I will.”


“I need to buy new gloves.”


“There are a lot of gloves in the warehouse—”


“Oh Teacher! I want a new doll then!”


Suddenly, Hannah had to think about how much money she had saved because of all the children’s requests.


“Okay! Let’s buy it all today to celebrate my cold being cured!”


The children laughed and she smiled, a warm feeling blooming in her chest.




“I’d like eight honey breads, please.”


“Why did you buy eight?”


“It’s a shame to eat one at a time.”


As soon as they arrived at the market, Hannah and the children headed to a stall selling honey bread.


The smell of freshly baked honey bread stimulated their noses.


“Wow! It’s big!”


The size of honey bread was not small.


It was similar to hotteok, the size of a child’s face.


“It’s hot, so you have to eat carefully. Ah hot!”


Scared to tell the children to be careful, she screamed because of the hot honey popping in her mouth.








Looking at Hannah, the children cooled down the honey bread with both hands.


How valuable is it to be able to protect the children by sacrificing this one body.


She wiped away some tears.


“Then where should we go first?”


“Doll! Doll!” Masha chanted, eyes sparkling.


“Well, shall we go then?”


With the bread in their mouths, they headed to the doll store.


Hannah, who was enjoying the sweet honey bread and walking excitedly, made eye contact with a man looking at her in a darkened alley where there was no light.


‘What? Why are they looking at us?’


She quickly shifted down her eyes.




Jeremy chewed the bread and called Hannah.


“Jeremy, eyes down. Can you see the floor?”


Hannah, who noticed that Jeremy was just looking at the person she had made eye contact with, stroked Jeremy’s head and urged him to look down.


“Hey, is that Uncle calling you?”


As she was about to pass through the alley, a voice called out to Hannah and the children.


Disappointed she couldn’t walk past them without any trouble, Hannah looked up from the ground towards the man in the shady alley.




“Yeah. You there.”


If she was alone, she would have jumped.


There were two men in the alley who looked in rough shape, one of whom was wiping a knife with a towel.


‘Oh, my God, my God!’


However, it was impossible to stand her ground with the children present.


“……wait here, children.”


Out of all times, there were no guards or security guards around.


There were not many people passing by either.




“Munch. Munch.”




Masha and Jeremy seemed to have no thoughts, and Ian called Hannah.


But Hannah steeled her nerves and tried to speak with a calm expression, “I’m going to have an adult conversation. If.. if Teacher screams, do you see that red roof?”


“The meat restaurant?”


“Yes. Run to him. He’s the strongest one here.”




Ian looked baffled at Hannah’s words.




Hiding her nervousness, she headed towards the shady alley.


Then, she thought about how much she had in her pocket.


She had only bought honey bread!

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