I really can't control myself

Chapter 2444 Challenge

"No, our little niece's popularity is too good. Can we just come out one by one to support her?" Linton looked into the air, and this time there was also a familiar figure.

"Sister?" Two voices shouted at the same time. Yes, it was the two Fubukis present who shouted, and the sister they called was naturally the tornado of this world.

"..." Tatsumaki here still had the familiar cold eyes, but she was not so calm at this time. After all... the two sisters below made her a little confused for a while.

It was impossible to tell which one was fake with superpowers. Tatsumaki's first reaction was that some weirdo using abilities such as imitation and change had turned into his sister, and it was a very advanced ability. It's not like she hasn't encountered such a weirdo before, but generally such abilities have flaws.

At least Tatsumaki had no doubts before, and his super power could tell the difference between genuine and fake products. But this time, she really couldn't tell the difference. After all, both sides were indeed true.

"As expected, are you still following me?" Little niece Fubuki quickly understood why Tatsumaki appeared here. She already knew that Tatsumaki would secretly follow her at every turn in the past. Of course, she is still doing it now, but she is just I know it now, but I didn’t know it before.

"I told you a long time ago not to stay with weak people. As I said, it will only make you weaker?" Tatsumaki first looked at Fubuki sitting on the ground.

She didn't just arrive at the scene, she had already observed the situation for a while, and at least she saw the battle between Linton and Sonic. At that time, Fubuki was sitting on the ground unable to move. Tatsumaki obviously knew that his sister could not participate in such a battle, so he used this to mock her.

"Shut up!" Fubuki from this world shouted angrily.

Tatsumaki did not continue to taunt, but nodded slightly. This was a normal sister's reaction. There was a 90% chance that the person on the ground was the real sister. Then she looked at Fubuki on the other side, and soon she saw the problem.

Yes, although they are exactly the same in appearance and aura, there are still obvious differences between the two Fubukis. On the one hand... the little niece obviously seems a lot more confident. After all, she has really become stronger and more confident, and she just defeated an S-class hero. The most important thing is that uncle Linton is right next to her. The little niece is not afraid of anything and has no worries about danger. How can she not be confident?

On the other hand, Tatsumaki clearly felt the difference in the little niece's attitude towards him, that is... there was less awe.

Although Fubuki refused to admit it, Tatsumaki knew that the other party was very afraid of her. After all, in her opinion, she was her elder sister. It was normal to have the majesty of an elder sister, right? A younger sister should be afraid of her as an elder sister.

But the little niece in front of me obviously didn't have that sense of awe. Well... after all, my niece eats and sleeps with Tatsumaki every day, and slept in the same room yesterday, so her sense of awe is no longer so strong. With uncle Linton here, Tornado can't make any trouble. On the contrary, she is more easily teased by Linton than she is. How can you make her afraid?

Comparing the two, Tatsumaki confirmed his own judgment. It was obvious that he was not in awe of his little niece.

Then he looked at the unknown man next to him. He seemed to be preparing to force his sister to do something, and it was obvious that he had touched her bottom line. Tatsumaki also made a decision quickly, and the two men solved it directly.

Tatsumaki has always been a person who doesn't like to talk nonsense. Now that she has made a judgment, the next moment, she reaches out her hand and activates her super power directly.

Linton and his little niece Fubuki both felt as if they were being held by a huge invisible hand for a moment. At this time, Tatsumaki was not prepared to kill the two of them directly. She also wanted to know what the two wanted to do, so she did not use all her strength.

However, Linton only felt being pinched and had no reaction at all. The little niece had some reaction. She was pinched and flew into the air. But the next moment, she let out a light chuckle.

A strong wind blew around him. Yes, Fubuki also activated his super power, directly resisting the tornado's super power and opening his restraints.

This actually surprised Tatsumaki. On the one hand, the other party is indeed using superpowers, which are somewhat similar to his sister's superpowers. Of course, this is not impossible. After all, we have seen weird people who can imitate other people's tricks.

But the opponent's strength is indeed very good. He was able to break free from the constraints of her super power. Although he didn't use much force, it was not something that ordinary people could break free from.

Fubuki is indeed using her own skills and superpowers. In addition to Qigong and Ninjutsu, her own superpowers have also been enhanced a lot. After all, her physical fitness has improved, and all attributes have improved. However, she doesn't use her superpower very much now. She usually uses Qigong. However, when faced with a tornado, she still chose her superpower.

Seeing the other party break free from the restraints, Tatsumaki frowned and raised his hand to continue to increase his strength. Although I don’t know what’s going on with the other party, I can simply subdue the other party first.

However, just when she was about to increase her strength, a figure flew by and grabbed the top of her head. Before she could react, he dragged her head and smashed it to the ground.

The situation happened so suddenly that Tatsumaki didn't realize how the other party reached him or how he took action. She couldn't keep up at all, and couldn't clearly see the other person's movements.

When she knew she was caught, she realized that the person who took action was Linton. Wasn't he still bound by her superpower? How did you break free?

Of course, the current situation could not be ignored for the time being. He was being pressed on the head and smashed down. Tatsumaki immediately began to respond. He was just about to activate his super power when suddenly a voice came from the side.


In an instant, Tatsumaki felt that he had stopped. It was not her who stopped, but Linton who was holding his head. At this time, her head was about a few dozen centimeters above the ground, and Linton held her head in mid-air.

"What's wrong, little niece?" Linton asked directly.

"Let me do this." Fubuki, the little niece here, said directly, "It's time to challenge my sister, even the sister from the past."

"Uh...are you sure?" Linton asked.

"Yes." The little niece nodded seriously.

"Okay, you..." Before Linton could finish his words, the next moment he suddenly felt like he received a blow, and his whole body flew directly towards the building next to him.

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