This time the navy did suffer heavy losses. Thousands of troops besieged Linton. As a result, the entire island was razed to the ground. Only a few people could survive this situation. After the subsequent rescue, some people were successfully rescued, such as Sengoku, General Fujitora Issey, General Kizaru, Navy hero Garp and others. Although these people were seriously injured, they still survived because of their extremely strong physiques.

However, soon, bad news came. The body of Marshal Akainu Sakaski was also discovered by search and rescue personnel. When he was discovered, Sakaski was already cold. Such tragic news was more serious than the destruction of the Navy Headquarters.

Of course, the Navy did not want to make this news public, but it was useless. The reporters had been prepared for a long time. At this time, the Navy was still in chaos and completely lost control, so soon, the news was made public.

Everyone was shocked by this shocking news. To be honest, most people’s first reaction when they saw the news was disbelief. Although Linton was the Yonko, he single-handedly entered the Navy headquarters and not only destroyed the entire base, but also killed the Navy Marshal? Aren't you kidding me?

However, they soon realized that the news was true, not just because multiple newspapers published the same news. Such embarrassing things could never be deliberately fabricated by the world government. The navy is under the command of the World Government. This is already a slap in the face of the World Government. They can't slap themselves.

What’s more, it’s still a special time. Yes, the quadrennial world conference was about to begin, and at this time, Linton suddenly attacked the naval headquarters, destroyed it, and killed the marshal. This must have been deliberately to slap the world government in the face.

Unsurprisingly, the World Government was furious, and it was too late to control the news. They directly issued an order to arrest Linton and his Whitebeard Pirates with all their strength, which of course meant an all-out war. Of course, after all, the naval headquarters has been destroyed. Now you are going to arrest Linton? Isn't it very realistic?

At this time, Linton's name was resounding all over the world again. After all, he had done something that no one had ever done before, killing the marshal of the navy. The height of his reputation was already close to that of Roger the Pirate King. However, some people question the value of Linton's destruction of the Navy Headquarters. It is true that destroying the navy headquarters by one person is very powerful, but the timing is a bit tricky.

Yes, during this period, the defense strength of the Navy Headquarters was really not very high. Since the World Conference is about to begin, the Navy has taken on the task of escorting the leaders of various countries to the Holy Land of Malinvando. Therefore, most of the Navy's fleets are actually scattered around the world.

Although Akainu had made preparations, after all, he only had two days, and he was too arrogant to concentrate all his strength to deal with it. Therefore, compared with the summit battle two years ago, the gold content this time was indeed a little less. Even the three generals of the navy were not present. Admiral Green Bull was still preparing for the World Conference in the holy land of Marinefando and had not returned.

Linton's attack was somewhat suspected of being a sneak attack. He attacked while the opponent was busy preparing for the World Conference. In short, some people felt that although Linton was also very powerful, he was not as awesome as some people boasted, rising to the level of the Pirate King. He just chose a very suitable opportunity and left it to the other Yonko. As long as they have this opportunity, they can do it.

But regardless of whether he has risen to the level of a god or not, no one can question Linton's results this time. Since he has not appeared for two years, some people even questioned his status as the Four Emperors. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are also being chased around by Kaido these days. I heard that it is very miserable. And now that they hear the news, no one will question this anymore.

Soon, the World Government also officially announced that Linton had confirmed his identity. A new bounty was released soon, and Linton's new bounty scared most people to the point of peeing.

5.2486 billion, this is Linton’s new bounty. Linton's previous bounty was 2.87 billion. Yes, Linton left for two years, but his bounty also increased in his absence. Because he is the acting captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and no one knows for sure whether he has disappeared, all the things done by the Whitebeard Pirates are attributed to him, so the reward increased by 400 million even in his absence. gold. But this time it was exaggerated, almost doubling.

But considering the evil deeds of destroying the navy headquarters and killing the marshal, it seems that the reward is justifiable. So far, Linton's bounty has surpassed that of Edward Whitebeard, the previous captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he has become the person with the highest bounty in the world. Compared with history, only Roger, the Pirate King, is taller than him.

This bounty has some official deification meaning. After all, in the eyes of most people, the bounty represents a person's strength, so the Navy is tantamount to announcing that Linton is the strongest person in the world.

Of course, you can also feel the anger of the World Government from this bounty, which has never increased so quickly. Coupled with the World Government's declaration of war, it is obvious that they want to kill him. Everyone was watching their actions silently and watching the subsequent development of the situation.

However, the current situation of the World Government is much worse than everyone imagined. Although they appear very strong to the outside world, they now have such a headache that they don't know what to do.

The Navy has really lost face this time. Although some people in Wulaoxing are even so popular that they want to cancel the entire Navy organization, in fact this is impossible. Cancel the Navy? That's not a big mess. In any case, the first priority now is really not to settle accounts with Linton, but to quickly reorganize the navy.

The death of a marshal is indeed an unprecedented event. Now that the head of the navy is gone, a new marshal must be found quickly. Normally, one would be promoted from the current admiral of the navy, but this incident also made everyone worry. The current three generals, Fujitora and Green Bull, were all recruited from the world conscription. Many people have objected to their promotion to generals. Is it too unreasonable to let them serve as marshals now?

The only option left was Kizaru, but this guy said that he would not do such a troublesome thing, so he directly refused. Some people have also proposed another plan, which is to let the former Marshal Warring States come back and take up the post again. But it was Sengoku who was blamed for the blame two years ago. If he comes back now, wouldn't he be slapped in the face by the World Government?

Just when the World Government was about to force Kizaru to become marshal, a man that no one expected returned to the navy headquarters. This person is the long-lost former admiral of the navy, Aokiji.

After failing to compete with Akainu for the position of marshal more than a year ago, Aokiji left the navy and did not know where he went. According to rumors, there was even news that he had contact with pirates. The World Government has also been investigating this matter before, but it has not officially announced that he is a traitor to the Navy.

I don’t know why Aokiji came back at this time, but something surprising soon happened. After several rounds of meetings, the new navy marshal appeared, and it was Aokiji. The official also issued a statement stating that Aokiji's actions over the past year were secret missions arranged by the government and did not really betray the navy.

Most of the navy believed it. Yes, Aokiji already had a high prestige among the navy. When he competed with Akainu before, many people supported him. To be honest, most people don't believe that Aokiji will really betray the navy. Now that the official announcement is that he went on a secret mission, of course they believe it. After calculating his qualifications, there is absolutely no problem for Qingzhi to be elected as the new marshal. It is considered the best choice at present.

Of course, the actual situation is not like this. There was no secret mission for Qingzhi when he left. He just left suddenly. Otherwise, why would the World Government still investigate him? However, this time it was Kong, the commander-in-chief of the army, who vouched for Aokiji and personally persuaded the Five Old Stars to let the World Government issue such a statement to help Aokiji clean himself.

No matter what, the return of Aokiji finally calmed down the navy that was originally in chaos. Of course, what he took over was a mess. Didn't Kizaru refuse to take over without seeing what happened? It is not a good thing to be the marshal now. Obviously Qingzhi came back with this awareness.

With the new marshal in place, the World Government also has someone to vent its anger on, that is, someone to scold. I was so angry that I wanted to kill someone before, but Akainu was dead, so I couldn't even find someone to complain about. As soon as Qingzhi took office, he was invited by Wulaoxing to give him a scolding, and then began to ask him how to solve the current situation.

“Will the World Conference still be held as scheduled?”


"Linton, do you want to attack?" Qingzhi asked again.

"Nonsense! Such villains must be arrested immediately and publicly executed!" shouted one of the Five Old Stars.

"Then I can't do it, please resign." Qingzhi said lazily.

"You! What did you say?"

"The Navy has suffered heavy losses. Under the current situation, we can only do one of the two things you asked for." Aokiji said, "Either the World Conference, or the crusade against Linton, you choose one."

Wu Laoxing was so angry that he cursed on the spot, but after calming down for a while, he found that there was nothing wrong with Qing Pheasant's judgment. It is true that the current situation of the Navy requires them to maintain the security of the World Conference and send troops to attack Linton. It is too difficult. So which one is important? Of course it’s the World Conference.

"I can bear with this tone for the time being." Wulaoxing said, "But that doesn't mean this matter is over. After the World Conference is over, you will personally lead the troops to attack that villain Linton."

"I understand." Qing Zhi said calmly.

Of course all this happened in the days after Linton razed the naval headquarters. Back in time, after Linton left the ruins of the Navy Headquarters, he still didn't know that he had become the pirate with the largest bounty, and his next destination was naturally Ace.

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