If Linton could barely accept Sherlock Lingling's soul appearing here, Linton couldn't accept Garp appearing here at all. What's going on? Why was Garp's soul spit out by his aunt?

First of all, what is certain is that Garp's soul was naturally eaten by his aunt. As for the time when he ate it... it could only be the time when Linton came back. After all, Garp was standing next to him at that time. He was also affected by that huge white light, and ended up being swallowed by the aunt.

"Marshmallow!" At this moment, the aunt here also saw Garp and shouted at the top of her voice. Now Linton also knows why Garp was swallowed. Did the amnesiac aunt just swallow Garp's soul as a marshmallow? It does seem like something an aunt can do.

"Linton!" Garp obviously did not lose his memory. When he saw Linton, he called out Linton's name. Of course, the next moment, he also saw the aunt next to him, "Auntie!"

"Huh?" Sherlock Lingling was stunned for a moment, "You also call me aunt? Is my name really aunt? Yes, it seems that I am really aunt."

"Huh?" After hearing Sherlock Lingling's words, Garp was also stunned for a moment. Of course, he didn't know what happened, and he hadn't even discovered his current situation.

"Wait a minute." Linton and Garp said, then he directly grabbed the aunt next to him and punched her in the stomach again.

With a "boom" sound, the aunt here bent down again, and then spit out another white thing with a "wow" sound. Gradually, the white thing began to deform again and turned into the shape of a person.

"Really..." Linton held his forehead, knowing that this would be the case. After all, Garp was not the only one around him at that time. If Garp was swallowed, then others might also be swallowed. Linton first wanted to Determine how many people smuggled over together.

In this case, Linton also vomited violently into the aunt's belly. Since the body was sealed by the binding channel, the aunt had no way to escape and was beaten firmly. But the good news is that the aunt stopped spitting out things after that. Linton fought for a while, and the last two people came out, Garp, and the other one has now gathered into a human form. Linton looked at it for a while, and it turned out to be... Warring States.

Yes, the people standing next to Linton at that time were not only Garp, but also Warring States and a five-old star. When Wulao Xing was standing a little far away from him, Garp and Warring States were by his side. Perhaps for this reason, Auntie only swallowed these two people.

At this time, Warring States had regained consciousness. It was obvious that he was much smarter than Garp. As soon as he regained consciousness, he had already begun to check and analyze the current situation. Of course, he also noticed the changes in his body.

"What on earth is going on? How could I..." Warring States also obviously found that his body had become a strange state, "Am I... already dead?"

"Huh? Are we already dead?" Garp here didn't feel it at all. Hearing what Warring States said, he touched his head and said, "I see, so is this the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"Of course...it's impossible." Warring States looked at the surrounding situation, coupled with Linton's condition, and made a direct judgment. How could this be the Kingdom of Heaven? Not to mention anything else, Linton's current state is different from theirs. The other party has hands and feet, and it doesn't look like he is dead at all. In other words... combined with Auntie's soul... Appearing in front of them and still being beaten by Linton, Sengoku came to the conclusion that Linton could restrain souls.

Didn't Linton fight against Aunt before? Warring States felt that he must have captured Aunt's soul at that time. The purpose was naturally to torture the other party. Look, isn't this torture? And now he and Garp must have been caught by Linton, and the purpose was probably to torture them.

Thinking of this, Zeng Guo hated Linton and gritted his teeth. This guy really went too far, and he would not let them go even to death. Of course, Warring States didn't know what to do. After all, they had just entered the soul state, so they didn't know what to do if they wanted to resist.

"Linton, you guy actually won't let us go even to death..." Warring States said, "But no matter what you do, we will never give in!"

"What a headache." Linton looked at the three souls in front of him and said he didn't know what to do. The appearance of these three gadgets here was completely unexpected, and Linton did not expect these three gadgets to follow him back.

So what should we do now? It seems impossible to just leave it alone. Auntie has to find a way to deal with it because she is pestering her, but Warring States and Garp... How about finding a necromancer or something like that? After some discussion, Linton didn’t know if there was a soul setting in the world here.

"Let me tell you a little bit, your appearance here is a complete accident." Linton still briefly explained the current situation to the two of them, mainly what he had guessed. The aunt leaned over her badge. Then he accidentally swallowed the souls of the two of them, and ended up appearing here together.

"What? You said this is another world?" Warring States was shocked by Linton's words, "This is impossible!"

"It's impossible but it's a fact. This is another world." Linton spread his hands.

"So, you are originally from another world?" Warring States asked even more surprised when he saw that Linton didn't seem to be joking. To be honest, he did believe it. After all, they had been investigating Linton's information for a long time, but this person did have too many secrets, and it was impossible to find out his past. This person seemed to pop up suddenly, and then He suddenly disappeared and suddenly popped up again. Now it is suddenly said that he is a person from another world, but it is somewhat credible.

"Yes." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"I see..." Warring States suddenly seemed to understand a lot of things, "So, you are not Roger's brother at all, right? It's a completely false identity."

"What, this guy isn't Roger's brother?" Garp said in surprise.

"Are you listening carefully?" Warring States roared.

"In short, this is the current situation." Linton said, "Your appearance here is a complete accident. I had no intention of bringing you here. It's all this guy who is causing trouble for me."

Warring States somewhat believed it, because they really couldn't find a reason for Linton to lie to them. Knowing Linton's true situation, Warring States was also a little shocked, but he still asked: "Since you are not from our world, why did you do those things? Do you know how much chaos you caused? Do you want to destroy Has it destroyed our world?"

"Why, of course it's because of resources." Linton said with a smile, "Why do you think I want devil fruits so much?"

"I see." Warring States suddenly understood. No wonder Linton had been collecting Devil Fruits. Before, they had never figured out why Linton wanted such a large number of fruits. They had always been worried about the secret of Linton's Devil Fruits. Legion and the like, now it seems that Linton may really be a legion with a devil fruit, but it's just not in their world. It seems that Linton has been smuggling Devil Fruits in both worlds, with the purpose of building an army of Devil Fruits here.

"Damn it...it's all for this..." Although Zeng Guo could understand what was going on, he was still very angry.

"But what I want to do has nothing to do with you." Linton said, "The question now is, what should you do now?"

Warring States was stunned for a moment, and then he understood immediately. What's the use of knowing Linton's purpose for sure? Their current situation seems to be that they can't control these things. After all, he and Garp have become what they are now. Unlike Garp, he clearly remembered the situation before his death. Although he didn't know what hit them, he was sure that it wasn't Linton. The five old stars had said before, Lord Im, plus Seeing his surprised expression, Warring States also figured it out. It was probably that they heard something they shouldn't have heard, and this Lord Im immediately silenced them too.

It seems that at least in this regard, what Linton said before may be the truth. Otherwise, why would this person named Lord Im do these things. Such a fact shocked Sengoku's heart. Is what the navy insists on really just a lie? What they stood for was clearly justice, but was it used by a dictator and became his tool of rule?

"Who is that Lord Im, and how much do you know?" Warring States asked.

"I don't know too much. I'm still investigating." Linton spread his hands and said, "But all this has nothing to do with you. After all... you are all dead."

"Can you send us back?" Warring States suddenly said.

"Maybe." Linton said, "But what's the use of going back? You will be dead when you go back. You have to accept the fact that you are dead first, okay? Unless you can... be resurrected..."

Speaking of resurrection, Linton suddenly froze for a moment. For others, resurrection is really difficult, but is it really impossible for him? Linton's first thought was the Dirty Earth Reincarnation method in Naruto, but Dirty Earth Reincarnation is not something that can be used casually. It also requires certain conditions, such as... the body of the deceased, or to be more precise, a certain amount of DNA.

"Wait a minute." Linton suddenly looked at his clothes. The layer of clothes under his coat was all covered in blood. In addition to his own, there seemed to be some other people's flesh and blood.

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