In Norway, there is a meadow near the coast. The sky is a bit gloomy at this time. Although there is the sun in the sky, there are also many black clouds passing by, as if a thunderstorm is about to fall. The sun shines through the dark clouds, and a strange light illuminates a corner of the coast. The entire grassland looks like a fairyland.

A portal suddenly appeared on the grass, seeming to break the tranquility. Four people quickly walked out of the teleportation array, naturally it was Linton and the others.

Thor is still in the same situation. When he sees Linton, he wants to tear him into pieces. But now that Thor is seriously injured, he actually has no fighting ability at all, so he was easily trapped by Strange before. . Although he was really reckless, he still managed to hold back at this moment, at least until he saw Odin.

Although the surrounding scenery is very beautiful, Thor and Loki have no time to appreciate it now. As soon as they arrived here, they looked around anxiously. Soon, they saw a figure on the cliff in front of them. From a little distance, they quickly recognized that it was their father, Odin. The other party had his back to them, standing on the cliff looking into the distance, as if waiting for someone.

"Father." The two people quickly stepped forward, came to Odin's side one on the left and the other on the right, and shouted to him.

"Look at the scenery here, it's beautiful, isn't it?" Odin didn't turn his head and continued to look ahead.

"Father, we have been attacked..." Thor anxiously wanted to tell Odin the current situation, but was directly interrupted by Odin.

"I know, I'm waiting for you." Odin said.

"Father, we need your guidance." Thor said.

"Me?" Odin shook his head, "I have no time, you must face it alone."


"My life has come to an end." Odin said, "I'm sorry, I failed you, I failed Asgard, and I failed many people."

"No...Father, we failed you." Thor said.

"Did Heimdall tell you about your sister?" Odin asked.

"Yes, I already know." Thor nodded.

"What?" Loki next to him was stunned. He was really not there at the time and didn't know that they had a sister.

"Goddess of Death, Hela." Odin looked at Loki next to him and said, "My first child, your sister, her ambitions have grown beyond my control, so I can only imprison her myself. Until now. Of course, she hates me very much and will transfer this hatred to you two. Once the seal is lifted, she will come to you. "

"We will stop her," Thor said immediately.

"I have to say that all the guys you gave birth to are troublesome." Linton's voice appeared behind several people. After speaking, Linton also looked at Strange next to him, "You also have a headache, right? Well, it’s a good thing that I’m not the Supreme Mage, so I’ll lose all my hair no matter what.”

After hearing Linton's words, Thor here was about to stand up, but was gently held down by Odin.

"You know what? I don't hate you that much." Odin looked at Linton and said, "Maybe I am really wrong."

"I don't regret it at all. You dare to dance like this in front of me. If I really don't kill your whole family, I feel better." Linton said, "I've given you face, otherwise you think you Can I still see your son before he dies?"

"Before I die, can you grant me a request?" Odin said.

"Don't crawl up the pole, can't you?" Linton said, "I already said that letting your son go is my greatest kindness. If you beep again, I will kill your daughter. Believe it or not."

"Thank you." Odin nodded.

Linton was also stunned for a moment: "Uh... you are awesome..."

"My children." Odin turned to Thor and Loki again, "No matter what difficulties you encounter, everything is not over yet. Look here and remember everything here. I will be here and watch forever. you."

As he spoke, Odin's body began to glow, and his entire body turned golden. Seeing that something was wrong, Thor next to him went up to hold Odin's hand. However, as soon as he touched Odin's body, he began to slowly disappear, and finally his whole body turned into a golden light that slowly floated. Between heaven and earth.

Thor and Loki stared blankly at Odin who seemed to be floating away. They knew that Odin was gone, and this time he really left them forever.

Suddenly, dark clouds began to gather in the sky, the surrounding sky suddenly darkened, and faint thunder could even be heard. Loki turned to look at Thor, and a lot of lightning flashed out of Thor's body.

"Look what you did!" Thor stood up and yelled at Linton angrily. In his opinion, Odin's fall must have something to do with Linton. When he destroyed Asgard, Odin fought to the death. Despite resisting, Linton was still severely injured. It was definitely because of this Odin that he fell at this time.

"If you want to accompany him, just say so. I don't mind sending you on your way." Linton said, "Anyway, Asgard has some blood besides you, such as the one who will be there soon."

There was a "boom". Just as Linton finished speaking, a muffled sound suddenly came from the side. Then a black barrier-like thing appeared not far from several people, and there were constant loud knocking sounds inside. Along with a loud noise, as if some barrier was shattered, some green smoke poured out from the black barrier, and then a figure slowly walked out from inside.

I saw a woman wearing black tights, tall and with long black hair. She looked a little evil and decadent, but I had to admit that she was a very beautiful woman.

Of course, everyone had already guessed who the visitor was at this time, but they didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly, and even land directly here.

"Are you Hela?" Thor spoke first, addressing Hela who was still looking around.

"Then you are my brother Thor, right?" Hela said, "You don't look like that guy at all."

"Well, can we talk?" Loki said next to him.

"You look quite like him." Hela said with a smile, "Is the old man dead? What a pity. I want to see him die with my own eyes."

Thor didn't say anything and simply clenched his fists. He had just watched Odin die, and now he couldn't withstand such provocation.

"So who are you two? You don't look like Asgardians." Hela obviously saw Thor's anger, but she didn't pay attention to it at all and looked directly at Linton and Sri Lanka next to her. Strange.

"You can call me Dr. Strange." Strange said.

"Doctor? Doctor? (DR) doesn't look like him." Hela said, "You look like a juggler. What about you, the other one?"

"In Lower Linton, people call it the one-punch-to-kill Marco, the Asgard Crusher. They specialize in one-punching people named Marco, and they also crush the place called Asgard." Linton said.

"Let me not ask who Marco is, but you said you want to destroy Asgard?" Hela asked.

"Please don't use the future tense, you can use the past tense." Linton said.

"Huh?" Hela was stunned for a moment and was about to ask what he meant. Thor in front could no longer bear it and said directly: "That's enough. What do you want to do?"

"Kneel down." Hela said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Loki was stunned for a moment.

"Kneel down to your new queen," Hela said.

"Queen?" Loki was stunned for a moment.

"Odin is dead. As his eldest daughter, I will inherit the throne. Is there any problem? Do you have any objections? Brothers?" Hela said with a smile.

"Hahahahahahaha..." Before Thor and Loki could speak, Linton next to them burst out laughing.

"Do you have any objections?" Hela asked calmly.

"No, no, no, I really don't have any objection, you take it as your responsibility," Linton said.

"Then why are you laughing?" Hela asked.

"Uh... isn't it funny? You want to be the queen of a country without any territory. There are only two subjects, both your brothers. It's like playing house." Linton said with a smile, "Come on. Come on, you two don't resist and just let her take it. Just try to make her happy. After all, she is your sister, right?"

"What do you mean?" Hela was also a little unhappy.

"Sister, Asgard has been destroyed." Loki said here.

"Destroyed?" Hela was stunned. "Yes, so I have said that compromise cannot bring peace, only complete conquest. What is the situation now? Has it been occupied? Are we still there? How many soldiers are left?"

"Asgard... no longer exists." Thor said directly next to him, "All Asgardians are dead."

"What? No longer exists?" Hela was stunned.

"So I told you everything, my nickname is Asgard Destroyer. I feel uncomfortable when I see a place called Asgard, so I blew it up completely. And it was several years ago. Come on." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"This is impossible!" Hela said directly, "Even if Ragnarok comes, you are not Surtur."

"It's true that my name is not Surtur, but... the fact is that I blew up all of Asgard." Linton spread his hands and said, "I can't kill all the people in Asgard, I still have them. There are about twenty of them. It's a pity that someone has appeared recently to cause trouble for you. As a result, all the remaining twenty or so people died. Now you and your brother are the only two Asgardians left in the world. Now, I think it’s just you two choosing a king. Why go to all the trouble? Let’s forget rock, paper, scissors.”

"Really?" Hela looked directly at Thor and Loki beside her.

"By the way, before your father died, he specifically asked me to jail you first and then kill you. I accepted all my thanks. Shouldn't you do this favor?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

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