I really can't control myself

Chapter 694 Preparation

Loki looked at Thor next to him with a speechless expression. Linton sighed, went up and patted Loki on the shoulder: "Asgardian blood is really poisonous, so do you think of extinction and the like?" Did you find it yourself? It's really hard for you to be their younger brother. It's not too late to deregister now. After all, you are a Frost Giant... Oh, sorry, I forgot. You seem to have given your dear father, the king of the Frost Giants, to If you kill him, you will really have to stay on this boat."

Loki's face turned dark.

"It seems that you three are really destined to be brothers and sisters." Linton said while squeezing his hands, "Come on, come on, it seems that you haven't wanted to go to the house for a while. I’ll also give you a monthly package.”

"You..." Saul was really a little timid. After all, this was not the first time he was defeated by Linton. He thought for a while and said, "The things between us are not over yet, but now I have other things to do. That Thanos killed my people and Heimdall, I will kill him first and then come to you to settle our accounts."

"Oh? Find him first. You suddenly have some brains." Linton nodded.

"Anyway, I can't stay here." Thor said immediately.

"Thanos?" Hela here had heard this name from Linton before, "Who is he?"

Loki, who was next to him, heard Hela's question and quickly explained briefly the purpose of him and Thor coming to Earth. It was because Nidave was attacked by Thanos and they were forced to flee to Earth to find them. of his father, but what he didn't expect was that Odin passed away at this time.

"Thanos..." After hearing this, Hela was naturally a little angry. Previously being led by Linton, she also found that things like conquering the Nine Realms were really not that important now. Asgard was about to be exterminated. It had to be said that the issue of racial continuation was really what they wanted now. The primary problem faced.

Linton was indeed filled with hatred, but she couldn't defeat him for the time being, so she could only let him go and deal with it later. And this Thanos was also the culprit of killing their people, so there seemed to be no chance of him letting him go.

Secondly, listening to Loki's description, Thanos has a huge fleet under his command, and he seems to be the current overlord in the universe. After hearing what he said, Hela took a liking to this fleet. Yes, of course you need soldiers to fight a war. It's like you are alone now and it's difficult to do anything.

Linton holds a grudge, but this guy is really powerful, how to deal with him? She also figured out that she should develop herself first, and incorporating this space fleet was the first step. What next? Hela also thought about it.

Yes, Linton said that she and Thor were the only two people left in Asgard. This is actually wrong. There are many people in Asgard who do not actually live in Asgard. Some of them left on their own, including those who defected and were exiled. After all, Asgard has a tradition of exile. Wasn't she just being exiled? In exile. Of course, these people can be considered Asgardians, and Hela feels that they will definitely listen to her. After all, she is the new king of Asgard. The problem is to find these people.

These people must be scattered in every corner of the universe. If we can get rid of Thanos and obtain his huge fleet, then the task of finding people will definitely be twice the result with half the effort. So, wouldn't it be nice to deal with Thanos, get the opponent's fleet, find the Asgardians, then find a place to build a new Asgard, then grow and expand, conquer the nine realms, and then find Linton to avenge today?

At this moment, Hela had arranged her plan. Yes, there was no need to be tough now. Her empire started with this person called Thanos. Although she has been under control and has never heard any news from the outside, in her opinion, who will be her opponent? Of course, Linton's accident has been ruled out for the time being. It's not that she is weak, if the source of her power is Asgard If he was still there, how could he possibly win against him.

"Revenge must be avenged!" Hela immediately said after thinking about it, "Where is this Thanos? Take me there."

"Huh?" Thor was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Hela actually supported him. Although his father Odin said that his sister was a huge threat, but now it seems that... she seems to be able to get along?

Of course, Thor has no brains. Loki next to him suddenly understood what Hela was thinking, but the problem is... he knows how powerful Thanos is. Linton is certainly a pervert, but Thanos is also a pervert. This Didn't the three of them go up to see them off?

"He is in Nidave. My Storm Ax can open the Rainbow Bridge. Let's go now!" Thor was also reckless enough and said directly.

"Wait a minute..." Loki said quickly, "Thanos must be no longer in Nidave. He has got what he wants and will not stay there."

"Go and take a look first." Hela said immediately.

"No..." Loki is really anxious. He can't say that you are not Thanos's opponent. He just sends you away. According to his sister's personality, she will definitely not believe it when you say this, and she will probably become anxious with you.

Of course, he didn't dare to say it. Linton next to him dared. Hearing Hela's words, he also said directly: "So as I said, you have only two seedlings in Asgard now, and you plan to pack them up and send them away."

"What do you mean?" Hela turned around and said.

"It's your choice." Linton said, spreading his hands.


"Are you really planning to deal with Thanos?" Linton asked.

"Of course, he is also one of the culprits who killed our people, isn't he?" Hela said. Of course, the other meaning is that you are also one of them. Sooner or later, I will seek revenge from you, but now is not the time.

"Then he is indeed no longer on Nidave." Linton said. He had seen Thanos rushing to Xandar before, so he was indeed no longer on Nidave. He was not lying.

"How do you know?" Hela asked.

"I have a grudge against him and want to cause trouble for him, so I have been paying attention to his updates." Linton said.

"You also have a grudge against him?" Hela thought about it and wasn't surprised. In her opinion, the hatred between Linton and Thanos is probably very simple, that is, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Now that I think about it, it seems like I can take advantage of it. Yes, after all, Hela has been fighting in the nine realms for many years, and she still knows how to strategize. Of course, she still knows about simple things like a snipe and a clam fighting over each other for profit. Both of them are her enemies. Isn't that just right?

"Then we can deal with him together." Hela said immediately, "Where is he now?"

Of course Linton understood Hela's thoughts, but there was no need to expose them. After thinking for a while, Linton said: "I don't know where he is now, but I know where he will go in the future."

"Destination? Where is it?" Hela asked.

"Here." Linton pointed directly to his feet.

"Huh?" Hela was stunned.

"It's Earth." Linton said, "Don't ask. No matter what aliens they are, if they want to cause trouble, they will be the first to destroy the Earth. In short, these guys will come to Earth in a short time. You If you want to find him, just wait here."

"Are you...seriously?" Hela asked.

"I'm afraid it's true." Strange frowned and said, "Thanos' purpose is to collect the Infinity Stones, and one of the Infinity Stones is in my hand."

"Infinity gems? I think I've heard of it..." Hela seemed to have heard similar rumors when she was fighting in the Nine Realms, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"It's true." Loki next to him testified, "Thanos's purpose is indeed to collect the Infinity Stones. After all, he has already obtained one of them, the Cosmic Cube, from us."

"Hmm... So in order to collect gems, he will definitely come to Earth to snatch this one from you, right?" Hela believed it and nodded. After thinking about it, it seems that it is really troublesome to take the initiative to find Thanos. Since the other party will come, then just wait here.

When Thor heard this, he figured it out. Yes, Thanos's goal is the Infinity Stones, and as far as he knows, the Infinity Stones on Earth don't know what Strange has in his hands. Then Thanos will definitely come here. If he wants revenge, then he only needs to Just wait.

In this case, the three brothers and sisters also agreed to stay here temporarily and wait for Thanos. Of course, the three of them have their own little ideas, but they are not really cooperating. However, Linton's warning was still useful, telling them not to run around. The three of them could only nod. There was really nothing they could do at the moment, and it was not the time to cause trouble.

The problem here has been solved for the time being, and the problem of monitoring them is naturally left to Strange. Although Strange also knew that Linton was looking for trouble for himself, he still took the job. Originally, he felt that such a threatening figure should not stay on the earth, but now he probably guessed that Linton was preparing to use the power of these Asgardians to fight against Thanos. This was... a good idea. , so I defaulted to Linton’s plan.

Leaving the three of them behind, Linton and Strange returned directly to New York. Since Thanos' invasion was imminent, the two briefly discussed it, and the general consensus was to be prepared before the other party's arrival. I don’t know how much time they will be given, but they must start preparing now.

The first thing Strange thought of was naturally the magician of Kama Taj, and he was going to go back first. But Linton didn't care. Thanos would definitely do it himself, but his nephew had to give him a warning and make him prepared, otherwise he would be in trouble if he was killed by Thanos because of his intervention.

With a flash of white light, Linton was teleported directly to Tony's side. As soon as he landed, Linton saw a sea of ​​fire, as if something had just exploded, and Tony was standing in the sea of ​​fire.

"Huh? What's going on?" Linton asked confused.

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