I really can't control myself

Chapter 734 Gathering

In the military camp, Linton carefully confirmed all the troop plans of the Orcs, the configuration and deployment of the troops, the layout of the military camp, the storage locations of grain and grass equipment, and the movements of the Orcs' army. Linton basically had a complete grasp of it, and with a little calculation After a while, Linton had already arranged his next plan.

I said before that it is unrealistic and has no strategic significance for the entire army to climb over the mountain. It is true that the fortress was spared, but so what? A large-scale march cannot be hidden from the opponent. If it is discovered, the loss will be not one or two. But a small-scale surprise attack force is possible.

Linton had seen the strategy of the Orcs. Under the current situation, the Orcs themselves had no intention of sending out a surprise attack force from the side. They still decided to attack the fortress with all their strength. Seeing that they were planning to concentrate their forces to attack for a few days, it would be best to Take down the fortress before the human race's reinforcements arrive. If this plan fails, think of other ways.

But they didn't spare it themselves and let the human race send out a surprise attack force. If a small group of troops really came around, wouldn't it be a big problem if their food and grass were missing? Therefore, they have always sent people to investigate the forest area in the north.

However, Linton looked at the reconnaissance deployment and found that the Holy See's troops were quite far away, so it was probably difficult to detect them. After all, the route has been planned in advance, so what should we do? Linton could only help.

So according to the arrangements of the orc clan's reconnaissance team, Linton went directly to find them. On that day, several groups of the orcs' reconnaissance force did not return. This of course aroused the vigilance of the orc commander. After a little investigation, it was found that the few pairs of people who did not return were all scouting in the same direction, that is, the forest to the north. direction.

"Send additional manpower to investigate." The commander here said immediately.

"Marshal, is this a human surprise attack team?" the deputy general next to him quickly reminded.

"Well, it's very possible that Tosens, the commander of Roseg Fortress, is very cunning and is very likely to do such a thing." The Orc Marshal nodded and said, "General Dis."

"My subordinate is here." A sturdy orc warrior came out next to him.

"Have your soldiers on standby. Once you discover the whereabouts of the enemy's surprise attack force, immediately go to intercept it." said the Orc Marshal.

"Yes, Marshal." General Dis took the order immediately.

The number of enemy troops cannot be too large. The most important thing for the orcs at present is to speed up the attack on Rosegg Fortress and try to capture it before the opponent's reinforcements arrive, so they only sent a small team to deal with the enemy's possible surprise attack. What needs to be done now is to determine the opponent's position and the direction of the surprise attack.

Due to the increased search scope and manpower, reports came quickly, and human traces were actually found in the woods to the north. Yes, what they found were traces of the activities of people from the Church of Light. The most obvious ones were the corpses of monsters. The church came and killed many monsters that blocked the way. The scouts of the Orcs knew at a glance that they had been killed recently. , which means that someone is moving in the forest, and there must be a lot of them. After all, they are Warcraft, and this small number of people cannot deal with them.

Through the traces discovered one after another, they have probably determined the direction of action of this "human force". General Dis, who had received the order, naturally immediately set off with his troops. There were 5,000 orc troops in his group. Although the size of the human troops was not yet certain, there was absolutely no problem in dealing with them.

But to be honest, Dis was also a little surprised as to why this route was taken. Based on what was discovered, the enemy's destination was probably near Wisla City. Wisla City is a small border trade town, not a strategic location. Yes, the city is very small and has almost no walls. Does the human commander think that they will store food here and use it as a granary?

Although I don't know what's going on, the interception must be intercepted. At this time, the troops of the Church of Light were still marching in the forest. Although Dis's troops were larger in number, they walked along the road. They marched all the way and arrived near the city of Wisla earlier than the troops of the Church of Light. . The civilians in Wisla City were also very nervous when they saw this army coming here. Could it be that they came to grab food because they didn't have enough military rations?

Yes, the orcs always do this kind of thing. If they don't have enough military rations, they will rob the neighboring cities, even their own people. Now that the human race and the orc race are at war, Wisla City was originally a border trade city that did business between the two countries. As a result, the business can no longer be done. All the merchants have left early, leaving only a few thousand local people in the city. , life is almost unbearable, and there are still people coming to snatch their food?

Fortunately, Dis's troops had no intention of entering the city. Instead, they moved closer to the nearby woods and prepared to set up camp. Yes, the enemies are definitely coming from the direction of the woods, so just intercept them here. However, just when Dis's troops were preparing to set up camp, the latest reconnaissance information came. They discovered the enemy's troops, and the opponent... turned out to be the knights of the Church of Light.

"What?" Seeing this information, Dis was also stunned for a moment. What happened to the knights of the Church of Light? After repeatedly asking the scout whether it was the truth, he finally confirmed it. Could it be that the Church of Light was also involved in this war? I haven't heard of it. However, the Church of Light is also an enemy, and they will fight if they come. However, this matter must be reported to the Shaman Council first. After all, it involves the Church of Light.

So Dis quickly sent someone to send a message to the Marshal of the Orcs, and found that the enemy's troops were knights from the Church of Light. The number was unknown. Only one of the teams was found so far, and he asked the Marshal what he meant.

The Marshal of the Orcs was also stunned. Why are they the troops of the Church of Light? What are they doing here? Are they united with the Holy Empire of Elan? But no matter what happened, the marshal immediately ordered that everyone be beaten first. On the other hand, of course he also reported this matter to the Shaman Council.

At this time, the Shaman Council happened to be looking for the troops of the Church of Light. Yes, Linton arranged for Sieg to reach the territory of the orcs safely. After that, he immediately found the local mayor and said that he came from the territory of the human race. The escaped slaves have important things to report to the Shaman Council.

Sieg still had the mark of a slave on his body, so when the mayor saw this situation, he thought it might be a big deal. Thinking that the orcs and humans were already at war, it might be important information, so he immediately reported it to his superiors. Then the news quickly spread to the Madrama Empire Palace.

The national preceptor of the Madrama Empire is one of the elders of the Shaman Council. As mentioned before, the Shaman Council was jointly founded by the orc tribes, and the orc tribe established a total of two empires. The shamans of these two empires naturally They are all the most important members of the council. There is no way they are strong, and their right to speak is much greater than that of the shamans of those small tribes.

The shaman elder named Donaghy heard that an escaped slave wanted to find their shaman council by name, and decided to listen to what he wanted to say, because according to the other party, it was the shaman council. The spies sent out asked him to come, and the information he wanted to report was very important, related to the safety of the entire orc race.

Not long after, Donaghy saw Sieg. Of course, he was not from his true form, but through the shaman's witchcraft projection. He himself was still in the main city of the Orc Empire. After all, the identity of this orc slave was doubtful. In case he was What about spies and assassins? So I chose this way of meeting.

Of course, Sieg didn't care whether the other party came in person or not. Hearing that the place was the elder of the Shaman Council, he quickly explained the situation to the other party. That's basically what Linton compiled for him, such as the book of seals, successors, cards, artifacts, and the like.

What Sieg said was very mysterious. The city lord who brought him next to him looked confused when he heard it. He felt that Sieg was talking nonsense, but Donaghy on the other side listened. Yes, the Shaman Council has always been paying attention to the movements of the Church of Light. After all, they are enemies of the church. Of course, no matter what the other party does, they must pay attention.

In recent times, he has heard a lot about this. The Church of Light is looking for cards throughout the human race, and there are also things like the Book of Sealing. He has heard their spies talk about it, but because of the appearance of The time was relatively short, and they really didn't know the specific information. Recently, they really sent a lot of spies to investigate this matter.

After hearing what Sieg said, Donaghy felt that he was definitely not making it up. Although he had never heard of the names like Thrall and Grom he mentioned, they had filmed a lot of secret agents, and he was not one of them. No one knows the name. Donaghy felt that there was a 70% to 80% chance that what Sieg said was true. It was impossible for the other party to make up such a thing when he was in his teens. At most, it was a conspiracy from the Light Church and someone sent them the news. .

How to verify it? Donaghy definitely wants to verify this, so isn't there a good way now? Sieg said that a team from the Church of Light is chasing him and wants to take back the heir of the Sealed Book. Isn't that just right? The territory of their orcs is for you pagans to come and leave as you please. ? If we catch these people and torture them, won’t we know the authenticity of the news?

Donaghy also took it seriously and immediately notified other people in the Shaman Council. At the same time, he also decided to rush to the southern part of the empire to meet Sieg. At the same time, he also mobilized the parliamentary team in the south and began to search for the church's pursuit force that Zig mentioned.

What they didn't expect was that just as they were about to start searching, a message came from the military camp in the south, saying that they had discovered a church troop appearing in the forest in the south. Isn't this a coincidence? Looking for you.

When Donaghy heard the news, he immediately came to the south to take charge. At the same time, he summoned the law enforcement team and the trial army of the Shaman Council to prepare for action.

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