I really can't control myself

Chapter 794 Encirclement and Suppression

At this time, underground in Academy City, on a subway train that was running in a permanent circle, a man named Rizo Nemoto was answering the phone.

On the other end of the phone was the researcher Esther and Linton had mentioned before, Diamond Mikihiya, who was the promoter of the Absolute Abilities Project. The reason why he contacted Satozo was because of DA matters.

Nihon Satzo is one of the twelve directors of the Overarching Council responsible for the operation of Academy City, and one of the people in charge of the academy. DA was funded and maintained by him, and this cooperation with Rhombus Mikihiya was also his plan.

"As a friendly reminder, the security guards have now discovered the DA's stronghold and are heading there." Diamond Mikihiya used his hacking skills to detect the information, and proactively told Rizo Atsumoto. After all, his technical research We also need to obtain funds and resources through death, so we don’t want the rich man behind it to collapse.

Once an armed force like the DA is discovered, Nihon Satzo will be in trouble even if he is a director of the Oversight Council. If the situation of the institute is exposed during the investigation, Mikihiko Ryozo will not be able to accept it.

"That's it." Rizo Nimoto was quite calm. Yes, although the DA was funded by him, in fact the DA didn't know that he was the person behind it. It would be impossible for someone who caught one or two DAs to find out about him. On the body, but if the whole body is taken away, then it may be exposed. "I thought that the organization with the technical and operational capabilities could be used by me, but it seems that it is a bit out of control, and it is almost time to abandon them."

"Yeah, these guys are really troublesome. Can I expect this situation to improve in the future?" The diamond-shaped Mikihigu here obviously means the same thing.

"Indeed, the conspicuous actions against citizens' medical facilities in public cannot be tolerated." Rizo Sumoto said, "As one of the directors of the Overarching Council, I sincerely accept your opinion."

"My opinion? Hahaha, okay. By the way, the director is going to send that special force to solve this problem, right?" asked Mikihiya Rhombus.

"What kind of special force?" Rizo seemed to have no intention of admitting it.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I need the cloned individuals of the 'Sisters' project. If the DA doesn't work, can you trouble the director to send someone to deal with it? After all, the director doesn't want the research to be stagnant so far." Rhombus Mikihiya said.

"..." Death Ben Rizo was silent for a moment, "Okay, I'll let others handle it."

After speaking, Rizo, the dead man here, hung up the phone and looked at the secretary next to him: "This is a good opportunity to test the zombie army. Contact them to handle it."

"Yes." The secretary nodded directly.

On the other side, Linton had gotten into the police car and was heading towards his destination. Of course, as an ordinary citizen, Linton had no way to participate in such an action, but Linton was invited off the roof of the car. Aiho Yomikawa also knew that he couldn't get rid of Linton, so it was better to put him where he could see him. While on the road, Yomikawa Aiho was briefly telling Linton about the situation of the DA organization.

Through the interrogation of the previously captured DA member, the security team had almost understood the situation of the DA. Of course, the interrogation method is very simple and crude, that is, reading the memory directly through the psychic superpower, so the information obtained is very accurate.

To be precise, DA is an organization founded by security guards who have been punished for improper security activities. On the surface, it is a mutual aid organization among security guards, but in fact it is a secret society. Most of the members used to be security guards. To put it simply, they are hawk security guards. The way they do things is very radical. They will do anything for the justice they say, including violating the laws of Academy City. , which they believe is necessary to enforce justice.

Because it was just a secret society, there was no threat in the first place. However, I don’t know who funded this secret society and gave them funds and equipment. As a result, this group of people began to move around, pretending to be security guards in Academy City. Secret activities.

This mission was also a task given to them by the person who funded them. They didn't know what the purpose was, and they didn't know who the sponsor was. And the mysterious mecha just now was also sent to them by someone. They don't know the principle, but they do know a little bit about the corpse, because just two days ago, they sent a corpse, which was also requested by the people above, and this corpse was a human skin with beauty, but They didn't know that the other person had been made into a pilot and placed inside the mecha.

We only caught some of the lower levels of DA, so we don’t seem to have much information. But from him, they also knew the current stronghold of this gang of DAs, so the current action was to take down this illegal organization and then find out the identity of the mastermind behind it.

Although Linton already knew that these people wanted to capture Esther because of the order from Diamond Mikihigu, was Diamond Mikihigu the mastermind behind it? Linton thought it was unlikely. The other person was a researcher. He might know how to make mechas, but where did the funds come from? There is definitely someone else behind the scenes. Linton couldn't remember the plot and had no memory, but it seemed easier to find the mastermind from this aspect, so he would follow Aiho Yomikawa and the others. As for the diamond-shaped Mikihi Valley, there should be no problem in leaving it to Accelerator.

This arrest operation is still a big arrest operation, because judging from the information obtained from the prisoners, the DA's equipment is outrageously good, even better than the equipment of the current police force, which shows that the people who funded them The background is definitely huge, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get these equipment. Since the other party is well-equipped and professional, we must take it seriously. Therefore, even if Aiho Yomikawa is injured, she must persevere.

Soon, the police vehicle arrived at the target location, a nutritional supplement factory owned by Shao Yanming Food Company. This is the secret base of the DA. It is indeed secret enough. Who would have thought that if they had not received accurate intelligence This group of people is actually entrenched in a processing factory.

"Follow me and don't leave my sight." Aiho Yomikawa told Linton again and started to put on the body armor. However, she still tore the wound while putting on the clothes, which made her look ferocious. , despite treatment, Yomikawa Aiho's injury is still not completely healed, and now it can only be said to be holding on.

"I understand, I'll try not to take action." Linton didn't say it casually. The DA group was just pawns of others. What Linton wanted to know was who was behind it, because according to his logic, he wanted to Of course the person you are looking for is the mastermind behind the scenes. Diamond Mikihiya, who was exposed early, doesn't look like the final BOSS. If it is the final BOSS, I should at least have some impression of him.

"Da da da da..." Suddenly gunfire rang out, and the members of the security team here immediately began to take cover. Unexpectedly, it was the DA people inside who launched the attack first. It seemed that they found themselves surrounded. He didn't even want to run away but he actually took the initiative to attack. It seemed very arrogant. Although the people in the security team were a little surprised, they were all trained after all, and they immediately began to form a small team to fight back.

The two sides exchanged fire for ten minutes. In terms of firepower, the security team began to slowly suppress the DA. Although there was some gap in equipment, the security team had a great advantage in terms of numbers. The DA, which was slowly suffering losses, began to be unable to hold on to the front line and began to retreat towards the interior of the food factory, while the security forces pressed in.

"Damn it, why haven't reinforcements come yet? Where's the equipment that was promised to turn the situation around?" The reason why the DA people chose to persist was because the diamond-shaped Mikihiya over there had contacted them before and said he would provide them with the equipment to turn the situation around. equipment. Because the previous mecha was provided by Rhombus Mikihiya, the DA people believed it and would defend here and wait for support. However, what they didn't expect was that the people behind them had given up on them long ago and even sent out a cleanup force. .

"Prepare the Wolf Spider Mecha." The DA captain said suddenly.

"Yes, Captain." Upon hearing the Captain's order, the remaining DA members suddenly began to retreat deeper into the food factory.

Naturally, the people from the security team pressed forward again, preparing to surround them. However, what they didn't expect was that just when they forced the opponent to a hole, a red four-legged mecha suddenly rushed out of the hole and directly Crash into the guard member in front.

"Mecha? How come there is that?" Yomikawa Aiho looked at the mecha that appeared in surprise and couldn't help but said. Because she was injured, she did not rush to the front, but commanded from a little behind. When she saw the mecha that appeared, she was stunned for a moment. No matter how good DA's equipment is, he didn't expect the opponent to have mechas.

"Da da da..." At this time, the mecha here turned the machine gun on its head and began to shoot at the security team members. At one time, many team members were hit and several fell down. Seeing this situation, Aiho Yomikawa shouted directly: "Retreat, retreat, call headquarters for support."

The opponent has mechas, so they can only call the mechas here for support. The security team immediately began to evacuate back, but Aiho Yomikawa did not retreat. She must be the last one to leave.

"Do you need me to take care of this scrap iron can?" Linton suddenly asked, startling Ai Sui.

"Why are you still here? Leave quickly." Yomikawa Aiho said.

"No, this thing needs me to leave? Why? Does it have such a big reputation?" Linton said, "Let me dismantle it for you."

"Well..." Yomikawa Aiho hesitated. Although Linton is an ordinary citizen and not a member of the police force, it seems that now is not the time to dwell on this, "You..."

"Are you really okay? I don't want to..."

Before Yomikawa Aiho finished speaking, several screams suddenly sounded from behind. Yomikawa Aiho was stunned, because the rear was the direction where his team members had retreated. Could it be that they were attacked in the rear?

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