I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 504 I am overweight because of my gambling nature [Thanks to the leader of Rich World]

In the large combat training ground built inside the Shadow of Jupiter, Lin Bu and Chen Feng, wearing identical equipment, stood opposite each other, each suspended in the air.

This is an actual combat exercise that will not be announced to the public. Only elite members of the Broken Shadow Legion and the Broken Knife Chapter can patrol near the Shadow of Jupiter and receive long-wave signals with extremely short propagation distances to view real-time video.

As for the others, they could only see the teaching handouts compiled by the team of instructors led by Ding Hu after the two of them finished their sparring session.

In the past battle training, there was never a so-called winning or losing relationship between the two. Anyway, after every practice, Lin Bu must be carried away and that's it.

But this time was the biggest difficulty Chen Feng had ever faced, because Lin Bu had to set off in ten hours.

Therefore, Chen Feng must control Lin Bu's injuries to a level that can be cured within ten hours, but this is really difficult with the madness after a big fight.

Chen Feng thought that the others were worried that no one would accompany them to practice after Lin Bu failed in the mission and died in battle, so they deliberately asked the two of them to have a match today.

I don’t know if I want to train him or myself.

Before the fight, Chen Feng took a look at each other's status.

In the past twenty-eight months, Chen Feng has tried many new results compiled by the Shadow Academy of Sciences.

Perhaps his genetic potential is extremely high, or it may be that after traveling through countless planetary systems in the Orion Arm, his brain has experienced too many stellar quantum fields in different planetary systems, or it may be that he continued to use it when he arrived. The jump, and the intensive use of the jump engine in many subsequent trainings, made some of his frozen genes become active again.

With the help of the handmade tea replica made by himself, his arousal level is now as high as 48.76%, which is quite different from Lin Bu who has also continued to use the warp armor recently and started to steadily improve, and reached 48.78%.

Lin Bu's arousal level has always been slightly higher than that of Chen Feng, which is why he is particularly dissatisfied after losing to Chen Feng.

"I won't lose to you again this time."

Lin Bu gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Feng spread his hands and said, "Don't be like this, you have to control yourself. If you are seriously injured and only one head is left, then I will have to go to the front line in person."

Lin Bu's lips curved slightly, "Isn't this exactly what you expected?"

Chen Feng was slightly startled at first, then nodded calmly, "You saw through it."

"Stop dreaming! It's impossible!"

Thirteen minutes passed, and the two flew out of the training ground side by side.

Miraculously, both of them felt refreshed and extremely satisfied.

"Instructor Ding Hu, do you think these two people are strange or not? They are clearly on a par with each other, but why do they both look so satisfied? General Lin is happy because he finally caught up with the sage, but why did he first What about Tetsuya?"

The deputy chief instructor asked in confusion.

Ding Hu smiled and said, "You don't understand this."

"Then instructor, please tell me."

Ding Hu only smiled and said nothing, looking like he could only understand but not express.

Ten hours later, the operation code-named T1 officially began. Lin Bu and 200 million soldiers quietly set off along different paths to the fifth area of ​​the asteroid belt.

According to tracking information, the fifth area currently has the least distribution of star-breaking cannons, which is a good opportunity to "escape".

At this time, 50,000 star-breaking cannons were evenly distributed outside the galaxy, continuing to cause damage at a stable frequency of one shot per cannon every ten minutes.

Fortunately, the many defensive measures prepared by humans effectively blocked the destructive effects of the Star Breaker Cannon.

The layers of protective metal film layer upon layer formed a great obstacle to the power of the Star Breaker Cannon.

The core productivity within the galaxy is not seriously affected for the time being.

Quietly, one small human combat unit after another quickly shuttled between the layers of protective metal film, and more and more information was reported back.

Thirty-three million combat units are divided into one million squads of thirty-three people each.

Each team's advancement route strictly follows the detailed plan of T1 operation.

The road map is woven into a fine network.

"The formation of the prism ships is stable and no large-scale mobilization has been seen."

"The shooting frequency of the broken star cannon is stable. The missile base X8231 in the fifth area has just been destroyed. The remaining battle damage reports..."

"The Tianyuan-class mothership No. 7515 has been targeted, all forward defenses have been destroyed, and Channel 7 has been opened."

"The No. 100 main column moved forward at a faster speed and dispersed in the form of rain after breaking through."

"The enemy ships have begun to mobilize, and more and more Star-Shattered Gunships are gathering in the fifth area."

"The new type of blade beetle has begun to move out and is leaping through the dome! The loss rate of the blade beetle has been further reduced than in the past, and the loss rate is less than 30%."

"Attention all teams, we are about to reach the outermost layer of the defensive membrane. We must act according to the predetermined plan."



In the temporary base of the command headquarters hidden behind Neptune, a partial simulation of the battlefield was projected into the hall.

Tang Tianxin, Chen Feng and others quietly looked at the team's road map, with solemn expressions and tense atmosphere.

It was a big net that looked like tree roots, densely intertwined.

The first half of the big net is a light green dotted line, and the second half is an emerald green solid line.

As the human units continue to advance forward, the lines become virtual and solid, and the image in the route simulation projection looks like water flowing through the towel.

At a certain point in the middle of the dotted line, a red dot is suddenly marked.

The meaning of the red dot is that according to the overall plan of the T1 operation, these combat units will be hit at this point.

Sure enough, when the solid lines represented by most units advanced to the vicinity of the red dot mark, they were hit one after another, with an error of no more than one million kilometers.

In the vast universe, this is extremely accurate, and the error is negligible.

Tang Tianxin nodded slightly, "Very good, as expected. The plan was completely successful. This proves that we can accurately grasp the thinking patterns and action patterns of compound-eyed people."

Chen Feng quietly turned his head and glanced at Tang Tianxin beside him.

This is why he has always been reluctant to ascend to the highest military command.

Those in high positions control the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people. No matter what the reason is, on the surface, every order issued by the military command, whether it is a success or a failure, is actually sending more people to death.

As long as there is a war, there are bound to be sacrifices.

The start of the T1 plan seemed "perfect" and impeccable, but the price of this perfect error control was that one soldier after another was hit predictably at the predetermined location.

Tang Tianxin is always able to perform like a fish in the command post because under her seemingly gentle appearance, she actually hides a heart that is as cold as steel.

She could feel happy that her plan was successful, but Chen Feng couldn't.

As time passed by, more and more small combat units arrived at the predetermined location.

The crowd was getting closer to the dome.

Gradually, some of the folding shadow warriors and the giant Broken Sword soldiers started to jump and tried to rush out.

At this time, the number of 200 million people and the 33 million manned small combat units has been reduced to 50 million people, less than 10 million combat units.

On the other hand, the three billion unmanned units suffered less damage. The Compound Eyes seemed to disdain to use star-breaking cannons to hit these low-value targets. However, there were still a large number of blade beetles rushing in to intercept them to hinder human "scientific testing".

Hidden among the crowd, Lin Bu was controlling a deformed refraction armor that looked exactly like an unmanned fighter jet, steadily advancing forward at a quasi-curvature motion close to the speed of light.

100 million kilometers.

99.3 million kilometers.

Thirty million kilometers.

A million kilometers.

Getting closer.

More and more people in the command center clenched their fists.

Tang Tianxin felt relaxed all over, and his emotions and anger were indistinguishable.

Finally, Lin Bu successfully reached the five-meter range of the dome.

He released the tester.

Almost at the same time, another folding shadow warrior wearing shining silver clothing and with extremely strong maneuverability was hit by the Star Breaker Cannon through the dome.

The penetration point is exactly within five meters!

Lin Bu succeeded!

He was the only one among all the soldiers who carried the test to successfully arrive and collect data.

Surprises and cheers erupted in the headquarters.

Only then did Tang Tianxin slowly say, "Okay."

The plan was 75% successful,

Just waiting for Lin Bu to take it back.

But at this moment, in the next instant, a beam of light penetrated Lin Bu's armor.

This was an unplanned star-breaking cannon beam, and it was not aimed at Lin Bu, but at a main battleship nearly two billion kilometers away from Lin Bu.

Perhaps it was just the chance to hit a string of two that triggered this additional bombardment.

Watching Lin Bu and the green dot represented by his folded armor extinguish safely, he also received an image of his rapid disintegration captured by the optical lens.

After an instant, the cheers in the headquarters suddenly stopped and fell into dead silence.

Lin Bu was killed in battle.

In a war of this scale, it doesn't matter how heroic you are, how brilliant you were in life, or your status and fame. People and death will always meet unexpectedly, and you will be caught off guard. You won't even have the chance to leave some inspiring last words.

The sudden change caused a sudden silence in the headquarters.

A moment later, the deputy general staff officer suddenly said: "The plan has not completely failed! The Compound Eyes do not know the importance of the tester, and there is no fixed point attack on the unpowered floating tester."

In addition to the testers carried by humans, thousands of testers disguised as meaningless missiles were also launched. However, during the advancement, these missiles were randomly captured by the additional star-breaking cannons that had just been transferred. As well as being destroyed by some new blade beetles that warp-jumped into the dome.

But this inconspicuous tester is floating quietly near the dome and will compress with the space. It slowly drifted inward at about the same speed as the dome's advancement.

After about twenty minutes, the distance between the tester and the dome will be slowly closed and completely destroyed.

The opportunity is still there, but someone needs to get the tester back.

Chen Feng walked out silently.

Tang Tianxin called him from behind, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Feng waved his hand without looking back, "Da Tou's acting skills are still too bad. I still have to do it."

The minister of policy tried to dissuade him.

Chen Feng paused for a moment, "This is the fate of poisonous ants. As you all know, I am overweight by nature."

When Chen Feng flew out wearing the special folding armor, he couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

In fact, Lin Bu has done it perfectly.

But Datou lacked some luck.

So unlucky.

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