The so-called freedom to meet the enemy means that the pilots controlling the intelligent war machines can make decisions completely independently.

But this does not mean that human beings' emergency battles are messy and disorderly. Freely facing the enemy is only the privilege of intelligent weapons and pilots, because they do not need the full assistance of the central intelligence brain.

As for others, they each received different detailed instructions and executed them quickly.

The accumulation of countless detailed instructions is the emergency response strategy of the entire military system of the Traveler Galaxy.

Thirty seconds later, a large number of armor arrays began to gather at the exit hatches of each starship.

Seventy-three of the Thunder Light came out of the hatch, and hundreds of armors of different types were lined up in the order in which they had completed their preparations.

At the front of the queue is Tong Ling and her T100.

The T100, which is nearly 60 meters tall, is obviously larger than other armors. In addition, it is at the forefront, which makes the T100 inevitably attract attention.

Zhou Wensong, who was responsible for coordinating the deployment, noticed the situation here, but at this point, he had nothing to say. He could only pray secretly in his spare time, hoping that the little girl would survive.

At this time, the "fish" in front had already approached the center line fleet at an extremely fast speed.

When the two parties came close to each other, the fish did not use the jumping maneuver.

About two years ago, humans created disruptors that disrupted warp technology.

Turning on a jammer suddenly can make jumps within coverage extremely unstable.

The advantage of the jammer is that it takes effect quickly and is very concealed. The disadvantage is that it cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

This thing is in the hands of humans, who can decide independently when to turn it on, and can give early warning to their own combat units before turning it on.

After the compound-eyed man suffered two losses, he no longer easily activated the jump when fighting at close range, and instead focused on conventional maneuvers.

It feels a bit like a confrontation between two major countries with nuclear weapons. They obviously have more lethal weapons, but during some small-scale frictions, soldiers from both sides will fight each other with fists and kicks.

Ship-borne weapons on the center-line fleet warships have begun firing.

Layers of firepower network intertwined in space.

The violent explosion of bombs formed a scene like a stellar cemetery.

A small number of intelligent combat units that had been patrolling outside had already formed a battle formation and moved forward to greet them.

The fish-shaped enemy plane finally revealed a new form.

The fish before looked like a long meteorite, but when it broke away from the curvature space and began to advance at a low speed, short hedgehog-like spines began to appear on the surface of the original streamlined body.

The length of each thorn ranges from one meter to 0.8 meters, and the front end of the spike continues to release strange radiation waves at a specific frequency.

A large number of radiated waves are intertwined into a web.

The omentum actually allows the fish to move forward at a stable speed of light without spraying thin media.

Moreover, the body shape of these fish is not fixed, and they can bend greatly. When bending, they can change direction in an arc with a very small turning radius, and they do not slow down at all when changing direction.

Visually, the flight path of the fish turns into one meandering stream of light after another.

The fish flew up and down, intertwined with each other, and continued to spread forward like a huge luminous braided line in space.

Chen Feng once dominated the battlefield with his amazing ability to change direction under ultra-high-speed conventional maneuvers.

But it is obvious that the fish's conventional maneuvering and direction-changing abilities have surpassed Chen Feng's.

The main carrier-based equipment of the middle-line fleet is medium and short-range small weapons, and the ballistic flight speed does not exceed the speed of light. When facing billions of enemy units, the coverage density is completely insufficient.

Although they were occasionally shot down, the distance between the two sides was still constantly being forced closer, just like the aircraft carriers in ancient times were as helpless against a swarm of enemy small bombers.

If it were the 21st century, and when this situation arises in a war, the aircraft carrier's only option is to retreat as quickly as possible to the coverage of its own anti-aircraft artillery and missile bases, and seek help from its comrades.

However, in a space battlefield where space is infinitely enlarged, it is difficult to evacuate when the enemy gains a maneuver advantage.

And in the rear fleet behind the center fleet, there were already large fortress-type weapons being charged.

The center fleet cannot withdraw.

Otherwise, the less maneuverable war fortress would be directly exposed to these amazingly maneuverable fish.

"Set off!"

After the five-second countdown ended, the exit hatch of Lei Guang No. 73 suddenly opened.

The T100's power engine, which had already been warmed up, was suddenly on full fire. The armor jumped down and out of the hatch of the transport ship, and then drew a very small arc below to attack the oncoming fish in front.

Tong Ling inside was shocked by the sudden burst of acceleration and felt a little dizzy. Fortunately, she was in good physical condition now, and the advanced life support system newly installed in T100 took effect in time.

The outside of her load bay is slightly covered with a thin layer of pulse-shaped curvature bubble membrane to reduce the pressure on her.

Tong Ling held back her discomfort and stared straight at the projection in front of her.

Within her field of vision, the left projection showed a large number of T100 armor parameters, as well as the preset program operation status review she had just completed.

On the right is a simulated projection calculated based on the information provided by the global battlefield intelligence.

The projected coverage volume is a sphere with a diameter of one billion kilometers.

The spherical space includes all friendly combat units and all detectable enemy combat units, as well as complex space terrain.

The Voyager Galaxy does not have the Kuiper asteroid belt like the Solar System. Instead, it is a large cloud of colorful radiation that revolves around the star in an elliptical orbit.

These radiation clouds are composed of a large amount of high-energy plasma, but the strange thing is that they usually do not release energy.

Most of the time, a large amount of radioactive energy is blocked in the thick cloud layer by the special closed structure of thundercloud plasma. Only when it is stimulated by external forces and the total energy reserve exceeds the endurance limit of the closed structure, it will be released in a very short time. It is suddenly released internally and externally, forming an arc of radiant energy around the entire galaxy.

The total energy released is approximately one-seven millionth of the total amount of light energy released by the Voyager star during its period.

Although it is only one part in seven million, the energy release range is extremely concentrated and the time is extreme. The energy level of the radiation cloud released to the outside world is extremely terrifying. Even mankind's latest high-end ships and combat units have to avoid its edge.

Once you are unlucky and happen to crash into the core discharge area of ​​a high-energy reaction, even the curvature bubble that can block space impacts will have to be shattered. Otherwise, it will be very fatal to cause some equipment to malfunction.

The existence of radiation clouds makes the battlefield environment relatively complex.

Humanity's three-tier fleet was also split into two parts by the radiation cloud.

The front center fleet is outside the clouds, and the rear fleet is inside the clouds.

Relying on a large amount of research, humans have a high degree of grasp of the operating rules of radiation clouds, and can rely on artificial means to slightly control the response rhythm of radiation clouds.

This is the geographical advantage occupied by human beings.

However, due to the strange characteristics of fish, humans' geographical advantage has been severely reduced.

However, fortunately, the human army is well-trained, and the combat command system of Mastermind Fanxing has a large number of effective plans, and countless new types of arms that the Compound Eyes can create can be conceived.

One of them, named the X85 Shuttle Locust, has more than 90% similarity in characteristics between arthropods and fish.

Therefore, the garrison is not completely unprepared. It has mature plans including the selection of weapon systems, and as time goes by, the army's execution efficiency is getting higher and higher.

At this time, the human fleet was arranged in a three-tiered array at the front, middle and rear in a formation that seemed chaotic, but in fact every warship and every fleet was able to provide fire support to each other.

The forward fleet had been divided into two. One part blocked the enemy from the front and faced the larger fish shoal. The other elite team left the cabin and returned to pursue the more than one billion fish shoal that was about to arrive at the center fleet from the rear.

Obviously, the two sides are now locked in a crippling attack, and it depends on who can survive until the end.

After reading the battlefield situation, Tong Ling closed her eyes and meditated for nearly five seconds, and then changed the T100's battle strategy at an extremely fast speed.

The new strategy took effect in time. The T100 first used conventional force field acceleration to reach the normal navigation speed of 0.8 times the speed of light as soon as possible.

At the same time, the armor began to move around the flanks.

Tong Ling did not choose to break into the enemy's position head-on.

Chen Feng, who was simultaneously executing the new strategy on the other side, nodded slightly. Before finding out the details of his opponent, he should take a roundabout way to avoid capsizing when he went out.

What's more, among all the smart weapons in the mid-line fleet, Tong Ling's response speed and propulsion speed are the fastest.

Now she has only a few dozen comrades around her, making it difficult to get effective support.

So, conservative strategy…

Chen Feng: "Pfft!"

The next moment, T100 suddenly made a V-shape in space, and then rushed forward in a chaotic spiral.

At the same time, Tong Ling's communication message has also been transmitted to the Traveler Command Center.

"Report to the headquarters. I am T100-1987-HZ-99 trainee pilot Tong Ling. I will engage the enemy in 3.7 seconds. According to the prompts of the simulation plan, my combat strategy is to use super-vibration magnetic storm thunder to create strong magnetic fields. On the battlefield, use the counter-unified polymerization cutting knife to test the attack at close range, and at the same time use the nullification ray gun to continuously bombard. Request the information capture assistance of the all-channel battlefield information collector!"

Zhou Wensong, who was compiling his own armor preset program, also received this message and was confused.

Tong Ling's intention is obvious.

She wanted to give full play to the super-class combat potential of the T100 and turn herself into an elite soldier, just like the sage Chen Feng in the nihilistic history, who took the lead and found the flaws in the enemy's new weapons through close-range and high-intensity fighting. No matter how bad it was, there would be more. Collect some information that scientists currently don't have to provide better convenience for other people's subsequent battles.

If T100 can really achieve the evaluation that mastermind Fanxing once had, even if it can only reach 70%, there will be no problem with Tong Ling's idea.

But the problem is that she can't even control the armor to complete some basic complex tasks.

She was clearly going to die!

Ahead, the T100 accelerated further, and when it was about to approach the school of fish, it suddenly started to jump, and in an instant it jumped directly in front of one of the streams of light.

It's just a simple decision.

But she took the on-the-spot predictions she learned from Chen Feng's training to the extreme.

The distance is too close, and even a fish with the ability to change direction at the speed of light cannot dodge.

In her positioning, she also accurately predicted the minimum turning radius exposed in the previous flight path of the fish school.

The fish directly in front of her had no intention of escaping, but suddenly froze in mid-air, and then suddenly changed its shape again, swelling up like blowing air, and turned into a main body about thirty meters in diameter, with burrs about three meters long. There are sea urchin-like things on the left and right.

Then the sea urchin suddenly spun, and countless spiral streams of light spurted out like cantilevers of the galaxy.

The stream of light gradually bent and converged forward, turning into an inverted meteor, with its long star tail piercing straight towards T100 like a sharp knife.

This entire process sounds complicated, but it actually only takes place within 0.1 seconds.

The front end of the tail of the streamer star is changing and swallowing cracks representing space debris one after another. There is a large amount of electric current in it. Its energy density is so high that it exceeds all the weapons of the compound eyes that humans have come into contact with so far.

This blow must be dodged!

Tong Ling, Zhou Wensong and many pilots who were quietly paying attention to the T100 were so nervous that they did not dare to take a breath.

Based on her own experience, Tong Ling has completed preparation of emergency plans for possible encounters with similar weapons.

There is only one thing she can do now, trust T100.

At this time, the matter became Chen Feng's.

This chapter was written yesterday, and there will be another chapter tonight, but it will still be very late. You can see it when you get up tomorrow morning.

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