"Is Chen Ling also at the Radisson Hotel? How is he?" Hu Xiaoxiao clasped the backrests of the two front seats with both hands, frowning, staring at Bill.

Bill had realized that he had missed his mouth, and smiled reluctantly: "Mr. Chen is very good, and he has not suffered any harm!"

Hu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in the chair again.

"But, he... why didn't he tell me on the phone... Bill, you said he was attacked. What's the specific situation? I heard that the attacker had a gun. How could he be unscathed?"

"Ms. Hu, I was not at the Radisson Hotel, so I don't know what happened at that time. All I know is that Mr. Chen was upstairs and the attacker was in the hotel lobby."

Hu Xiaoxiao thought carefully and found a loophole in Bill's narrative: "You said Chen Ling was attacked, and you said he was upstairs, and the attacker was in the hotel lobby, which means Chen Ling was not attacked. What happened? "

Bill wanted to slap himself in both mouths. Morris has told Bill that Hu Xiaoxiao came to Mali this time because his relatives were killed in the attack on the Radisson Hotel and came as a family member.

The Radisson Hotel was attacked because Chen Ling lived in it and was instigated by the leader of the Morris family. Therefore, the death of Hu Xiaoxiao's relatives has an indirect relationship with Chen Ling.

Morris personally experienced the attack and guessed that Chen Ling and Hu Xiaoxiao were closely related, so he specifically urged Bill not to let Ms. Hu Xiaoxiao know the relationship between Mr. Chen and the Radisson Hotel attack.

Bill remembered it, but couldn't control his mouth. After Hu Xiaoxiao asked a few questions, he almost told the truth involuntarily.

"Mr. Chen was indeed attacked... But Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person. He can always foresee the danger in advance and find a way to deal with it, so he was not harmed..."

Hu Xiaoxiao chased after him: "You mean, Chen Ling foresaw the danger, so didn't he go downstairs to the lobby?"

Bill spread his hands: "I don't know how it happened, I'm not there..."

Hu Xiaoxiao dissatisfied: "Why don't you know? You know, I also know, Chen Ling can foresee the danger! That time on the streets of Algiers, he foresaw the danger, and our car would slow down early... he Do you know my brother? I heard that there are only five Chinese in that hotel. My brother and colleagues are four in total. Then there is one person who is Chen Ling..."

Bill had already turned around and sat quietly in the co-pilot position, daring not to say a word.

"...My brother has two colleagues who survived. I can ask them if they know Chen Ling..."

Hu Xiaoxiao muttered to himself.

Bill held his head in both hands, complaining in his heart: "It's over, this lady is thoughtful and logical. When she asked the two Chinese, she might deduce what happened, and she would know that Mr. Chen was the cause of his brother's death. ...Oops, too bad!"



At dusk, Chen Ling's convoy arrived at Jeney City.

Djene city is not very big, and there are buildings made of clay everywhere. On the floodplain of the Bani River, a famous landmark on the African continent—the Great Mosque of Djenet is towering high.

The Grand Mosque is the largest adobe building in the world, and all the building materials come from the clay in the Bani River.

Like all traditional buildings in the Sahel, the walls of the Great Mosque of Djene are made of a mixture of adobe, sand and mortar. Rows of palm tree trunks decorate the walls of the building, which can fix the structure, replenish moisture, and prevent large-scale cracking of the walls. Moreover, most importantly, they serve as scaffolding for workers during repairs.

Chen Ling's motorcade galloped past the Great Mosque, startled the birds looking for food on the square, and flew into the air.

"This mosque is very distinctive..." Chen Ling looked at the khaki building outside the window and said in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid of being damaged by rain?"

Saidu seemed to have adjusted his emotions, lowered his head, looked at the mosque outside the car window, and said: "Patriarch, this mosque has been up and down for hundreds of years. It needs to be repaired every year, but it keeps standing. I am. Grew up in Djenet, but never went in..."

"Why don't you go in?"

"It's not that *** can't go in, and I don't want to go in. I have determined to become the elder of the family since I was a child, and strive to learn all the knowledge and skills handed down by the family. Skill."

Chen Ling was puzzled: "Is there anything special?"

"It's useless to outsiders, but for our family, these inheritances are the foundation for our family to continue to this day. Our ancestors are the Golden Guards, and the guards are not all family members of the same blood. Therefore, we It's not actually a family, but a tribe."

Chen Ling thought of Tereza. She always called herself a member of the Trida tribe, so she asked: "Do you know the title of Tereza?"

"Trisha? Patriarch, where did you know this title?" Saidu curiously relapsed, maybe this is related to his long standing as an elder.

Naturally, Chen Ling would not answer his question.

Saidu woke up and said in a whisper: "I am indeed a little too curious...According to the family heritage, Tereza is the title of the matriarch and the title used by the wife of the patriarch. In fact, since there is no longer a patriarch, this The title has never been used again, and very few people in the entire family know this title."

When Chen Ling heard this, his heart moved.

"Saidu, whether it is a tribe or a family, the positions of chiefs and patriarchs are generally inherited from generation to generation. Why are they actually selected in our family?"

Saidu heard Chen Ling's "our family", and he was happy in his heart, and Mr. Chen began to identify with his own identity. Turning to think of that "she" again, I couldn't help feeling sad. The patriarch will not let her go!

"Our family was formed around the blood of our ancestors, but when the ancestor personally set off with the golden guards for the last time, he took all the children with him. Before he left, he laid down the rules about the ring token. Later, those of us who stayed here were not convinced by anyone, so we had to elect the leader by way of election, as the patriarch-designate, waiting for the return of the token."

Chen Ling didn't understand why this loose family could last so long, and asked: "Can this form be maintained to this day?"

Saidu shook his head and said: "It is not because of this form, but because of another rule of the family. At that time, the land was not sold. Our family owns vast land, and the income from this can meet the basic living needs of family members. This is a very rare guarantee on our land..."

"Then the current leader insists on selling the land, isn't it a taboo?"

"There are always people who only see the benefits in front of them. When the current leader was young, he was the most loyal protector of family interests. Later, he was seduced and started to have ideas. ODF is the culprit!"

The convoy had passed the mosque and stopped in front of an adobe building.

"Patriarch, we are here." The driver turned around and said.

The people in other vehicles got out of the car and stood in front of Chen Ling's car, waiting for the escort Chen Ling to get out of the car.

"You go down first." Chen Ling said to the driver, "I have a few words with Elder Saidu."

The sky was getting dark outside, and a few light yellow lights lit up at the gate of the adobe building, which looked deep and mysterious.

Chen Ling pointed to the adobe building and asked, "Is this built by the ancestors himself?"

"Exactly. It is the core of our family. All major issues are discussed here, and all ceremonies are held here."

"I look familiar..."

Saidu was pleasantly surprised: "Really? You must have seen it, for sure, because you are the patriarch..."

"Is the patriarch reincarnated?" Chen Ling asked with a smile

Saidu was taken aback for a while, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood the meaning of "reincarnation", and said, "Yes, it's almost exactly what it means. Reincarnation is the Eastern saying. We call blood awakening..."

"No, I have actually seen very similar buildings in real life."

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