There is no proven treatment for Ebola virus disease and no medicine. Supportive therapies such as oral rehydration or intravenous fluids and treatments for specific symptoms can improve survival.

Rachel survived, using the ten thousand dollars that Chen Ling promised him to start a new life in Kinshasa with his nephew guide.

Wu Juan died of a virus unique to a foreign country.

If she did not work in a restaurant near the school back then, could her life go further?

The five-year-old Alpha doesn't understand what death means. He only knows that he hasn't seen his mother for a long time, because he is leaving the Democratic Republic of Congo and going to France with his grandparents.

Dr. Deyelica cried, crying very sadly. Bill was sent to Gabon by Chen Ling and could not be with her.

Mining tycoon Darren bid farewell to Chen Ling. Before leaving, he said that he must cooperate with Chen Ling to open a mine, and he will have a chance soon.

Dr. Hu and the rest of the exploration team went home separately. They will assemble in Dubai and then go to Sierra Leone in a team to start the development of the Tangkelili iron ore mine.

Molly returned to the original Molly and waved her hand without taking away a cloud.

She is going to accept the knighthood and collect money for Chen Ling. It is very likely that she will be promoted to the next level, and her future is bright.

Chen Ling said goodbye one by one, feeling down.

This was the first time so many people gathered around him, and it was the first time he sent so many people away.

People gather and scattered, life is all like this.

"Mr. Chen, where are we going next?" Francois tower-like stood behind Chen Ling.

"Back to Cameroon!"

On this road, Chen Ling started from Cameroon, took the initiative to enter Gabon, was forced to flee to Congo, was invited to Angola, and was finally able to arrange his itinerary freely in Congo.

Cameroon’s Mbaram iron ore project, you must go back and see, Samuel and Melina are still waiting for him.

The couple encountered a life-and-death crisis and were rescued by Chen Ling. Later, they were poisoned again. Fortunately, Chen Ling found out in time and escaped.

The Mbaram iron ore project still needs the escort of this couple, and Chen Ling cannot ignore it.



Bill flew to Gabon and joined Arnold.

He was silent a lot, except for talking about work with Arnold, and even when drinking beer together, he didn't talk very much.

Arnold saw that he had something on his mind, so he organized a party specially for him, and found a few beauties, Yingyingyanyan circled Bill.

This was Bill's favorite in the past, but this time it became Bill's burden.

"Are you dying?" Arnold asked bluntly.

Before the change, Bill replied, "Can I ask your wife", but today he was indifferent, and instead asked Arnold a question: "What is the relationship between the child and the parent?"

Arnold is speechless, is this the question you should discuss, Bill?

"Bill, your and my lives are not used to discuss such questions without standard answers."

Arnold handed Bill a glass of beer and said: "If you really want to know, don't ask others, drink, do a hair, give birth to one, and experience it yourself."

Bill was stunned, and said with joy: "Just do it!"

Arnold sneered and said, "Don't regret it, you won't be able to put a child back in your stomach after a child is born."

Bill smiled, already dreaming of being a father.

Arnold frowned, thinking that this kid is really going to have a child, and he might blame himself in the future.

He said: "Find a good mother for your child. When you regret it, at least someone will take it with you."

"I've already found it. Come on, have one!"

Bill grumbled and drank a full glass of beer, which was placed on the table again, and said: "The matter in Gabon is over, I will ask Mr. Chen for leave and have a baby."

Seeing Bill's recovery, Arnold said with a full expression on his face: "The things in Gabon are not simple. The kid from MI6 has brought many masters, and I have encouraged many people to assassinate Ge Geng. Times, but all failed."

Ge Geng used to flee because of the reward on the underworld and watched the wind. This time he made a comeback, his strength was very different.

Bill asked, "Who is there by his side, so amazing?"

Arnold said with a solemn expression, "Definitely a professional master. We have discovered that he has hired my old company, Heishui, to be responsible for security, but the personnel are not Heishui, but the elite of the Indian military, with United States people. There are also British and French."

Bill smiled and said, "This is a mystery. It doesn't matter who he is! Mr. Chen has already explained that he can increase the reward to US$2 million, and add it up to 3 million.’"

This is good news. It is easy to handle with money. More people will take the initiative to assassinate Ge Geng, making Ge Geng's people overwhelmed.

Bill added: "But you have to be careful. It's your reward order. Be careful of the other party attacking you."

Anoha laughed and didn't care: "I just want them to come!"

The party continued, and Arnold thought that Bill, who had returned to normal, would play with the women who rushed into it.

However, Bill spent most of his time drinking beer and chatting, occasionally inviting a lady to dance, and finally returned to his accommodation alone.

"Is this kid going to be serious?" Arnold didn't believe that Bill, who had been wandering for so many years, would take his heart out of it.

In the following days, the police in Gabon felt tremendous pressure.

For unknown reasons, underworld figures from neighboring countries gathered in Libreville. However, they neither robbed houses nor blocked roads, as if they were tourists.

It's just that, whenever people are quiet at night, there will always be fierce fighting somewhere, occasionally there will be gunshots, and someone will be found walking on the street the next day.

This situation has caused a lot of public opinion, and the people panic.

Some time later, the intelligence of the Gabonese police showed that Mr. Ge Geng, the general manager of the largest foreign investor Olang Group, was the target of these underworld figures.

And Ge Geng, who is rich and powerful, seems to be prepared for a long time, with countless bodyguards around him, equipped with elves, and underworld figures one after another, or simply have no return.

Mr. Ge Geng even personally accepted an interview, saying that he did encounter death threats from competitors, but he was fully prepared and optimistic about Gabon’s development prospects. He would not be frightened away by temporary dangers. He would insist on investing in Gabon and creating more. Employment.

Such high-profile promotion and flattering of Gabon, the image of Ge Geng, an Indian, is deeply rooted in Gabon, and by the way, the image of India as a country has also become better in the eyes of Gabonese.

Ge Geng did not brag, Bill, Arnold and MI6 teamed up and failed to break through Ge Geng's protection circle. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the young blacks in MI6 have not yet fully attacked.

Part of his force is investigating the reasons for MI6 leaks. It has been basically ascertained that Ge Geng’s original cooperative intelligence agency was MI6! And a staff member of MI6 in the Gabon Ministry of Defense has lost track.

Although the clerk was only a small person, this case exposed the fact that MI6 was infiltrated, which is a big thing for MI6. Therefore, the young black man in charge here is under a lot of pressure and distracted.

When the authorities were in a stalemate, a gangster who had taken the task from Arnold came to the door.

"The goal is dead, the task is complete, give me money!"

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