Chen Ling can't hide from things, can't hide from things sent from other countries.

Hu Xiaoxiao sent him a digital TV plan, with hundreds of pages thick, from technology to business, from content to channels, from financing to construction, and the arrangements were clear and clear.

"As long as you can persuade the local government to agree to do this project, I will be able to do a good job." Hu Xiaoxiao boasted down to Haikou.

Digital TV may not be the best product in the digital age, but it is the product that disseminates the largest amount of information under the most economical conditions.

In this world, whether rich or not, countless people spend a few hours in front of the TV every day, watching almost the same content. The only difference is that the rich use thin LCD TVs, and those who have no money. People use chubby picture tube televisions.

Chen Ling looked at the plan for a while and asked, "Is there a shorthand version?"

He certainly wouldn't say that he actually didn't understand it. As a big boss, face is a must.

Hu Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "There is no abbreviated version, you can just read the second and third chapters."

"I'm afraid the customer won't understand."

Chen Ling found a reason: "Most of the customers we face are not technical officials. What they care about most is cost and benefits. Two pages of paper must be able to explain things clearly."

No leader will read thick reports.

Hu Xiaoxiao said: "When will I meet the customer? I will make a PPT of what you care about and what your customers care about, and give me three days to make the English version directly. I will preach it in person at that time."

This is a task for Chen Ling.

Chen Ling has no pressure because he has made arrangements.

Mr. Ju has helped to contact friends in Uganda, and the Uganda Ministry of Communications took the lead, made preliminary exchanges, and expressed their willingness to cooperate.

"The stage has been set up for you, to see you perform."

Chen Ling decided not to go into the details of the matter, but to only control the general direction like those high-ranking officials.

Hu Xiaoxiao did not let him go: "This is the first digital TV customer. You have to participate in it yourself. You must be familiar with the investment and financing content. This is the key and you must handle it."

"Remember to contact the customer after reading the second and third chapters!" Hu Xiaoxiao didn't give Chen Ling room to be lazy.

Chen Ling had to honestly pull the scroll bar to Chapter 8 and read it carefully.

One of the biggest benefits of TV from analog signal to digital signal is the "digital dividend."

The so-called "digital dividend" refers to the conversion of terrestrial broadcasting and television from analog signals to digital signals, which can save wireless spectrum, and spectrum is a limited resource that can be used for other radio services, especially mobile broadband services.

In a truly digital society, the digitization of broadcast and television signals is the only way to go.

The second chapter of Hu Xiaoxiao's plan emphasizes the digital dividend and the application of the saved spectrum.

Is this a foreshadowing for entering telecom operations in the future? Chen Ling thought this way and saw this sentence: "Mobile broadband will gradually become the first choice for users to surf the Internet, and the digital dividend spectrum is conducive to achieving large-area wireless network coverage. This is the advantage of our company's comprehensive plan."

Chen Ling smiled, this is speaking as Xinghua Technology.

Hu Xiaoxiao wants Chen Ling to read this chapter. Obviously, he wants Chen Ling to pay attention to expressing the wishes of telecommunications operations with customers in the process of communicating with customers.

Chen Ling thought that Hu Xiaoxiao had been overwhelmed. How could he not think of this?

The content of Chapter 3 made Chen Ling realize that Hu Xiaoxiao's team has talents who really understand project financing.

Hu Xiaoxiao very cleverly combined investment, financing and operation, not only to make customers can afford the investment, but also to make low-income users can also afford TV costs, and more importantly, Chen Ling’s company can be operated The right to broadcast self-made content to the majority of users.

This is exactly what Chen Ling wanted.

In backward countries, many low-income people can't afford mobile phones. Radio and television are their best window to understand the outside world and the most important carrier of spiritual entertainment.

Through the broadcast of film and television dramas, foreign audiences can also understand the history and culture of China, understand the daily life of Chinese people, and slowly build up a friendly impression of China.

This kind of undetected propaganda is the most successful propaganda.



TAZARA's meeting went very smoothly, and a framework agreement was finalized.

MOIN Group takes the lead to integrate the investment and development of the Chambishi Copper Mine, the Tanzania-Zambia Railway and the Port of Dar es Salaam, with a total investment of US$3.8 billion.

Behind the MOIN Group are CR company responsible for the railway and CM company responsible for the Chambishi copper mine.

The port of Dar es Salaam is in charge of a subsidiary of MOIN, which is what Feng insists on. MOIN company should have its own project and its own team.

CM Company was introduced by Dr. Hu. It is China’s non-ferrous metal mining giant. It has operations in several countries in Africa. It has been eyeing the copper mines on the Zambia-DRC border. Now it suddenly got Chambishi. Copper mines are like pie in the sky.

"Don't cooperate with Lei Sheng Nan of SRK Company!" Chen Ling did not forget to remind him of this trivial matter after meeting the people of CM Company.

All mining partners under Chen Ling have already known this requirement, but no one knows the reason for it, and Chen Ling does not intend to be known.

After Lie Shengnan was selected by Hu Xiaoxiao, he didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning. The big deal is just not doing business in Africa.

However, Shuixi Iron and Steel, China Nuclear Power and CM are all domestic industry leaders and have a huge influence in the industry. The influence of Lie Shengnan's ban has quickly expanded to the country.

When several customers who had been cooperating with each other began to alienate, Lie Shengnan's performance in China declined unstoppably. In SRK, a company that relied on performance to speak, Lie Shengnan quickly lost its glory, and by the way, even his hoarse voice disappeared.

Hu Xiaoxiao heard the news from his classmates, and smiled: "Maybe the work is easier and the cigarettes are less."

Of course, that classmate was not just to tell Hu Xiaoxiao the news, and said: "Lie Shengnan is not bad in nature, and he is very concerned about his classmates, but sometimes he is more arrogant..."

The relationship between this classmate and Hu Xiaoxiao is pretty good. Hu Xiaoxiao doesn’t go around with him: “It’s useless to tell me these things. She offended my big boss, and I won’t ask my big boss to intercede. She is self-inflicted!"

The classmate smiled bitterly: "It's all classmates, please help!"

"Dali, you don't need to say much. She did it all by herself! If she left a little room in the beginning, it won't be today!"

Hu Xiaoxiao was not polite, and then changed the subject: "Dai Li, I am in urgent need of manpower, can you come? R&D, product, marketing or project execution positions, you choose!"

The classmate who Hu Xiaoxiao called Da Li was dumbfounded: "Being a boss is inhumane. I asked you to plead, but you wanted to dig me. What business are you doing now?"



Owen is going back to the UK, and he came to see Chen Ling to say goodbye. It happened that Dr. Hu was also there.

"White Wizard, do you know what Ms. Wang and Moussa did?" Owen asked.

Chen Ling nodded: "Musa told me, they are going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro."

Owen frowned and said, "I thought you would stop them. Although it is not difficult to climb Kilimanjaro, neither of them has experience in climbing, and they are prone to problems without the company of professionals."

Dr. Hu explained: "Although Wang Mingyue is with us, she is not in the same company with us and is not under the control of the White Wizard."

Owen shook his head and said: "This is not right. When we travel together, there must be a person in charge. Everyone can discuss it, but in the end it is up to the person in charge to decide. Those who have different opinions will either reserve their opinions or leave the team. We are here. In Africa, unauthorized actions are often a source of danger."

Chen Ling did not speak.

Dr. Hu opened his mouth and did not speak.

Because what Irving said was right.

"It is recommended that the White Wizard and Ms. Wang have a good talk, either obey the will of the team or leave the team." Owen said.

Chen Lingkan said to Dr. Hu: "You talk to your classmates and give Wang Mingyue a warning."

Looking for unit leaders, this is a typical Chinese way of doing things, and it is also a very effective way, especially for large groups like Huanuo Power.

Dr. Hu hesitated: "Is this... a small report?"

Chen Ling did not expect that she would say this, and smiled: "Don't be afraid to offend Wang Mingyue, it should be that she is worried that it will make you unhappy. If it weren't for your credit, she, the deputy manager of the international department, would not have such a good performance, no There will be such a good opportunity to come to Africa to play."

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