In fact, Zhengbang High School, where Atsushi Ziyuan is located, is a team that is extremely famous for defense in the country, and the existence of Atsushi Ziyuan makes Zhengbang like a tiger, but if it is facing Luoshan High School where all the personal strength is extremely strong, there are some flaws that will inevitably be exposed.

Moreover, with the current Akaji Seijuro as the commander tower, the overall strength of Luoshan University has been raised to a higher level.

And the current Akaji Seijuro is a little unhappy with Atsushi Shihara, so Akaji, who can win the game even if he fights steadily, rarely vents his little emotions for a while.

He opened his zone and brought all the members of Luoshan University into the zone, just to let Ziyuan Tun experience his horror.

And the truth is indeed as Akaji Seijuro thought, after all the staff of Luoshan University entered the zone state, looking at the shock on Ziyuan Atsushi’s face, the corners of Akaji Seijuro’s mouth turned up slightly, and he suddenly became in a good mood.

The fun of basketball is not only in winning~

Therefore, the competition between Luoshan High School and Zhengbang High School ended under the absolute control of Luoshan High School.

Luoshan University won by eleven points.

Next, until the afternoon, the upcoming competition between Yangquan High School and Jeongbang High School is coming.

Regarding the information about Atsushi Shihara and Masaho High School, Momoi May explained it to the rest of Yangquan High School.

And Arakihiko also recovered after a break.

He has found that the side effects of his ability seem to be getting smaller and smaller, maybe if he continues to exercise, the side effects can be completely eliminated, of course, this is the next story.

Compared with his Araki Hikoichi’s indifference at the moment, Gangmura Jianyi and the others showed solemn faces.

After all, although they won against Naksan High School, they only narrowly won with the strength of Araki Hikoichi, and now facing Zhengbang High School, or about to face Atsushi Shihara, this player who is famous for his height and physical fitness in the era of miracles, Yangquan who has always been accustomed to having an advantage in height is very nervous.

They are used to looking down on their opponents, so suddenly they become the side to be looked down on, and they are quite unaccustomed.

In fact, on the side of Jeongbang High School, the atmosphere is even worse.

“Aaaaa Atsushi Shihara held the snack in his hand and made a tantrum like a child in the lounge.

“Ziyuan! How can you not play?! The opponent is Yangquan High School, a school that even Luoshan High School has defeated, without you, we can’t compete with them!” ”

Iwamura Tsutomu, the captain of Masabo, persuaded Atsushi Shihara with a headache.

He couldn’t help it, after all, when he entered the school that year, Zhengbang High School wasted a considerable amount of strength to invite this little ancestor from Diguang Middle School.

So this led to Atsushi Ziyuan being quite willful in the basketball department of Jeongbang High School.

Hmph, if this is left in Kaijo, Ryo Huangse dares to make a tantrum, Yukio Kasamatsu can kick this guy on the court with one kick.

It’s a pity, this is in Jeongbang.

However, this also shows that in all the era of miracles, the current situation of players, Ryota Huangse is still the least status guy.

“We can’t even play Chizai’s team, and Yanyizai’s team will definitely not be able to play, so we don’t have to work in vain.” Atsushi Ziyuan said indifferently, he chewed snacks and put on a look like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Looking at the appearance of Ziyuan Atsushi, Iwamura Tsutomu is not helpless, after all, he has been with a child like Ziyuan Atsushi for a long time, and naturally knows how to deal with it.

Tsutomu Iwamura gave Tomoki Tsukawa, who was also a first-year student with Atsushi Shihara, and the latter immediately understood.

Tsukawa Tomoki had a ridiculous monk head, and he squeezed his eyebrows into Atsushi Shihara’s face, revealing a provocative hateful smile.

“Hey, Ziyuan, you guys won’t be afraid of the guys in Yangquan High School, right?” Tomoki Tsukawa said, “Little, coward. ”

While speaking, Tsukawa grimaced at Atsushi Shihara.

Then Atsushi Ziyuan’s face turned red as everyone thought.

“I, I’m not afraid!” Atsushi Shihara retorted indignantly.

“Huh? Then you show me the proof. ”

“Hmph, go up!” Atsushi Ziyuan snorted coldly.

OK, hooked!

Seeing that Atsushi Shihara agreed to play, Tomoki Tsukawa squeezed his eyes at Tsutomu Iwamura, indicating that the mission was completed.

Tsutomu Iwamura was also relieved.

In fact, before the competition with Luosan High School, Atsushi Ziyuan also had a temper tantrum, and Iwamura Tsutomu and others also solved it in this way last time.

Therefore, Ziyuan Tun, a child, has a temper, which occasionally makes people have a headache and is also rejoicing.

After the break time of the various teams passes, the last game of the national competition arrives.

Yangquan High School and Shobang High School were as usual, and Arakihiko looked in the direction of Shobang High School, Atsushiko Shihara still had long hair as before, looked lazy and unenergetic, and grabbed a packet of potato chips in his hand.

He grabbed a handful of potato chips, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed them on them.

Araki Hikoichi couldn’t help but smile, in fact, among all the people in the Age of Miracles, Atsushi Shihara and Tetsuya Kuroko’s personalities were actually the least changed.

The nature of the two people is like this, Ziyuan Atsushi’s child’s temper makes him instinctively follow the orders of this person who is stronger than himself, and at the same time dissatisfied with the weak people to point fingers at themselves, in fact, many people are like this, but they will not ignore the eyes of others like Ziyuan Atsushi, after all, this guy is only concerned with his snacks.

Before the opening, Araki went straight to the contestant seat of Shoho High School.

Because Atsushi Shihara didn’t mean to look up, it wasn’t until Atsushiko Araki walked to Atsushiko Shihara’s face that Atsushiko Zihara discovered Atsushiko Araki’s arrival.

“Long time no see, Shihara-san.” Arakihiko said with a smile.

Attracted by the familiar tone, Atsushi Ziyuan, who raised his head, still had half a potato chip in the corner of his mouth.

“Uh… Hikoichizai…” Atsushiko Zihara’s gaze was slightly stunned, and he subconsciously handed the snack in his hand to Araki Hikoichi, “Do you want to eat it?” ”

The usual tone made Arakihiko can’t help but think of those days before him, when he was cute.

“No thanks.” Araki hikoichi shook his head.

Atsushi Shihara is still the same Atsushi Shihara who was willing to share snacks with him before, but Araki Hikoichi is no longer the Araki Hikoichi who smiled happily when he ate snacks.

After seeing Arakihiko shake his head, Atsushi Shihara showed a rare look of disappointment.

But he immediately took back the snack and tucked it into his arms like a calf.

He didn’t overdo it and muttered in a low voice, “I just told you about playing, I didn’t want to give it to you.” ”

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