Jeong Si-yeon is from Korea, but she immigrated to the United States as a child and she is also fluent in English.

She's so so she's appeared in Hollywood productions.


“How are you?”


When she received the phone call a few days ago, she was unconditionally not wanting to do it, and even just recently, because of the preliminary round, she was unconditionally not wanting to do it.

it shakes now

When am I going to shoot an advertisement with someone like Siyeon Jeong again?

It would be an honor just to hold your hand.

However, the answer that lingered in my mouth was 'no' again this time.

I'm not hungry.

'If you're shooting an advertisement, there's probably not one or two things you need to worry about after leaving the screening. It’s a matter of coordinating the schedule right now.’

If your opponent is Siyeon Jeong, it will be even more difficult to coordinate.


It's not right to do this.

“We negotiated, and we decided to match the schedule with Lieutenant Choi as much as possible.”


“For reference, this is the part that Siyeon Jeong also agreed to.”

Oh my gosh.

Did Siyeon Jeong agree?

Does it make sense?

“In all other respects, we will match up with Lieutenant Choi. So, think positively.”

uh… … If that's the case, I can't help but think positively.

“Is it possible to move the shooting date from the 26th to the last day of the next month?”

"Yes! Anything is possible!”

The preliminary round will end next month, on the 24th and 25th of April.

Even if we start the operation right from the month of May, we have five days left.

I think I should take a picture then.

“But before that, a couple of days are wasted in the concept and meeting, right?”

“Public service advertisements do not take that long because they have already been framed. It takes a long time to take a day.”


If you think of taking a short break in the middle, it's enough time to take it out.

"okay? What time is the commercial?”

“It’s also two days at the longest.”

As I said earlier, even if we start the operation right from the month of May, there are five days left.

Two days is more time.

I completely changed my mind.

“Then, it seems possible.”

"Five! Are you really?”

"Yes. But I’m sorry that you put everything together like that.”

"no. It's to protect the country."

"haha. You just need to get permission from the unit. We will get back to you with permission or not.”

"all right. I'll be waiting for your call. I wish I could.”

Hmm, come back.

Rather, what kind of situation you are now, I'm worried that you'll be criticized for thinking of doing an advertisement.

I hung up the phone, scratching the back of my head.

“Baby, what are you talking about in the 77th Special Forces? What did you say?”

As we continued training again, Seong Da-kyung came to visit.

Holding her both hands full of food.

“You’ve had a qualifying round.”

“Preliminary round?”

“The recruited personnel are not going on the operation to retake Jeju Island, but they are trying to figure it out there once more.”

"iced coffee. How do you guess?”

“After grouping them into groups of 10, they competed against each other. A total of nine in a full-league manner.”

“Hey, that’s going to be hard. Not all will be good.”


She waved her sword and said.

“So I’m going to try harder.”

“I’ll help too!”


“You can do it against me.”

"okay? So can I really do it?”

As she speaks while smoking mana on her sword, Seong Da-kyung stands back with her face pale.“Oh, no, no! I won’t!”


It's a joke right now, but it's true that I'm serious about it.

There is nothing you can do to pass the qualifying round.

“That’s right, I got a call a few days ago about a public service advertisement. To WBS PD.”


“I just called again.”

"Why? What do you mean?”

“Jung Si-yeon also came into the public service advertisement.”

“Jung Si-yeon? Actor Jeong Si-yeon?”


"Wow! OMG!"

“Anyway, after that, he said that he would tailor all the schedules and other things to me. Siyeon Jeong also agreed.”


Seong Da-kyung vomits admiration over and over again.

It feels like you're looking at me

“Then can’t we do it? Besides, it’s Siyeon Jeong!”

“Well, that’s why I did it.”

"that is great! When are you filming?”

“Between the 26th and 30th of the next month? There is also a meeting for a day or so in between.”

“Awesome great!”

“But I don’t know yet. If the unit doesn't allow it, it's absurd."

“Are you sure you will?”


“It’s not just a public service advertisement, it’s a public service advertisement related to Hunter. The filming location is also a terrestrial broadcasting station.”

“That’s right, but my life is a little off right now.”

“Because of the operation to retake Jeju Island? A selection match?”


“It doesn’t matter. and it's you He said he did it, but no one told him to do it.”

“Ah, that went too far.”


Seong Da-kyung spoke in a serious tone.

“From my point of view, if you do it, it’s unconditional permission.”

* * *

“WBS has a public service advertisement offer?”

next day.

Seong Da-kyung's words yesterday became a reality.

“Then you should. And it's not like anyone else, but our 1st platoon leader said he would do it unconditionally."

“Thank you, battalion commander.”

“Let’s hear it, you said that you’re filming with actress Jeong Si-yeon?”

"That's right."

“Heh heh, that’s great. The power of our 1st platoon commander to summon such celebrities.”

“Ha-ha-ha, it’s not like that.”

“It seems that way to me. Anyway, good luck. I'm cheering from behind."

Battalion Commander Na Young-tae smiles as he speaks.

I was given permission, but I didn't really know that I would get such a good response.

Of course, not all are like this.

Just when I was posting the interim report to Kwak Sang-gi earlier, I heard a voice saying, 'What are you, and what are you shooting for?'

Hearing this news right now, you're probably going to be pretty pissed off.


“Yes, battalion commander.”

“When you have time, please get some autographs from Siyeon Jeong. As far as I know, our sons are his fans.”

"all right. I'll take a few hundred copies."

“A few hundred? Then take one or two hundred.”

“If it’s for the battalion commander, two thousand pieces are possible.”

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

A smile hangs on the mouth of Battalion Commander Na Young-tae again.

How many years have I been with this floor jjambap?

He mastered this kind of savagery right away.

“There is nothing more to report to the 77th Special Team, as I will tell them.”

"all right."

“Oh, and filming is about the end of next month?”

"That's right. We also have one meeting in the middle.”

“If it’s a weekday, I’ll give you a vacation, so feel free to go. You shouldn’t get caught up in your daily routine for nothing.”

"no. Fine."

“Hey, do what I tell you. After all, isn’t the selection for the Jeju Island recapture operation all over before then?”

“… … Thank you, battalion commander.”

“Thank you. What a difficult thing.”

He went beyond permission and was promised a vacation.

I think that battalion commander Na Young-tae might be a better line for me than the previous battalion commander Hwang Dae-man.

By the way, this is an advertisement with Siyeon Jeong.

My heart is beating already.

* * *

That weekend, I stopped by my hometown for a while.

I had lunch plans with my family.


The older sister who came first sees me and makes a fuss.

“It’s a superstar!”

“… … What does that mean, again?”

“You’re filming an advertisement, with Siyeon Jeong. Then you are a superstar.”

“… … Don’t overdo it.”

“He doesn’t know Jeong Si-yeon well.”

My sister looked around and said,

“If you think that Siyeon Jeong doesn’t really fit her, she is someone who talks to director PD or separately. Get that person out.”

“… … really?"

“My older sister is also a reporter. There are a lot of connections in the entertainment department that I know.”

It is said that celebrities often have a different appearance from the video.

So is Siyeon Jeong.

“Anyway, are you filming an ad with Siyeon Jeong? That means you have reached a certain level.”

“But Siyeon Jeong didn’t know that her opponent was me, didn’t she? I originally refused.”

"Nope. Understand. I think the PD said you were unconditionally contacted by Jeong Si-yeon.”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

“Hey, and Siyeon Jeong also said that she would set up a schedule for you? Then it's over.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“By the way, my brother has succeeded. People like Jeong Si-yeon treat me like that.”

“What is the succession? Siyeon Jeong also listened to my situation and understood it.”

“I don’t know what he said. Jeong Si-yeon is not the kind of person who listens to that kind of understanding.”

The older sister looks around her again.

And she whispers in a small voice.

“How high is her nose. She doesn't even make eye contact when saying hello."

“… … okay?"

“Because it is.”

“… … It will be for me as well.”

“It will be different for you. Look at what she said she would schedule. But she just smiles and shakes hands and nothing like that.”

She smiles and shakes hands. I didn't want it anyway.

It's enough just to say hello.

but… … I have to get the battalion commander's autograph.

What if you don't?

“You, but you’ve been called out this time.”

“Operation to retake Jeju Island?”


“Sister, aren’t you going to write that as an article? It's confidential, so if I make a mistake, I'll be arrested."

“What does this look like to me? Nope."

“Then why?”

“I just thought it was a little dangerous.”

“Not dangerous.”

"okay? Isn't it better to fall in danger?"

“Are you going to leave the strategy behind because superstars are dangerous?”

“Mr. Lee, it’s not like that.”

Sister Picks Up Fork

Am I mistaken that it looks scarier than a troll arm?

coldly crumpled.

"Hahaha. I'm kidding."

“Do it first. Give it a try, and if it’s too risky, leave.”


“Why are you answering meekly?”

“No matter how much I want to do it, I can’t do it until I worry about my family.”

“Yes, yes. You think well.”

“Instead, if I can prove it, trust me and watch over me.”"proof?"

“You didn’t talk. It’s a preliminary round.”

"iced coffee. I did it."

“If you pass it safely, won’t it prove it?”

She nods her head as if she understands.

And speak in a soft voice.

“It’s wonderful, my brother.”

“What, all of a sudden? I will make chicken meat.”

The fork is lifted again in my sister's hand.

She quickly changed her words.

“It feels good enough to make chicken flesh, that sound.”

“Yeah, that’s how it should be. So, I'm very, very happy. My younger brother is doing well as a hunter, and other than that, it’s good enough to even shoot commercials with top stars like Jeong Si-yeon.”

I am more than happy

Because I can be that kind of person to my sister.

“Did you guys come first?”

My parents arrived around that time.

A pleasant lunch started.

* * *

― We would like to have a meeting about the concept, how are you doing this weekend?

A few days later, I got a call from PD Lee Pan-ho.

"Fine. See you then.”

- Yes. We will text you the location and time.

"all right."

What is to come has come.

For some reason, I'm more nervous than when I'm fighting any battle.

In the past, I even took a picture with a girl group member Kang Kang-woo, but I don't know why it's so big, Kang Kang-woo is at the level of an average person compared to Jeong Si-yeon.

Siyeon Jeong is such a top star.

“Welcome, Lieutenant Choi.”

Then the long-awaited day finally came.

WBS conference room.

I greeted PD Lee Pan-ho first.

“Hello, PD.”

“Sit this way.”

PD Lee Pan-ho was a man in his thirties with a thick beard.

He feels like a friendly next door neighbor.

“Soon Si-yeon Jeong will be here too.”



Coming soon.

What should I say when I come?

nice to meet you?


With his head pounding, the door to the conference room opened.

slinky ♪

The bell hanging on the door chimes.

And a woman comes in, making a noise of shoes.

At that time, like Kang Kang-woo, the dress was plain.

Jeans on a blouse.

The hair style is also common, straight hair.

But after that, an enormous aura blooms.

Is that a celebrity halo?

Of course, it was all about looks.

Looking at the big eyes and raw lips embedded in the small face, it is hard to doubt whether it is a human or a doll.


This is not the time.

He stretched out his hand to say hello.


“Are you Lieutenant Dojin Choi?”

"Ah! Yes! Hello!"

"Nice to meet you. This is Siyeon Jeong.”

First come to say hello.

So far, I haven't been so upset. Because Siyeon Jeong can say hello first.

What was surprising was what happened next.

“… … !”

Siyeon Jeong suddenly kisses her on my cheek.

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